Micheal was kind of begging on the Strand in London. He came there on bicycle. Check out his story! Many thanks for all the likes, comments and subscriptions. God bless you.

Do you have a story to share? |contact me on selektazupa@gmail.com and check https://cosmopolitus.com/we-are-looking-for-your-story

Vlog in text:
All right folks we are here with Lee who’s from the area around London right and what what what makes you homeless my friend I’m I’ve been homeless for seven years now seven years on the streets is always

London in London always in London you come from like a close by yeah you come from where um in Kent Kent which is nearby but is that your bike yeah all right you travel on the bike yeah yeah okay my friend so Lee tell us something about yourself you know what made you homeless and things well I was in prison in prison yeah down to drugs oh so that that was 8 years ago 8 years ago and you came out yes you want to come out whereever go back to the drugs where I was or come up

here and start try and stick off the drugs all right my friend that’s what done come up sorry that’s what done come here you come here and uh how of do you back always here or in the Strand no understand why but is it good is this is a good place all right my friend Lee this is a very noisy [Music] Street it’s a very very busy night as well I would say yeah where do you stay um normally up in hen up the H okay you’ve got a place to stay there or what no at the station H at the station outside the station I sleep you stay at the station I sleep outside yeah you sleep outside the station man how long you’ve been homeless 7 years 7 years you don’t look too bad man you’re doing well actually what keeps you alive you know you’re sleeping outside and you’re still doing well what keeps me alive generosity I suppose what generosity I suppose generosity people people are generous how much money you can make actually it depends Pence you come on a bike and you just stay here and how much money you make I haven’t made any money yet no money made yet not that’s no good man no all right tell me about yourself about your schools and family life and that fast right now your parents have passed away yeah I’m sorry to hear that are you on your your own or you had a family

yeah what happened to your [Music]

family don’t know with the drugs sorry dance with the drugs I was on are they still in Essex they in yeah I see I see what would you say to young people who are messing with drugs and would you give any advice to them stay away from it stay away from drugs stay away from it you see what I mean folks that’s what that’s what Lee says and you’ve been messing with drugs are yeah suppose since I’ve been up here I haven’t known so 7 years ago 7 year ago8 years ago eight years ago yeah all righty tell me more about yourself well there not much really to tell um I’m 44 I’m hoping to go back to work hoping but at a minute I’m just looking something

to hope that come along sorry hopefully sound changing I’ll get somewhere to live and go back to work right what did you what have you used to do I’m a painting and decorator sorry painting and decorator painting and decorator right what a lot of jobs and somehow it do been are you going back to the painting and decorating

job yeah I’d like to yeah yeah mhm yeah yeah yeah yeah you would like to go back to the job yeah all right well anyway folks if you got any questions for Lee let me know if you know any question Dexter says hi Poppy say hi yeah but Lee is here and Lee’s got some answers to answer today yes Lee how is the help of the city is the city helping you a lot not really no not

really I see so you don’t get any help from the city not really no but you get a shelter right well that’s all you get a shelter but you get accommodation as well or not you don’t get accommodation I’m sorry to hear that mate I thought you’ve got a hostel so where do you sleep sleep at H station okay well you see what I mean Le sleeps on the stations folks okay what can we do to help you have you got a phone number or something like that yeah I got a phone number yeah yeah what’s your phone number maybe somebody can help you 07 07 folks listen to this 3 51 yep 3 40 all right 43 right folks so if you want to help basically Lee with getting out of the proper prty right can call you on that number right and you’ll be able to you you’ve got the phone charged my phone ain’t charged right now but it be charged within the next within the next few hours yeah okay all right all right Lee so you’ve been pained a DE Ator for some time right how was the job did you enjoy that would you get back to it yeah I will yeah yeah you would so if somebody’s got a job with painting and decorating you would go for it yeah go over there you would go for the painting and decorating job so if anybody’s got a job for like a painter decorator Le there yeah would you do like a living job or around long I’d like i’ I’d like a place to live yeah but AA England aa aa either either of that jobs you would be would be good for you right okay all right folks well I hope you to hear from you and we get some job for for Lee and people will call you and get a give you a job so we can get off the streets because Lee has been on the street for last what eight years seven years 7 years sleeping rough have you been actually working any of that time no no no not work at all all right okay all right Lee so how did you go through the covid know the co when everything was shot how did you manage uh

well it go it was okay though I didn’t catch it I didn’t get Co you didn’t C get Co all right and how far is the accommodation how do you get there on your

bike yeah if I I haven’t got a conversation but if I did have yet it be on my bike yeah on the bike it’s such a noisy place for to have an interview but let’s ask Le few more questions uh are you so you are English have you ever thought about like moving out of England no no is your home and you want to stay in England yeah all right my friend uh why the Strand do you like to come over here or do you all see do you stay in other places as well no I like it you like it here yeah all right my friend yeah you what you doing a documentary yeah documentary homeless yeah yeah good I’m homeless you homeless as well yeah well join join Lee for the interview join join the boy join join my friend you know for the interview and tell me your story camera oh I see okay well I just went to the Sao yeah and I said it any chance you may have a room spare what did they say unfortunately not no no but if you don’t ask you don’t get I see yeah but it’s hard being on the street you know especially London I come from London and this is uh London is finished now you know why I don’t know why it’s just finished just I lived it all my life and uh now I can’t even get somewhere to stay up at night you know you can’t even get that no no that’s just what I’m saying I must say you don’t look like homeless but you’re doing well I always try to keep myself clean you know go to the bathroom and then if I need to I still lot I have to go and steal from the shop so I get my toothpaste oh no don’t do that you get yourself in trouble places to to give you your personal hygiene items yeah songus do you use any any any yeah M goes I’m in touch with but they they’ve not been in contact with me you know I see but um but like you say you have to do what you got to do sometimes it’s Pride I don’t like to go to them places Pride you know I see yeah that’s the thing you yeah Pride some people are happy on the street yeah me like me I’ll stay in a block of flats in the stairs you know look I I stole yesterday I stole a quilt all right to keep me you know things you got to do you know all right well you sure you don’t want an interview with you no maybe another time you should I give you

a and the thing

work I was in jail for 22 years what what for my friend what for you’ve been in jail the murder oh Cy you’ve been when I was 17 you know when I was a kid you were in you murdered somebody yeah well not me a so-call friend you know oh my God that’s bad in ja for 22 years I’ve come out and I was working it was only because 3 years ago my mom she fell ill right and I give up my job and my place to look after my mom and then last year she passed away she died and then I stayed at her place and then the council they kicked me out of the place and never give me nowhere to stay and that’s was you on the Hess streets and since 11th of December I’ve been on the streets I see I’ve asked the homeless people you see folks you see folks this is this is what happens you know the council is not really looking after people here you’ve been in there’s no help no not at all man at all all right but you just got to do what you got to do you know yeah there’s a guy from Ireland Jo watching this you not you’re British there’s some Irish folks watching this yeah I’ve lived in London all my life and it’s it’s finished now you know London is I used to love London but now I hate London because it’s is it’s not much to do government they’re the legal mafia they they’ve ruined the country the government M that’s the one who who’s done it the government look what they’ve done they like the conservatives and all the government they just take all the money out the PO all the poor people have got to suffer I see but anyway you take care yeah well thanks for for stopping you know uh maybe somebody wants to help you there’s a phone number for you to help you uh yes no I won’t give my phone number okay no worries my friend all the best I’ll see you you take care yeah you too and uh the best I’ll pH you one day see you around story for you anyway good yeah I’m waiting for that cool good story enjoy your evening and take care buddy thank you cheers all right Le sorry about that uh let’s get back to the interview is there anything else you would like to add no I don’t think so you don’t think so well Lee so I’m I’m glad you know we could have a interview with you Lee has been homeless for 8 years on the Streets of London uh so there’s no phone number for you if somebody wants to help you gave you the phone number yeah right so I we had the phone number just call Le and help out is in London and you need help right job accommodation what else okay that’s it all right thanks thanks for sharing this hopefully one day you get off the streets and I well I get going thanks for the interview my friend cheers all right thanks a lot for watching this one we are in one of the busiest places in London in central London around the Strand which is a place where Gordon Ramsey’s got a restaurant is just over there so I see you next time and this is Lee who’s been homeless for 8 years cheio

Vlog was a Bo there was a [Music]

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