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Folks we are here with Stacy who’s been on the Streets of London for how long three months three months and what made you homeless um our thatat uh got frogged the council didn’t do nothing about it we kept ping them and the whole SC come down oh I see and that was you and and and and your dog and your boyfriend yeah all right and how long ago was that uh um 3 months ago so three months ago so soon as it happen we had to move out I see where are you from Stacy I’m from Essex from Essex is that how far from London you are uh about an hour and a bit hour and a bit I see I see and have you been always on the Streets of London or or you you’ve been homeless in different places as well yeah and how is the dog coping with being homeless uh she’s doing okay um she’s doing okay obviously she got L di first so she’s not really cold but um we give her food in that St yeah I see the dog is playful and all that it’s a happy happy choppy well tell me about your stay you know about your life you know your schooling and how did you basically well I know you you are homeless because of the flood right yeah um so I went to school um I’ve done quite good grades um and then I went into college pass my col moved as a child care practitioner level two and then I went into apprenticeship and I have a job in a nursery in Nursery right well done what happened to that job um I’m I’m still in it but obviously they don’t know that the about the flat cuz I’m still talking to my mom and that so I do um go um see my mom but just call me stay there I see uh how long you’ve been with your boyfriend uh about a year and a half a year and a half and you you are on the streets together must be hard where are you going to sleep tonight guys um we usually go uh go in the underground in the underground is that open 24/7 yeah okay so you’ve got a place in the underground where you sleep yeah right Stacy you’re so young and on already on the streets I mean do you use any Charities to to help you out um I I know there’s a um um I don’t know what you call it it’s like a place for homeless people um and you can get like free food there um so I’ll go there to get some food like are you are you going there sometimes yeah I’ll I’ll go there sometimes when H and they help you out with food and shower and places things like that oh I see I see Stacy what would you say to Young people who are thinking about basically well nobody thinks about living on the streets but uh you know living on the streets yeah what it is like um what I say is if you are U living in the streets really just be careful on the people you come across if people want to try and take you in don’t because it might just end up bad and just keep your warm as as best you can but right right right right and what’s what’s the future is looking for you my friend um obviously I’m kind to talk to my parents to see if they can um talk to my social workers about a new place and that and with my boyfriend so hopefully I’ll get somewhere right right right so there is there is future for you yeah yeah like you should get like a council house if you are with your boyfriend right are you you going to get a house yeah should be you Reon all right well tell me about yourself you know what’s your hobbies and what do you like to do in your free time um my friend obviously I want to um be with my boyfriend I want to like grow up with him have a family with him um get like um like bigger
job that’s that’s just just like normal Dreams yeah family normal home and things like that yeah all right well I wish this will happen to be for you uh what are you doing actually to to to get there um obviously find new place um and then look around for jobs um I want to do a level three in child care if I pass that level three level and then I will not open my own Nursery open your own Nursery that’s that’s that’s your that’s the plan well hope you can do it open your own nurser well that’s that’s quite ambitious but I hope you you you can get there yeah and uh what schooling so what did you what did you finish in a like primary school I finished school and I finished college and then apprenticeship it didn’t really go well for me cuz I didn’t really help me out cuz I’ve got like loaning difficulties they didn’t really help me out so I got kicked off but I’m I’m still in the level two that job just as a normal job and then maybe I’ll go a level three online course so try and help me you’ve got to get off the streets first of all I would say you know right and uh when you when you like beg are you begging as well or your boyfriend begs or how you making money just like sit here and see if there’s like anything come our way really okay but you’re not like asking people for money are you you’re not and your boyfriend does the Rounds Around and yeah I think with us um with us I feel that when you beg like actually ask for money I just feel that is that quite rude just whatever happens happens I think that’s my top tip is just don’t beg like ask for money just you know whatever happens happens and see where you get in life really MH all right all right Stacy yes yes Stacy from Essex yeah what town is that uh R food okay never haven’t not been there yet uh what’s your dreams um well open put up my own nursery and be a manager in my own Nursery
right right all right well thanks a lot for the interview my friend I wish you get better soon uh what else can I wish you um not
sure um a dry place for tonight is it a dry place for tonight that’s that’s what it is all right my friend all the best and uh see you around vlog [Music] Vlog was a Bo this is fer Z you are watching zupa
TV you so dope s
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