Vloger Zupa organizes weekend workshops on how to make money in videos on social media. Workshops will take place in the beautiful surroundings of the Beskid Landscape Park. You will learn the secrets of what cameras to use, how to operate a drone and a gimbal, and most importantly, how to monetize your videos so that platforms such as Facebook or Youtube pay you for each view of your video. The workshop will take place in Osada Bura Polana – a magical place 600 meters above sea level where we will spend the weekend. Accommodation in cottages or luxury apartments. Possibility to buy food or board on site. Each workshop participant will leave with a short film from their stay at the workshop.
19.00 How to make money online
20.00 Time for dinner
21.00 Sauna / Disco / Bonfire
09.00 Time for breakfast
10.30 Classes on video editing software
12.00 Walk to the Stinky Springs
15.00 Time for lunch
18.00 Gimbal workshops
19.00 Time for dinner
20.00 Meeting in the Agata Shed (Disco/Fire/Sauna)
09.00 Time for breakfast
10.00 Drone workshops
11.30 Walk to Zapolanka
15.00 Time for lunch
18.00 Farewell