I met Andrew and Steward who are sleeping tough in the streets of London.Andrew used to run a big event company. a story from the riches to rags. Check this out!

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the system’s broken I’ll pay tax all my life in the UK here born in the UK I ran an events company big company and covid obviously it wiped it out yeah so it was difficult but I’m not allowed to claim benefits we are here with Andrew and let’s do it I’ve been I’ve been on the street for about a year and a half an hour in and out of London in and out of Essex through through um yeah basically I’ve ended up back here I’m going on a route now trying to get a place so I’ve been told to come in on Monday and I find that my situation then

[Music] we have to be on streets [Music] 36 years


have a good life

what’s going to happen if I might get put into a hostel I might not till Monday I don’t know yet it’s been a struggle for everything up here signing up for our doctors it’s been long-term hard work it’s only just recently in the last few days I’ve managed to sign up for a doctor’s managed to get into a homeless shelter like a place where I can eat and get things rolling you know what I mean and they said come back on Monday for an assessment and let them we go from there it’s a system the system’s broke the system’s broken I’ll pay tax all my life in the UK here born in the UK I ran an events company big company and covid obviously it wiped it out yeah so it was difficult but I’m not allowed to claim benefits because I’ve got research and development tax credits come in so because of that the loophole is if you’ve got over 16 000 pound in savings which I haven’t on paper I have United benefits so that means I’m not entitled to support which means I’m not entire to be housed now the difficulty of that is obviously I’ve got no local Connections in London because I’m from Leicester so I’d have to go to Leicester to get any sort of support you see what I mean it’s frustrating um and I can see I can see why I used to think first thing I used to think when I see someone on the street is drink called drugs it ain’t always like that it ain’t always like that personally I haven’t yet hit drugs I feel like it because I see why people do it you see people want to get warm people want to get out of this situation like likely but it’s not easy it’s not easy when you’re not from the area you don’t get no support because you’re not um a local resident yeah but there is a slight way around it because I’ve managed to do it but it does take a long time and I’ve managed to do it right now but I don’t know how far I’m gonna get through it now do you know what I mean but I’ve managed to get around it now do you know what I’m saying and I’m doing that and they’ve told me to come back Monday and the ball could Roll by the end of next week I could be in a hostel but then from the hostel it goes from there it hustles just temporary it could be two weeks and then back on the streets or it could be four weeks and you get put into a bed um what’s it um a studio flat sorry a studio flat yeah and then you go from there do you know what I’m saying so until Monday I don’t know I’m saying but my balls rolling now so but last night Stuart yes do you want how long you’ve been on the streets I’ve been on the street for about a year and a half now about 14 months 15 months yeah yeah about 14 15 months you’ve survived to one window come on the winter yes yeah yes that’s the oldest bit in it horrible but I’m not gonna lie last night in 15 months was the worstest night I’ve slept on the streets worse it’s nice last night was the worstest night on the streets in my life soaking wet look I’m still wet now soaking you know horrible freezing cold my bones hurt my face hurts cold horrible horrible why was that why was that why was it the worst night it wasn’t like Raining Raining pouring down it was wet and cold in it all night it’s dangerous out here on the streets people don’t realize it it’s very dangerous you know what I mean you’ve got to be careful of everyone else and the biggest problem is the other homeless people sometimes yeah they deserve a threat you know what I mean even though like whether you take drugs or you don’t you’re still in that you’re out in the open of course I mean some people dead and imagine this yeah so you’re at home with your wife and you don’t want to walk through town at night because you’re worried we have to live in the town at night imagine that you know what I mean some people didn’t walk down the streets at night we have to live in it this is our house he’s right we ain’t got no door every Friday scary up here like last night I didn’t manage to get down because it didn’t quite and down to about our past five o’clock that McDonald’s cues Matthews is still good if this was your house over over in a shop doorway yeah pulled up by the workers in the morning early because got moved you know what I mean yeah I had a couple hours sleep if this was your house would you lock your door if this was your house would you lock your door at night yes yes yes so well this is my house I’ve got no door you know what I’m saying so this is our situation what people don’t understand so there’s more to it than that it’s not just a matter of just staying there you’ve got to keep yourself safe from the other people and you’ve got to survive you know you gotta eat you’ve got a drink you gotta keep yourself warm the minute you get wet you’re in trouble you can’t dry up exactly that you’re going to McDonald’s they’ll kick you out nowadays they can’t now get out because they have too many people there’s too many people in this situation you see what I mean and it will never change I don’t care what anyone says the system is broken it will never ever ever ever change never because this Charities out there where the CEO is on 200 000 pounds a year plus and what are they doing for homeless people nothing nothing but they’re taking like 200 Grand a year that’s what these CEOs are getting 200 000 pounds and all the volunteers are walking around trying to do the work but not helping there’s more people since all these Charities there’s more people on the streets than there ever was so how’s it where’s it where’s it getting fixed the government changing is nothing’s going to help homeless places advertised on the train like over Christmas so we’re meant to come out they got donated like a certain amount of money and they’re meant to come out Christmas and give us all the Christmas dinner we never got a Christmas Christmas Day we was out here freezing on Christmas we didn’t get nothing we’re nothing no homeless people come out and give us a Christmas dinner they didn’t do nothing we got more help from the public than anyone yeah 100 yeah I had three or four people from the public come from home with a cooked roast dinner Christmas dinner in a little takeaway pot and give it to me yeah and not even one homeless Center up in London after being donated to help the homeless with their Christmas food and food Parcels over Christmas no one helped us only the public yeah yeah and I’m not gonna lie the support up in the city of London is great support to us homeless I’m not going to lie it’s the homeless what’s no support up here to be honest because we wouldn’t be here because I’ve been on the roads for 15 months and that’s not like I think between these doorways all over the way you know what I mean yeah but I do travel honestly stop everywhere you know I’ll get bored of here and I like I’m thinking of choosing this in the next few days getting on train and going as far as reading and just jumping off the train starting again you know and see if I can go from there but until Monday I’m not going to do nothing anyway because it could go well Monday Black Friday I could be in a hostel it could be perfect for me do you know what I mean a bunch of things you’ve got more chance to survive in a big yeah definitely probably 100 100 yeah 100 100

I’ve only said reading as an example yeah an example yeah but I I do jump on a train I’ll start stopping I’ve Been Everywhere Essex South and everywhere you know I’ve been all over the place you know but this is the longest I’ve been up here here do you know I just like you said we know each other for quite a while but good good few months here tell me yeah yeah no no you know we speak to them they’re good stuff yeah they’re quality they do their own thing this one here on the left the bald one who’s quality is funny yeah no he’s good everybody’s got a problem everyone’s got a problem mate it’s their choice what they do with it in it yeah some people take drugs some people don’t that’s right

yeah I’ve had a few businesses in my life very very successful um one of them was um an events company like I say where I was actually donating to the homeless ironically and then it it just didn’t work through Kobe I didn’t get the footfall so the business didn’t go bankrupt because it was a limited company I didn’t make it go bankrupt but it just didn’t make the money that it needed to make so in that it put me in this situation in this particular situation which is one of them things you know and you know what I’ve got a positive mindset so I’ll do it again the best thing to do is learn to respond to failure if you fail in business you’ll do well in the next business because rock bottom most success stories come from that bottom you see what I mean and being Rock Bottom start from the bottom you get to the top and you take more risks and when you take more risks you got more chance so I can afford to take a risk here sitting here not a problem because I got nothing to lose I’ll take a risk but that risk will be good that risk will be rewarding I can set up a business I know I can I’ve done hundreds of them I started one with 20 pound once and it worked lovely yeah it worked not the events business but the other businesses yeah but it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter it’s what it is I’m not gonna cry about it I’m gonna deal with it and things will get better do you know why because we’ve got heart man please subscribe to vlogger zupa to help more people in our situation these guys are trying to support the local homeless and trying to make awareness of it in order for you guys in the community to help [Music] foreign [Music]
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