BRITAIN’S FAR-RIGHTs gathered in London for a rally – Streets interviews. Streets interviews with supporters of Tommy Robinson. Thousands of supporters of Tommy Robinson have gathered in central London for an anti-government rally.Tommy was absent from the demonstration following his arrest on Friday.


Vlog in text:

so I’ve told the story a couple times but I to say never said it to 100,000 people before uh you know great Heroes come along maybe once in a generation if you’re lucky you got to Wi Church you got your William in the United States we have people like Martin Luther King you know they they don’t come around a lot now in America we we have one this generation we got lucky we have a guy named Donald Trump Maybe was name [Applause] before but here you go another guy who I call the working class Donald Trump of great BR his name is Tommy [Applause] RS so you know I get out here

I’m you know what do you think about the the the what’s happened to Tommy Robinson I think it’s a disgrace you think it’s a disgrace yeah I do he’s definitely not a terrorist he’s just telling the truth he’s documented it how how can you argue can you just describe roughly what actually happened in what like why he was detained because he showed a documentary that he’ made right that was he had documentary proof concerning school boys and the EST M turned on him what did the school boys do um one one school boy supposedly waterboarded um a a black boy um he wasn’t water boarded he tipped some water over him he punched him but the reason was the black guy had been bullying girls and threaten and threatened to rape the white boy sister the black boy was known as a bully in the school and it was all covered up and you’ll see it on Tommy’s documentary called silenced silen and is that available on YouTube uh probably it’s on X you’ll find it on X or Urban SCP sorry it probably won’t be on YouTube where they censor everything and they don’t want you to see it cuz obviously it doesn’t run for the government’s narrative yeah Urban scoop or X you find it on there excuse me folks can I just have a you know five seconds what do you think about today’s protest were you involved in the protest which which one which one you were on the peaceful one which one was a peaceful one one would you say well the one the not the far right

one well as your saying the peaceful one was the one that wasn’t far right yeah right we have just been to that socalled far right one and there was no aggro there was no no there’s no people in M no Mass nobody horrible all it is his love that’s all it is his love children there every everybody there generations of people there and for you to say the far right one was going to be lo I heard about there was two arrests oh two arrests from how many thousands of people hundreds of thousands of people here and there to arrest come on all right I don’t know sorry about that yeah if there’s going to be if there’s going to be a lot of far right don’t you think there would have been more arrests and so and social Uprising and and disord uh disorder on the streets if there was more far rid but obviously you threatened have you do we feel threatened because it’s far right and we’re black do we feel threatened at a farri right event no we don’t no we don’t because it’s all [ __ ] with the mainstream media are trying to Pedal right you coming from far for the protest uh I’m coming from um sort of yeah Fairway about 30 miles all right right what do you think about the the arrest of Tommy Robinson um yeah not very good not not very good and and you came here to protest against that decision right uh I came here

to tell people about this person okay well you from the different you that’s for you right thank you Jesus the Savior that’s the one right you can see his you can see his flag flying all over the place the Union Jack and the George cross and once we’ve got him back as our Banner where he needs to be we’ll see what goes on Albano our Banner our Banner right God bless you thank you very much children to feel that they can save things do things and live a life that’s free like we like we did how we grew up and this is changing right yeah very much so we are being for pleased controlled and who are you all right so this is what you are against the control the who are you representing oh just my little YouTube channel zupa vog but what do you represent I right I’m you know what I are you anti-immigration or myself a migrant I’m myself migrant here so I feel like you know it’s against for 10 years you’re well and truly integrated and want to be you love this country yeah I we love you okay we love you if you love our country yeah because it’s a difficult I came here before brexit we were part of the union and now you know where do I fit I’m not I’m not a British citizen for 10 years I could be but I I they gave us the settled status you know all this European migrants and uh yeah we not British and where did you come from then Poland where I from originally you’ve worked hard you worked hard to be here well I was always working always work so you’re you’re integrated and you are British now do you want to be a British citizen am I interviewing you or you interviewing me yeah well it’s a tricky one but yeah I want to know your opinion folks we are here with name is Aman Aman and I’m St okay the camera this is JJ JJ say hi JJ you been a really good Patriot here what do you think about today’s protest it’s about uniting the kingdom uniting the kingdom sir can you stand here cuz the camera is not uniting the Kingdom right uniting the Kingdom right I was born in the UK this country has given my family everything okay I would like to think in the heart of me I’m a patriot it’s about uniting the kingdom it’s a peaceful protest right to celebrate and unite all of us who are Brits JJ do you agree yes yes yes JJ agrees okay it’s in the spirit of being British and being pro British that’s why we have the flag this country has contributed so much to the world industry inventions the Magna cataa the legal system that been adopted throughout the world it’s about celebrating that and uniting the kingdom that’s why we’re here today okay and that’s why I showed my took my time to come here and show how interview what do you think about these protests today uh I have no idea sorry I’m not from here I’m a tourist this is only my second day in London okay but what’s your uh you know beliefs you know you know the far right movement and the the anti anti faist movement which one would you support uh I think it’s a circle so if you go far right you’re on the way to the left if you go far left you’re on the way to the right all right both are wrong H there’s no right or wrong what suits you is what suits you that’s that’s all all right where you yourself where where you originally from uh originally from India can I just ask your opinion about the the protest can I ask you about the the protest you know uh about the you know if you can just describe what actually happened to the politician he was arrested right Tom Tommy Robins yeah he handed he you just a little bit here so we get I give you a card so he wasn’t actually arrested he handed himself in before he was arrested because um he he just didn’t want um to give the police the satisfaction of um you know making a fool of him and everybody else but um as we understand it um the fact that he was detained um in custody was um to to irritate the crowd and and you know like cause unrest but we said no it’s not going to happen we’re still going to be peaceful and carry on so that’s as far as we know isn’t it yeah apart from I he was arrested for political purposes there’s nothing it didn’t break any LW he didn’t do anything wrong he didn’t a sorry day in this country when we got political prisons that’s all I got to say was a political prison all right guys and where you where you come from where do you come from from we we come from up North uh Middlesboro right you came especially for the for the protest especially for today yeah right okay so it’s a big matter for Britain it’s important oh yeah H absolutely it’s really important we we want our country back I’m here with u what’s your name uh Maria Maria right do you have like a far ride like you know protest against immigrants you said you from Romania right is there something is happening over there as well uh no Romania it’s not such a big uh I don’t know uh uh I don’t know how to say it like it doesn’t draw so many migrants yet we don’t have so many so many immigrants and uh it’s uh not very common to do protests about it in in our country there are not Grand protests in my country people don’t agree and they don’t I don’t know much about it and uh where there when there are protests they there are small protests usually not not such a big like here smaller in but you managed to get rid of chesco that was a big protest and you killed him eventually Revolution not just a protest and uh it was one of the I don’t know biggest uh movement in the in our country but it was some time ago this is the protest and that is not a terrorist he’s just telling the truth yeah and that’s why he was kind of detained right yeah because he was ordered by the courts not to show that film because it would expose what really happened I see I see and uh what you think about yourself about like brexit situation did that go well no it didn’t go well I I voted for brexit mainly because I want to stop immigration and that you know that’s mostly why people voted for brexit and nothing’s changed you know we voted in our our governments on what they said about stopping immigration or lowering immigration and it’s just gone higher so we just get betrayed all the time yeah the government has failed brexit right simple as that we had PL plenty of time to prepare for brexit and the government failed to prepare and that’s why brexit has been a mess and what do you think about people like me from Eastern Europe who came here before brexit and uh then the brexit happened you know should we like leave or remain no I think you should leave you’ve made lives here my problem with immigration is not is not so much European people cuz we we have very similar culture cultes mine my issue is Islam um because they’re nowhere near our culture they don’t have the respect you know I don’t want to be walk walking around in a Burker um you know I want freedom I want my daughters my granddaughters to have freedom I don’t want them to be raped or stoned you know it’s just not conducive to to our culture and I don’t want it here we’re not far right we’re Patriots to our country yeah we’re people who are fed up have seen their country being destroyed by lots of different things the government are allowing it and the people are saying enough is enough so even when they arrest Tommy Robinson again and they put him inside they think today they’ve been all week they’ve been trying to get the far-left involved and wanted them in London they wanted to get their numbers up cuz they wanted to cter protest cuz they believed we putting Tomy Robinson inside that the far right we’re going to right I’ve been to three this year and all I have seen is multigenerational people every ethnicity every color there’s nothing about race it’s about being a decent person and saying we want to celebrate our culture we want to celebrate our values our beliefs and those are the values and beliefs that made it a great country one time and we see it being destroyed with two-tier policing with the courts being politicized and you know because you stand up for being a patriot for your country your D class has being far right and it is interesting the way it comes across cuz I have I’ve fallen out with people because they say you’re far right Neo-Nazi you haven’t seen any Hitler salutes you haven’t seen any fascism we’re just people that are fed up that the country’s been taken over in a way that kills what is British mhm which is what attracted everybody to the country in the first place it just seems ridiculous and because we’re not listened to we’re not heard we have to come on marches peacefully and that’s another peaceful process protest today another peaceful one so you came all the way from middlesbor to take part in the protest you want the country back what would you recommend for the current prime minister to do I can’t possibly say that cuz we’ll end up in prison no yeah I think think this is a credle of democracy I think um yeah I think it’s h he should take a long walk of a short perod yeah you want him to resign yeah well if that’s the way he resigns then that’s fine that’s fine by us yeah yeah you would rather him I’ve never heard that saying before which one A Long Walk of a short pier no I haven’t had that one A Long Walk for a short pier a long walk off a short peer okay a PE goes out to sea and it’s only so long so if you take a long walk where do you end up I see in all right okay that’s what you want it’s a polite say it’s a polite saying we have got no respect for him whatsoever he has tore this country apart hasn’t he yep he’s taken it apart bit by he’s broken promises he’s gone back on everything he said he’s just it’s just actually we find him to be a traitor to this country he is a traitor he’s worked hard he wants to do you want to stay here do you want to stay here yeah I would love to stay here oh you’re welcome you’re welcome by us we love Tommy Robinson cuz he speaks the truth we don’t want him put in jail because he speaks the truth and who else is going to speak the truth I tell you what I would if I was you I think that’s where I’d like to go cuz 20 years time this place is going to be Poland what news is this kid it’s just a YouTube channel he independent how are you kid come here on this side you don’t want to be in go back to Poland mate and start because that’s one of the safest countries in Europe Poland and Hungary why cuz they’re not they let islamis in they’re dealing with won let them in okay where you coming from from Camden town I’m from Camden town from Camden town all right yeah yeah up a little bit up but I’m here from cden we’re going to walk back JJ is getting a bit tired so all right thanks for the interview enjoy the rest of your day yeah now totally agree with what what the L said we’re all here for Britain patriotic Britain and we’re just there to spread love light with the people and we’re not here we’re not we’re not far right just don’t say far right cuz you know that’s upsetting a lot of people in the country now like the far right J JJ are you far right are you far right I don’t think JJ’s a far right racist Doug JJ are you a far right racist dou well you seen it today no it’s been a lot of love thanks and enjoy the rest of the day okay and what do you think about this you know being the far right protest against like migrants I’m myself a migrant uh how you feel about that uh I I don’t know what far right and the immigrants have to do with each other but to each his own right everybody’s right in their own way do you think uh you know unsafe in Britain I this is my first time in the UK this is day two in the UK all right you just arrived yes uh I’m I’m only here for another week or so so I’m just roaming around yeah people can change the history really so do you think things like that will change Britain uh yes yes I think that people really can change uh history and I think that it it’s important if you have a point of view to express it and uh I don’t know to make yourself heard all around the world because it’s very important more than that you uh shut and you don’t say anything the worst it will be after I don’t know for your kids or for your grandkids or democracy yes yes I think it’s very important to speak about what you think and uh to express your feelings and your wishes and it it can really it it could make a change around the world and many people don’t want it here and I know not not all Muslims are that way um probably probably the majority Muslims are are are probably nice people but their culture is not conducive to ours the ideology the ideology of Islam it it’s just not for Humanity what what what what is it exactly like in the ideology what what part of this well the fact that the prophet Muhammad was a pedophile in itself uh doesn’t isn’t a good start but um the acceptance of slavery pedophilia R stoning the murders of like things that we tolerate and accept like uh being gay or whatever for one instance there still countries um in Islam countries that still kill gay people just for being gay and you know they want to come here because quite Brave statements but I can understand your point of view why I mean you know we’re not really as a society we well we are recently been oppressed by K sta but we’re quite quite a free Society um now if they didn’t if they don’t want our free Society then why did they come here if if if they want you know to keep people down and to you know force people into a way of life which is their way then they can go back to their own Islam countries can’t they because that’s not we you came out here on the street we’re a Christian country and we were all raised on Christian values and we won’t tolerate what’s going on in this country not at all not for one minute all right are you coming from far from Birmingham from Birmingham especially here for the protest just for the protest right would you like to add anything to the interview um it’d be nice to it’s good to get different views but we’re not hating anybody we don’t hate the far-left we just want a Britain that has good values where decent people can live decent lives without the daughters being raped without people are being abused all the time without gangs taking over you know we’ve had the Scotland Yard which isn’t far away from here they can’t cope the level of crime that’s been brought in within the immigration that’s happened it’s too much no if you have a boat that takes 100 people you put 150 in it it starts being unsafe it’s not good for everybody and I think the Figures were 29,000 people already have come over on boats this year that’s a city we do you see a city being built in this country every year so where do we put everybody it comes a point so it seems the government are trying to cause this unrest and the Tommy Robinson one was never about racism all he did was highlight radicalized Muslim men raping British women and then he’s demonized for it he’s never been charged with any racist offenses there’s a big movement right and what party do you was Tomy Tomy Tommy Robin son was the name of the politician who was detained he’s not a politician he’s not a politian he was a right he was a reporter and he was detained for terrorist offenses and Reporting reporting things that were gone down in record and are true but he reported them when he was told do two by the courts well well what do you think of that for a politician sorry for a reporter that’s what his job is his job is to report and be what what newspaper he was working for uh you know yeah he own he do his own independent yeah he’s independent a YouTube chent to be perfectly honest I I don’t know whether he was independent or not but um I think he was I think it was his independent um paper but the point being is as a journalist you are expected to be honest and tell the truth and he’s done that but he’s being punished for it and right nice one and where where you coming from Guys near Portsmouth so that’s a Qui distance yeah you you came all all the way when did you make decision to come for the protest oh it’s been planned for weeks for weeks yeah yeah a couple of months or something I don’t know okay yeah quite well right are you going back home today or staying just go and get the the coach now the coach yeah right well have a safe trip home thanks for the interview yeah with the Islam and IM immigration yeah um the thing is the sensitive subjects and it’s uh very indepth and confusing so it’s easy to label someone’s racist when they’re going on about these certain subjects but without looking deeper into it looking about at The Wider picture you don’t really understand where we’re coming from takes the change of perception to change your perspective in that sense don’t okay so is it’s a tough one to even speak about especially cuz we are so tolerant even our own people people are forgetting that their own safety is at stake here in a sense so with the probability of danger going up and threat going up we’ve got to be more Vigilant as well as people when he did do time in prison he’s been exonerated afterwards so why is he in prison again now they want him out the way and this is the process they do with everybody that stands up against them he’ll probably die in there let’s face it it’s a terrorist prison who are the terrorists at the moment radical Muslims so they’re going to put him in so they’re going to put what they see as the farri Right leader into a jail with radicalist Muslims you think he’s going to live would you want to do would you want to be in that prison as a white man who’s non-muslim well imagine being Tommy Robinson and being put in something like that you know I just we just everybody’s just so fed up of it aren’t they everybody the whole country is so angry very angry right is that something to do with the the basically the the the price high price crisis and all that no it’s got nothing to do the high price crisis really as per se it’s got to do with the fact that um he said he was going to do all sorts of things for the country and he’s done completely the opposite or next to nothing he’s um he’s been taking gifts

gifts off um you know rich people you know you don’t get gifts off rich people for nothing so what does he owe them and why are we paying for it there’s lots of things there’s lots of things going on and and the thing is is that the people of this country aren’t stupid they are not stupid and they know something’s happening um they know he’s doing something really underhand so is going to quite a few millionaire voted labor they are stupid yeah all right guys thanks a lot for the interview will enjoy the rest of the day finish off I’m voting I’m voting reform next time I’m voting reform Nigel farage for prime minister cuz he is a brilliant man right right Nigel farage what do you think about brexit did that go well no we have all right it hasn’t been done there still ties oh I don’t get me started yeah we have to go now our friends are waiting be talking to yet take care now yeah yeah guys nice thank you you living in the UK cuz you speak excellent English no I we are just in City break here for three days oh right just a break and where about in Romania you from uh I’m from pest it’s uh 60 kilm from the Bucharest from the capital of Romania yes how is the weather now in Romania a little warmer uh not really it’s pretty similar to here I thought that it would be much colder here but it’s it’s pretty similar now yes all right and what do you think about brexit you know brexit yes it was a big I don’t know move about it it was a whole uh I don’t know debate about it in now in our country uh I don’t know what to say I think that you think it was a good thing or bad thing for Britain uh for Britain then I think that uh it was a good thing because uh people here were uh they wanted it and I think that uh if a whole country uh country wants it then it can it should be good for the country but uh I don’t know what to say about people from Romania that were living here or the I don’t know students that wanted to come to and study here because a lot of people in my country she wanteded to come to study to London or around England and uh it was bad for them because they took away their chance I think okay yes and and vice versa for the British they want to study in Europe I think but I think Britain is still part of the Erasmus program so you can still study abroad but there were a lot many programs and the the fees for the uh school was were a lot of see all right folks thanks a lot for the interview I wish you a nice evening and thank vog I hope I hope you see things differently did you go over to the other side no I didn’t I tell you I just put a next next time it’s not I I I came here accidentally and I’m thinking you know I would just ask people what’s happening you I mean next time all right what’s the situation in India back home uh there’s not too much going on with um I don’t know what what specifically are you asking for like you know the far ride movement do you have things like that as well going India is a very diverse country right uh and it’s a 1.4 billion people uh country so there’s a lot of opinions in India uh far right certainly far left certainly but I think for the most part India is doing a good job of uh you know maintaining peace yeah I think so yeah is India like going up there you know is getting better the situation uh in terms of the economy definitely yes uh in terms of the far right far left movement I I don’t see anything that concerns me they’re the safest countries and the and the the best country of the GDP is Poland right I might go that I’m thinking about it he’s very uh is the safest country your Homeland you know they have very strict border control now they let lot of ukrainians in but they will not let islamist they want they don’t want an islami country understand where they’re coming from under Sharia law which is coming if we don’t care for that’s just coming here want our children to be safe our grandchildren to be safe yeah yeah I’d love to go to Poland be honest with you I think I ought to go to live there because it sounds like a good country and a safe country it’s only two safe European countries Hungary and Poland but you are welcome here if you’ve been here thank you very much for the interview enjoy your evening safe trip home guys all the best all the best to you thank you


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