Shane lost both parents in a fire. He saved his little sister from the fire. Now he lives in a tent with his pregnant girlfriend. Join this channel to get access to perks:



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Are you ready my friend here we go we are here with what’s your name Shane Shane and how long you’ve been on the streets since I’m 18 since you are 18 well uh you just told me briefly your story it’s a very tragic one not yeah was just I don’t when I was a kid that I had to get my sisters out of the house because the house went on fire and I was the only one that could cu the rest of them all underneath me my age and my M my dad and my little brother died because a man is homeless doesn’t mean he’s abusing these substances I’ve been in and out of hosts and I’ve been living in TS um so all together probably on the streets probably 5 years you say I’m not blind I’m a con artist and a fake and a phony I went into care of the hsse and I went from care home to care home in high proportion of them are probably drug Alex right and crack Alex crack cocaine you the problem and and heroin I don’t when I was a kid that I had to get my sisters out of the house because the house went on fire and I was the only one that could was the rest of them were all underneath me my age and my M my dad and my little brother died in the fire I’m an alcoholic but I haven’t drank in 9 Dam months and uh I went to a bad time with drink and that and got to drugs and that the only one that cuz the rest of were all underneath me my age and my M my dad and my little brother died in the fire and my little brother was only 8 months old and and I had to get to out and then we got put in the care you were put to to care yeah me and my brother oh after your your parents died in the fire that they said thems yeah but they put my sisters in my family they put my sisters in my family right yeah and then me and my brother were abused and home and we just it was horrible so then when we were six we got taken into a foster care family and uh yeah it was on Easter Easter Easter day I remember very we were in a home I was six he was four and it was Easter h play EAS hunt you find your egg and yeah that’s what I had to do but my egg and my little brother was in the sitting room with the Foster family so we got taken into a foster for home me my little brother and the rest of the family got put into families so that kind of [ __ ] me up in the head I couldn’t live with it like so I couldn’t acceptance is is a big thing for me acceptance acceptance acceptance all right acceptance is a big thing for me yeah I I don’t feel accepted accepted by Society by Family by Family yeah because they [ __ ] me the care they sorry they trew me into car like but but you said your parents died no but Foster Family Foster Family yeah took me in on Easter day when I was six my little brother was five and we had to do Easter head Easter hunt for an egg and I was in the sitting room in a home called the cottage homes in dun and they fostered us Foster you know Foster yes yeah The Fosters then they adopted us I couldn’t I couldn’t control myself I a bad temper so they put me into a different home I see so I’ve been in 11 homes 11 homes yeah and then I left when I was 18 when and was that you ending up on you had a period living in like having a flat or something just Liv cuz you said your girlfriend is pregnant half months and you’re living in a tent tent yeah in B Street and what will happen when the baby is born taking off probably taking oh we might get put into a family H I don’t know trying that yeah you you try to keep it yes but yeah we’re going to try we won’t yeah we don’t drugs like we just do what we have to do like just to get a place we don’t want to like every four four five days you get a room a hosit for the night and it cost €0 for the tub so it’s not too bad so we get to have a shower every 4 days all right so do you abuse substances no no a bit weird that’s about it we but I don’t do anything else like she does nothing she doesn’t even smoke Weir she doesn’t no she doesn’t do anything no it just Cals me down to it does I’m very uh very bad temper I you a rejection rejection rejection of rejection rejection Yeah by who everybody everybody’s and you feel hurt inside it’s more damaged damage the damage was done kind of the society’s done damage on you is that what you’re trying to say all right uh well I hope you get better and well try to get get along with the society I don’t think I I don’t think I’ll be able to accept it just can’t too much has happened to accept it very I lost my foster that um two weeks before Father’s Day this year I went up to the house on Father’s Day he give him a card and she told me he was dead Foster Foster father Foster so that well it seems like you’ve got a lot I’m I’m [ __ ] up in the head on your shoulders I’m [ __ ] up in the head well it’s it’s not your fault it’s it’s just the way life goes

sometimes I don’t understand that well if there’s somebody watching is that you know would like to help you somehow is there any email or phone number you have they can contact you maybe they want donate something oh wait uh I have to get a phone what’s it what’s my email Shane 891 gmail.com 891 gmail.com all right that’s the email people can contact you yeah all right and is there anything else you would like to add like just people are just very ignorant people people are ignorant very ignorant yeah do people talk to you ask you how you’re doing and I got I got stabbed in the arm in the wrist like by people trying to rob our tent really there look when was that H that was 5 months ago people trying to rob your tent and then you got stopped and she got hit in the head with Bott with a what a bottle a bottle oh Cy [ __ ] so it’s can it’s doublin quite dangerous you would say yeah but I just look I just don’t care anymore so I just attack it so I go into attack all right bu well thanks for the interview wish you all the best take care

BL [Music] I’m homeless I’m



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