I met Micheal at Victoria Train Station in London. He comes from Brighton and has no schooling at all. Micheal lost a finger to frostbite and not doing well. He says people are dying on the streets.
Vlog in text:
Folks we are here with Michael who’s been on the Streets of London for how long how long you’ve been on the streets um 7 years seven years and what what brought you to the streets
I sorry being addicted to drugs I see and that was 8 years ago yes uh all right and I used sleeping on the streets every night yes every night yes all right where you from originally anyway um originally I’m from um Brighton Brighton but you you came to London yeah yeah now how do you find London as being to yeah for another 10 minutes no I know the time but the thing is you need to get the per but that’s just outside I don’t have a I don’t have a tripod I don’t have a tripod I know I have to sorry sorry for have to inform my manager but I don’t have a I hear that you have a have a tripod to have problems but no tripod you
okay right thank you yeah so anyway Michael tell me about yourself so you’re from Brighton right and uh about your childhood how was your childhood um what did you do schools I didn’t go school you didn’t go to any schools primary no Primary School you you left schools very early yeah and what did you do went went you work work what did you do roof roof Roofing yeah Roofing you you went and and stay in roofs the roofing in Brighton yeah was that a good
job I lost everything you lost everything why cuz my part my partner got killed my friend your partner left you with a friend oh that’s that’s bad how that happened well when I come out of jail you came out of jail what did you do jail for um things got tough started ja for burgy sorry what J for f the okay how how many years did you get um 18 months 18 years in months 18 months sorry and you came back and your partner was with somebody else and that was did you have children together you had children together and she was with somebody else and how old were your children my daughter’s 15 now and since she was
five your daughter was 15 yeah at that time I haven’t seen my my daughter’s 15 now I haven’t seen my daughter she’s five at the time yeah you haven’t not seen your daughter for how long for 10 years for 10 years you have not seen your daughter no are you missing your daughter yeah where is she now um she
sorry I see well Michael what would you do if you could change your life um get some IDE get work so what work you wouldn’t touch drugs obviously I need to get back to work mate I need some ID just everything that’s everything recovery for Dru [Music] sh okay what your goals for the future Michael I mean what would you like to become are you do you have any chance for getting off the
streets um hopefully oh I need to get there things I need to get off the
streets yeah you’ve got a chance to get off the
streets Michael you know when you were growing up what were your hobbies I see you’ve got your half of your fingers been chopped off what happened there the cold outside the cold outside see guys here I got frost bite you got frost bite I like this yeah they got infection like this I see I see was that in the UK frost bite
yeah how many years ago was that okay you recording him yeah yeah we’re doing like a short interview that’s fine that’s fine no problem thank you but that’s fine yeah recording properly yeah you always give us trouble recording properly yeah thank you it’s a nice man sometimes operate with them okay you see they say you’re a nice man so have a good one yeah thank you very much so it’s not really easy to record homeless people you know they don’t want to really H record homeless people but you’ve lost half of your finger with frostbite when was
that h Michael how many years ago was that um 2 years ago 2 years years ago you lost your finger
yeah was that painful how painful was that very painful yeah you lost the
finger MH what would you recommend for people you know to people who are messing with like being on the streets would you recommend to be on the streets or what would you say to them oh don’t go on the streets cuz you up really ill we’re going to die out here you’ll be dying on the streets yeah a lot of your friends died on the streets you know some people who died yes was that the frost bites the cold or what yeah
yeah too we
and what’s your favorite place like to back in in London is that always Victoria Station or you go to other places as
wellous Victoria why
Victoria my doctor but they shut the the station at 12:00 don’t they more medication they shut what do you do if they shut the station at 12:00 I want to I want to medic I medication I see what medication do you take 200 Mig of method I see doctor doctor has has prescribed you medication yeah I see I see Michael well Michael so what’s the future for you what would what do you think what will happen to you in the future
oh are you are you actually trying to use any of this charity organization like sangas going for a shower there sometimes yeah you do you do go there s mangas what arean what charities do you use
do you know the names of the Charities you use no no there a lot of Charities trying to help homeless people so you should you should find
something Michael what’s your hobbies what’s your hobbies oh drop the mic hold on
it’s fine Michael Michael just dropped his microphone but we are back rolling so was a difference between London and
Brighton I’m going to go way you going to go yeah where you go off to okay make some
okay right Michael all right I get the microphone of you
yeah well all the best
yeah Michael is going for his own X Expedition you got two P yeah I give you that
one yeah I give you yeah just finished okay don’t mind you interviewing anyone you can’t do
Vlog vlog
that was a boy that was a o [Music]
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