Jessie is back from prison. He appeared in the first episode of Life on the Streets and then quickly disappeared. Now Jessie is back.

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Here we go for Jesse’s back the face of the the face of the the series is buggy only appeared in the first episode and now you’re going away for a little while to go away do a little bit of time in prison for something stupid but now I’m back and I hope all of you took what I said the first time and what made you homeless not right what was your job before you became homeless before you lost your address I’m a senior JavaScript software engineer now I’ve got mental health he’s got mental

accident yeah a bike accident you were on a bike Yeah Yeah from from cocaine from heroin from cat tablets come back and I hope all of you took what I said the first time and and took it heed on it and tried to help out as much as you could you know as my money is trying to help out so six months in in jail how was it in London or where did you go no I was in belmarsh is that harsh yeah very harsh a cat very harsh yes

yes sorry the shot in me Chanel

I’ve got him sorry about that sorry about that it’s just that’s the XY coming up stop shouting Chanel I’m doing an interview stop shouting I’m doing an interview yes

gone yes it’s just a reaction of something what just happened out here on the roads I’ve got a miracle don’t worry he’s here

[Applause] need to talk see we could talk

oh don’t worry about it’s all in the past here it’s all in the past

do you want to join the interview with Jesse there was nothing I could do about it it was honestly nothing I could do about it what happened out there that was this madness with this homeless what happens the police just turn up arrest him because for something that I don’t know what he’s been arrested for yeah it’s something like that and he throws something up in the air and it all bats all up what are you talking about uh just some some guy yeah yeah it’s gone he’s gone somebody was arrested yeah all right but let’s let’s get back to your story so six months and you’re out now you gain some weight that you don’t recognize how many stones did you get about five five Stones yeah it’s a good food in the 15 and a half Stone now all right trying in it I’m trying I don’t want to come back out and fall back into the same old struggles I was your addiction when you get in no they saw at your addiction they still wear your methodontist it’s

do that for me so that’s all good and now it’s just a comeback and that’s why I’ve been over where I live now just trying to stay away from it or look the first day back into town it all kicks off again but I’m trying in it I’m just trying and hopefully because I know a lot of the guys are falling apart since I’ve been away like mental health issues so now I’m back hopefully I’ll be able to help some of them out and get them back on the right track again so you’re keeping it away from drugs of course of course of course I have to yeah I have to recognize about staying out of prison I don’t want to go back into prison again I need to stay out and that’s that means staying away from everything staying away from people you care about even you’re after at times what are you gonna do all right so what actually happened that you ended up in prison I just I’m gonna either fight with someone just assaulted them and I ended up in prison for that they give me a year [Music]

so let’s get back to the the begins you grew up in Croydon you said last no I grew up in Brixton yeah but I’ll come to Croydon to change my life and to help and that’s what I’ve been trying to do to just help was it a better change for you so yeah yeah of course of course why Brixton was this is where I’m now in my my reputation is a bit uncanny people know my reputation in Brixton so it’s not good for me to have that reputation anymore try to let go of all the violence and all that and become a good person good loving person as you know and you’re married you married your wife yeah now you’re not married but you’re still friends I don’t know if I’m friends he just terrorizes me whenever she sees me yeah she’s my best friend She’ll always be my best friend that will never change now what happens between us we’ll always be friends because she knows and I know only certain people care about your certain way in your life and that’s the way you want to be cared for but sometimes you mess up and you do things that are at your control and it’s life it’s what we are we’re human beings and so we behave this is a pan wow we’re back at where we started hopefully so what was your routine sort of going back to jail or did you have an occupation there already just yeah I was an auxiliary nurse I just tried I was a nurse you were a nurse in jail yeah no not in jail I didn’t do nothing in there I just sat down in there all right there was no my nose sometimes they give you a job don’t they yeah but I didn’t get a job I don’t like working in prison I don’t like doing all that I just stayed in my cell and just chilled okay spread the word you have a teller in yourself yeah they have all of that in their TVs and everything and every order many channels yeah well 50 channels I don’t want to tell you I’ll read books yeah we read books for the library and you you read books that we just read books it’s more education how many books you manage to read oh quite a lot of books about 20 books yeah in a little six months or five months about 20 books I’ve read a lot of books how many of us about 20 20 books and what the can you can you mention some pieces brother I need help for report huh because I always ask homeless people what they read because they actually are they worried I read like Jackie Collins things like that uh Dean Koontz I really do a different sort of stuff was that easy access to the library not really not in belmarsh not in belmarsh right was it I was in the a capital facility oh okay I’m I’m meth or four so I get treated like an acre like out here I’ve got to jump through hoops to stay at were you allowed only to have so many books at time or yeah four books four books four books a time and unlimited you could have that life no you have to take them back read them and take them back how often do you can you go to them once a week four weeks

try help out the homeless people you know we all got their problems they’ve got the things they’re going through but try and help them out because what you’re going to find out is a lot of homeless people are good people you know they’re very good people they just need a little chance give them a chance and I’m sure they will show you will shock you you know that’s all I can’t really say are you homeless now no I’m not I’m in a Belvedere I’m in a hospital in Belvedere I’m in the Battle of hostel yeah after being a bail off store for a little while how is that it’s okay jumping through hoops means I stay out though so it’s better than being in prison and I mean they didn’t be any job

well it’s good to see you as an actress on the street yeah well nice to see you as well my brother and if you do come back again I’m sure I’ll be around again yeah well I hope you once show me the bad side no no no that’s all behind me that’s all in the past yeah stay on a good path my friends God bless you thank you God bless

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