Check how is Claire coping on her own on streets of London. Archie is still in a hospital. Claire talks about her son. Check this out!


Vlog in text:

hello Claire how are you you’re looking good thank you so is it looking bright for you or how is it looking no not looking too good yeah you ain’t heard nothing for the council no

most important yeah oh yeah still in a hospital yeah like a lot of things like looking at a room though like because you’ve got a bad hearing aid in these bad things got a bad knee as well so badly as well right I should subscribe people to your Channel

yes I am happy New Year everybody have a good life hello my friend what’s your name Kyla Tyler you’ve been on streets five months six months yeah folks we are here with Jason who’s been on streets three months now and this is your usual usual spot yeah he will heal just like the right boy Tesco’s what happened did you uh

ended up using crack drugs hello how are you tired I’m cold and tired how was last night cold it’s very cold last night pretty cold last night yeah yeah so you slept here and I out where it’s Archie Arctic in hospital what happened it’s got a testified it’s very bad chest infection it’s very bad chest infection and he ended up in hospital you’re on your own yeah oil [Music]

[Music] well I’m not I’m not losing it looks like he done it last time and [ __ ] you regretted that we had a lovely blanket last time this lady I can’t remember her name though like she’s not a foster care she’s a really lovely lady she bought like she spent literally like a couple hundred quid on us with blankets coats you know and the blankets got like got thrown away everything I felt so guilty

she’s a foster parent as well she had like so many kids and she sounded like so much sort of like all the like for those children and like you know those children I’ve got a better life now because of her this is a beautiful lovely woman you know she’s like it’s like a doctor dust sometimes like no [ __ ] like she’s like why why don’t you wear coats you said yeah I Gotta Buy YouTube some coats as you go and buy us a Coke it’s a blanket yeah it’s lovely and I felt really guilty when I lost a blanket so I mainly lost him he did it made me I should have bought them back where I was but I’ve got a bit lazy how much money is the biggest amount of money somebody gave you uh we were it was over there by Burton and he says I’m bloke and he’s walking around she’s a little bit creepy at first and then he come over and he went um don’t look at us and then he threw 300 pounds how much 300 pounds wow 300 pounds yeah I didn’t know like like it is it like I don’t know it might be a celebrity because he said don’t look at my face and then put in uh like putting it around so I think that’s yeah

it’s crazy [Laughter]

you can hear about it you can’t see it I’ve got to turn a camera around you in a minute it’s a fun of and other than that nothing much change over then raining it’s been raining guys it’s been quite it’s been a quite a bad week it’s been about a week where you’re here for the whole week it’s still this but it’s still wet it’s still wet yeah

still wet [ __ ] that’s really bad it’s always a wet bomb

[Music] yeah that’s what I’m gonna do like right pallets yeah that’s what I was gonna do yeah but I want to go but oh thank you oh you know what boy where we may um someone with the five pounds uh it gives us five pounds ring yeah this boy out there there’s no on top by the boys there’s loads of mattresses there and I’ve watched I’d help me with that and get a mattress down here then I was going to get what you just said those pallets so when it rains this it lifts it up so you don’t get the message so I needed help with that

my rhyme when I was a kid and it was mine you’re a boy yeah and he was about five she’s a boy yeah he’s about five years old where I was but it’s bloke fancy and I see him come across the window so I’ll get to Ryan say mommy’s not in yeah and you’ve got a babysitter you can’t answer the door when he let me open the lips but mummy told me to tell you that he’s not in he literally threw me under the bus [Music] [Laughter]

this lady she had about 30 kids and went up she goes what do you say when a man approaches like it approaches the house you know are you my daddy so don’t watch that so what happened I went to my brothers for dinner one day and we got to jump in the past we had to go and get a bus and while Ryan wanted to pay the boss man and then everybody and I said what did you say that I come back are you my daddy yeah everyone on the bus downstairs was snickering and laughing I went abroad I must have I did I could see my face but I felt my face literally burning are you my daddy you imagine what everyone’s thinking didn’t you

a poor kid

who are you my daddy and I’m gonna [ __ ] miss that [ __ ] your time is [ __ ] crazy but I do miss him I really miss him might be long so what was your what’s your prediction when he’s getting out uh if I say it he always goes wrong so I’m gonna leave that one I need to wait all right where you go for your week

that’s always a problem for me to find a toilet around here or anything like that okay if you get a portable toilet you want to smash it up anyway

s up

you can’t have anything Falls like in London Hill who will block It smash it I’ll kill it I take it apart I said it oh huh

[Music] um [Music]

are you enjoying your maltesers yeah is that your favorite sweet home yeah

nothing boost yeah

cooking though so you kind of like you’ve got a sweet tooth not really no foreign

you’ve got to eat like cold food all the time in it

because this is a good one as well

our names are Archie and Claire we are currently homeless due to lack of support from the council we would like we would be grateful for any help or advice you could give us in our time of need thank you that’s there that’s the the UN Arch there’s no one more Archie now

our hold on

our hopes and dreams have always been to be married we have told that if we was a married couple we would have more chance of being housed together Merry Christmas to all and people that have helped us

all right oh

so you’re not married then [Music] you’re married at him [Music] how long we’ve been together

okay but but you’re not married on the paper Claire yeah and you want to get married and you’re saving up money for to get married yeah okay well we’re concerned we are married what kind of music do you like Claire oh my everything over in that head banging [ __ ] I can’t stand it that really drives me crazy you know that’s just makes noise isn’t it it’s just bloody noise there’s no music there’s no meaning to it and I like but being like like an 80s and that we’re like I like it but we’re into lots of different kind of music but [Music] yeah that’s that’s the one man I like the 80s as well yeah [Music]

but then again every year has got good music when you look at it it’s 60 70s there’s new stuff that’s good as well like the eight

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