This time i met Phil who is from Yorkshire. He is is a drug addict living on the streets of London . He has been doing drugs (crack cocaine and heroine) for 28 years but he doe not smoke them but he injects them which makes him look better then other drug addicts he says. Check this out!  l

Ladies you’ve come on camera watching me you can help it out it’s very little change yet and I’ll come on the camera doing a little interview about the homeless yeah we are here with Phil been on the streets London this time for uh three months three months yeah how did you end up on the streets the um the system’s broken I’ll pay tax all my life in the UK yeah born in the UK I ran an events company big company and covid obviously it wiped it out yeah what happened did you oh

ended up using crack drugs hello how are you tired I’m cold and tired how was last night cold it’s very cold last night pretty cold last night yeah yeah so you slept here and I out where it’s Archie Arctic in hospital what happened it’s got a testified very bad chest infection very bad chest infection and he ended up in hospital you’re on your own yeah oil [Music]

[Music] I am where I was doing the area I was living in I was a selling drugs for somebody smell a little change there please and um I was selling drugs for somebody and the uh because because I’ve got a cracking heroin addiction started smoking too much of the and the drugs um and ended up owing them quite a bit of money so the place where I was living

the place where I was living I ended up getting my uh door kitchen and searching the room and all that you know um so basically I can’t I I can’t go back there because the feet smell a little change for me sir yes you might be able to I know also I’m I’m doing an interview for somebody’s YouTube channel to help the homeless out there

with his with his green packet yeah

yeah I reckon you have somewhere deep down you know you know if you look right down at the bottom if you there’s usually a pound there

because some of it might be Europe yeah yeah no

yeah yeah that’s not English there

oh sorry

you got some funny coins up here I’ll check notes yeah I don’t check notes if you’ve got notes

yeah only ten pound notes I’d say I’ll tell you what I’ve got to tell him I’ll swap it for a 20.

able to do that yeah yeah all right let’s do that yeah

no yeah so what so I’ll get that one completely yeah don’t kill hey brunch funky new yeah yeah very generous man yeah we’re really pretty you see these generous people on the streets can’t believe yeah yeah you know it’s it’s really good that Pete you know even even if people just stop and talk to you it just shows up because I am human at the end of the day and people walk past the door you’re not me yeah I mean I worked out that if if if you was to get just 10 pence off each person I’d be able to get in my hostel no one can get in the hospital tonight now yeah sure you say 18 pound and 80s but it’s like a backpack of hostel so I can get in there now and I’ve got a bit of change

[Music] he’s not believe it or not it’s hard to get in it what they’re doing at the minute is they’re putting people in hotels through crisis but it’s on a waiting list and and the homeless ones you’ll get put in enough Hotel you’re not gonna you’re not gonna leave the hotel are you you to go back on the street so you’re waiting list for the hotels is quite long but you know uh the situation I’ve put myself on sort of on the street so I’ve got to I’ve got to live live with it so to speak you know it’s tough yeah I mean it’s tough people say that but you’d soon land you would still learn so thank you I can’t what was your name yeah Pierre Phillip yeah and this is the YouTube channel what we’re going to be on good school great stuff good luck to you yes thank you very kindly obviously no rain I know I’ve got my brothers yeah definitely yeah so you rest your in tonight knowing that you’ve helped somebody getting somewhere warm yeah well I was a lot of people do it like that I tell you what it is 20. do you want to swap this 20 for a 50.

I’m here all week all right thanks a lot

of your YouTube channel yeah you want to be in it yeah you yeah yeah ring it ring him I’m doing this I’ll give you 250. I know when I get back I’ll give you a [ __ ] I’ll give you the final because I’m gonna do it yeah that’s enough

let’s get back to the story so yeah uh how much money you can make a day yeah well I mean obviously you’ve just seen how how things worked out usually that doesn’t work out like that I got a 10 pound off somebody and then it was good I will swap that wouldn’t it did you see how I did that yeah he said oh I’ve only got big knots so I said swap it for this one but to be honest you can make it I mean New Year’s Eve New Year’s Day I made about 120 pounds but obviously that because it was New Year’s Day and Christmas as well I suppose rather said Yeah Christmas it was a sparing a change there Ladies sorry for keep doing that that’s all right keep on keeping your business going yeah and and then I mean you can get like you could sit here all day and just then as long as sometimes I’ve got to earn at least 10 pounds a day

and then you can then if you get the right spot you could earn I went to a place last week in Victoria and I ate 10 pounds in like half an hour wow but then you go and you get you you go you get your drugs so you’re missing an hour or so and then you come so you can end between I’d say 10 pound and 200 pounds a day they’re about 200 pounds I know people who do average like 80 pound a day do you know what I mean because of it and and yeah it all depends on um your your how you are sorry you just dropped a hat

you all right yeah um yeah sure yeah you can earn it it’s better you’ve got this better change there boss please bear a bit of change thank you very kindly sir have a nice day now um yeah so yeah you can end between 10 pounds and uh 100 pounds a day right and and then it all depends on what you do with it as to how long it lasts you yeah so what what drug habit do you have if I don’t mind yourself

um I’ve had it for about 28 years now cracking heroin yeah together yeah yeah 20 years yeah you don’t look

49 years old but I mean we would be I look terrible would it be it but you can’t help it or bloody hell

you can’t help it because sometimes you just like you see I can’t use these The Crazies because the couple of fish the pieces so what I will do is when I get paid this week because I get paid Universal Credit so what I’ll do is I’ll go get get me get me out I’ll get it I’ll get my head shaved on to number two and then I’ve got all this took off man for that for for a drug user for 20 years man are you 49 yeah you’ve got good genes that’s for sure man thank you yeah boy yeah it depends as well how you look after you you look after yourself you don’t have to it’s just places like where you can go apart from a weekend every day where you can go get showered your clothes washed and stuff like that so a lot of people choose to look like they are but you see people who smoke oh it’s a smoke crack

turn out different so I work hard what I do is I snowball it I inject it together

it’s clustered a snowball but the people who smoke crack you can tell with them because they’re all real gone looking but the better way to inject detection it is in a way yeah because it’s straight into your bloodstream and you get that fixed straight away hence the reason why I call it a fix um but the thing is where I’m from up north in Yorkshire that’s that’s what a lot of people do you know all right do it like that so when I’ve come down to London it’s different what they do they’re small yeah well let’s walk on a pipe I said you know right interesting yeah yeah it is because and and it’s smoking it on a pipe they can just like go stop in the bus stop and have a pipe where is our car our cat just gotta stop there and yeah get it together and have an injection you know I have to go into some toilets or a secluded place you know oh right so a lot of drugs on this on the streets I mean the reason obviously you’ve got to know a big thing roll news space and uh and good afternoon madam you see you see space like I I am uh even though I was like cracking heroin I wouldn’t take space it’s just it’s just um

a horrible a horrible drug

so it’s not it’s not grown so it’s not like pure sort of thing you know and what does it do to you well it’s a bit like smoking LSD it trips you out you know you see people in the like you know what I mean look at look at looking at things like azure there’s something there when it’s not you know what I mean the trip out on it what you’re having Phil anyway

do you like them well


I’ll um generous people are somebody brought me the bag with boxing shorts in it brand new all right okay I’m on camera yeah a full box of crunchy bars

toothbrush and toothpaste

um socks well handy yeah so and one of the main things on the street believe it or not soda cream is it cream yeah for your hands because your hands go was it like like a specially made the package for a homeless person this package no somebody that’s what means somebody but it seems like this person had in mind somebody homeless when he did the show you get people who do that in mind they’ll they’ll go

like that he said he said no I don’t have no money but what I have is I’ve got he called it a little care package care package care package and he said oh look I’ve got I’ve got these fear a blanket socks and they’re good and and the guy has actually thought I think I I believe the game must have been on the streets to know exactly what to bring I see you reckon that guy wasn’t I reckon the guy was on the street because him and his girlfriend he had a baggage sure they had a few of these in them sudo cream is something yeah you should give to homeless people you say yeah I I would say me I think so because you need you know like keep your face dry your hands dry and when you’re walking a lot in between you know you get rashes in that in between your legs sort of thing yeah it makes sense man makes sense it’s very bit of gin yeah please yeah

yes please yes yes please cards

I take no if they can’t yeah I need to get a swiper I’m still yeah I know that there’s the street performers they do that that’s what I’m saying so I need to get one of them carvery that’s it register your own business man yeah yeah you know because I’m um I’m doing this I’m doing this interview for for vlogger super so everybody subscribe to his channel man the man’s thank you hey that’s great thank you very kindly what is this champagne white wine I do now thank you have a nice day people little bottle of wine you know that’s good and put that in a little care package just for middling man you know I got my bag pinch the other day off the street what my back now it was another homeless person we know it is we’re not it it seems It’s a group of Romanians and I’m not being thinking but it is a group of millions I’m doing the people being pinching people’s stuff anyway so I had one night I had to sleep with nothing the next day I’ve gone and got a sleeping bag and all stuff like that and um could you spare a cigarette please uh spare one cigarette please thank you

yeah and and what happened was um I’d got me and I’d got

ta sorry I’m trying to look for me later I uh

look at that I’m looking from a lighter look and he’s in my hand so how long you’ve been sitting in the house I’ve been sitting here uh what time is it now I mean not not today but in general like uh oh well to be honest this is the first time I’ve sat here is it the first time because what are you doing is you you walk about to find a a good spot you know because sometimes uh the good spots can be taken so it’s just a case of walking about what and finding where there’s a lot of people you know there’s obviously around here that with it being um theater London the tourists this is this is a busy place as you as you can see you know yeah I think it’s good that you look you’re located next to the bus stop because people actually stop yes yeah yeah yeah you understand that and and opposite the Savoy Hotel so your main Savoy in London the big place so that’s even Pusher than this it doesn’t get much faster than this you know I can say I live in your Savoy that’s my address so so the next day my friend was sat on my bed anyway when I woke up early in the early hours in the morning I couldn’t find my phone because my friend had been drunk he picked my phone up by accident now we had it for two days looking for me now a lot of people on the street wouldn’t have done that they would have gone on salted so what I’m getting at is there is trust trustworthy people hence my friend though just give x amount the money tool to go buy some drugs for me it’s just rarely because I know he’s he’s got the money he’ll come back my other friend the both of them they did I just left him some money because I know he’s going to get it back and then

so yeah I mean I’d say I’d say life on the street it is hard I’m not gonna I’m not gonna trouble for it I mean people think oh yeah the room was to just sit there begging all day but it’s hard to beg believe it or not it is hard to be because you see the amount of people walked past and I go conspiring a gin and maybe it’s very bit Ginger please Maybe one out of x amount of thousand people have walked past I’ll stop and give you something yeah morning love I just about a bit of change

you do farm you do fun you get a lot of good things about being on streets yeah you get a good friendship I’ve got a friend at the minute and I only met up with him last week and he’s very is that with the same level in each of them because you do need somebody on the street or you can trust to the point of you know leaving your stuff with them because what people don’t realize is right in my bag all I have is two sleeping bags and uh my identification it’s a little bit of chisel please all right love and and that’s my life now that might not mean a lot of people but to me that’s my that’s my life and if I lose that I’ve got to start all over again you know

to do it and and believe it or not it’s hard to get hold of a sleeping bag they’re not easy to get hold of sleeping pills no no no no no no no you’ve got to like on a night time you get people coming on to give you food out the soap will call them silk runs right and sometimes they’ll have sleeping bags full man so is it pretty safe to be here for you

I can’t say 50 50 or not because like I’m I’m like uh I’m a big [ __ ] so people I mean I’m not adult fighter I’m not a fighter I’m I’m a lover not a fighter I hate fighting a duck but people tend to look at me and think oh well you know but it’s when you go to sleep on a night time you have to have everything in your sleeping bag because [Music] when you’re sleeping you don’t know what’s going on yeah but I would say it’s 50 50 safe depending on where you’re staying or where you’re going where would you say where’s the best spot in London for a homeless person do you know where I share the safest well I know the safest place to sleep is over there it’s called Green Park Green Park the reason being is because it’s right opposite Buckingham Palace all right mate and and they have all the time they’ve got like just these special police you know look you know because it’s and that’s the safest place to sleep in London you can find in that Green Park I mean you can go through Green Park to get to Victoria okay and um it’s it’s

with it being the opposite Buckingham Palace like it’s the safest place because they have police there all the town right like the life on the streets is pretty it’s pretty hard and um so so find out more I’d like to tune in for the next episode of life on the streets this is part one our life on the street is part two could be next week it could be whenever but people peace out love from London thank you we are sinners

but the only way that we can be converted and can be a better human being is by receiving the Kingdom of Heaven in our minds



thank you

because Russia is a terrorist State and this war has to be stopped we are in the 21st century in the middle of Europe horrendous disastrous war is happening for no reason at all completely stop voting stop the war stop projects

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