I met Tyrone near Trafalgar square. Ha agreed to have an interview. he is a very interesting person. Check this out!

Vlog in text:

folks we are here with Tyrone who is a professional artist yeah what do you do what are you um I used to make a living doing portraits I travel the world working in bars doing portraits for 13 years but then I became an alcoholic so I gave up drinking 33 years ago and I stopped doing the portraits I see what are you doing like the on the streets already no listen to me you’re not listening a bar is numb on the streets on it’s a pub we keep your man about the street sure I’ve never works on the streets in my life

is people sometimes pay on those streets you know what did I say to you I said I worked for years working in the bar so you don’t even know what a bar is it’s called a pub yeah okay Public House yes all right

[Music] Tyrone and what are you doing now those days what are you doing these days

I’m writing a lot of songs I’m a poet but I’ve started writing songs in 1964. so with my guitar I’m writing songs for my guitar I’m a poet I’ve been a point since 1968.

I’m doing this a long time I’m 73 in a week yes well done are we doing this for a long very active for your age yes highly active can you tell us one of your poems all right

I’ll be very nice Tyrone they got hundreds of parts just let me get older one for you

gotta get me glasses as well hang on yeah no hardness off

the now songs I now write songs for the guitar but I started out as a poet but it’s a it’s a song that you’re going to tell us yeah it is very nice

where are you from Tyrone I’m from Northern England Northern England right Salford my family from Ireland they’re Irish and Norwegian wow the Irish of Norway and your name is from from Ireland Tyrone in it yeah okay folks so that’s it a song coming

be patient be patient yeah together get a song and a poem from Tyrone all right let’s go that that cross that looks like like a German German yeah let’s stick with this yeah okay we get back to the Cross later on possible

kiss love is a bastard love is a [ __ ] loves a long loved an overscrewed [ __ ] loves two strangers of War loves a kiss that Judas Iscariot gave to Jesus too lovingly as you walk down the stairs and slam the door you hate me but you love me even more very nice thank you oh man so yeah another London Town London can you do it yeah why do you like I’m trying to help you and you keep yapping you’re not a good interview you talk too much London Town I’m going down to London Town the sage of streets of paved with gold in Trafalgar Square you’ll find me there gigging for my greedy evil share selling my soul I’ll do all the evil a good man can do I’m going to be Satan’s number one loser that’s me I’ll look daddy women I’ll be Hellbound I can’t wait to get to London Town I’ll shoot everyone down I’m gonna be the boss of London Town I’m going down down down to London Town Albus new Lucifer’s number one boy I’ll stay to the Stalls with evil Joy they won’t buy me would you money I’ll be the king of poverty my greed will be to kill all those things they have a stronger will I’ll spit on your money and watch you die you’re so funny London guy I’m going down to London Town I’m gonna Crusade I’m heaven and Hellbound I’ll get you I’ll get you I’m so strong with the start of the Lord I’ll beat everyone no drugs will pass my mouth I’m heading to the gates of hell down south I’m going down to London Town with Bible black I’ll hand that Old Devil down I’m gonna shoot that [ __ ] I’m going down down

to London Town that is impressive man and I like I like how you how you how you read it yes my yes recycle I recycle yeah yeah that’s brilliant yeah you like that yeah I enjoy about thousands of us so is that a camera

when did you end up in London and about your childhood a little bit Tyrone well I ended up in more than six years ago not by choice by an actual difficulties I was living in Royal Windsor and I was living in Sloan Square I had about 24 25 000 and I blew it on living in hotels so I thought I’d have a nice life but after about a year I ended up skip so this is where I ended up about my childhood what do you want to know about that like the family siblings by family were Republicans some of them are in the ira one of my uncles chased the British he was in the IP out of uh Ireland my mother’s side of family well this side of the family A rich businessman they own worlds of farmland and they kill each other for the pound the brothers but my mother died when I was a year best thing ever happened today and I was spot written by the family they gave me everything I wanted at a beautiful childhood and I’ve been a small private since

Baltimore child I got everything I wanted right right

and what was your job I mean did you work anything else than pops yes I’ve spent 10 years doing 85 jobs I’ve been a psychiatric nurse I went in quarries I worked down the mines I worked in factories I’ve been a post-state oh I’ve lost counted 85 jobs it’s 85 jobs engineering I did engineering everything yeah I’ve done a lot cool man what else do you want to know and all right and how did you become an artist well from a little boy I used to draw things but then it’s six years of Rage I was put on the close house arrest for attempted murder of 300 children gang Warfare in Salford so they put me on the close house arrest for two years I could not even go to the Sweet Shop I could go out and bump on that because I’d attempted to murder three other children over two weeks I smashed one game with a metal gun I threw one guy under a car and I got another girl I smashed her head open with a mental shotgun because there were gang Warfare himself would you say so I took the walk but my friends were all the mathiosa on the other side of town but eventually took it over we made sausages out of them but I left before that happened he said I had no English friends my friends were often a match to Celia Maltese oh I had no English friends didn’t like him I liked it I like those guys so you decide to town is where they lived and we’re talking about the the town of Salford is that a big big town yes it’s such a near Manchester City yes okay right hey Tyrone and what is your I mean I see you’re having a guitar are you playing songs as well or yes I’m writing songs I’m planning on this is an a string guitar

yeah I don’t like I don’t like American guitars this is very dark this is bigger than an American guitar I’ve got my hand for that now this is butterfly this is samurai that’s Samurai that’s Noble Samurai all on there this is Kamikaze it’s no rock and roll [ __ ] that’s what it is strings there’s no amplifier I’ve never seen an eight-string guitar no I must not know how to play another one no no nice one thank you for showing this that’s Ibanez I got another Japanese pizza that’s 12 string

so what do you think about a post-brexit Briton I’m all for brexit I don’t want the Froggies or the Europeans telling him what to do I don’t want them they cause the first World War the second world war they betrayed us to the Germans I don’t want these Europeans telling us what to do I’m all for brexit so you’re quite happy what happened and with the results the pound the pound is now stronger than the euro and the American dollar and I predicted that our pound is stronger than the euro now you go to Egypt you’re Egypt you go to Egypt a bottle of water here costs a pound in Egypt we cost 50 pounds super inflation across the world we’re doing well okay we got Africa yeah Amish grocery for a reporter was out there is about 600 pounds a week for one guy we are doing well look at all these people why are you coming here there must be a reason because they can eat they can get shelter and they got freedom and that’s the the the the yeah Britain because we’re all shoulders together don’t we yeah they won’t buy much racism here no I’m on the table most of them we’re not interested yeah but he’s interested Tyrone can you tell us about that eagle what the history of that this is all good luck this is a Hindu see the first people that lived on this island were Asian they weren’t White what it was they were nomadic and this island broke away in the Ice Age this wasn’t an island but this is Hitler’s doll but this is a Hindu symbol of good luck and the bolts that invaded this country all had that on the front that’s good luck this is Chinese Eagle Genghis Khan this is butterfly Papillon belgique this is Chinese this is the eye of the tiger Rocky wow hello good luck everything’s good luck no more people think it’s all about good luck or chance nice one Tyrone and have you seen any changes on the Streets of London recently or is it just like it used to be well they’re integrated more what I’m seeing this country is different races are now interbreeding for the first time in this country on a massive scale so you get black men with white girls yeah Asians with Chinese we are the first country in the world that’s become truly International because we are interbreeding together now interesting racism is dying in this country but it is a strong and Russia another countries nationalism this is the most International city in the world we have more population here than New York City not half million people here let’s look look man a black gentleman with a white lady you want to see that in New York no God I’m racist anyone’s the Imperial this is England it’s the most International city in the world the most International City you have every country in the world yeah okay this ain’t goddamn Alabama is it look at it they’re all shops anymore in Alabama would Trump and his mates or any International city in the world yeah yeah that’s the way it’s going they’re very multiculty London do you think that’s going because London is very multiculty but outside London there the further north you go it’s not so much multiple as multiculty as London do you think no the north is now changing this is the weirdest thing I was up north last week and this is the weirdest thing you won’t believe this [ __ ] you got wide women Direction they’re the one of the white people it’s crazy after them twice now they’ve interpread that much the Pakistani commuters live now you’ve got Asian women know the why did the white people the interview the gymnastics that’s North now it’s hard to fight you got black people who look like white people

it’s going crazy you can’t spot anybody now

it’s gone crazy interbreeding interbreeding normally it’s not about work all of England is international now but what it is people don’t realize these white people were originally pakistanis the wire now because of interbreeding the important right genetics genetic genetics perhaps see all these people eventually you won’t be able to figure out how the hell they are you won’t why would would you say they are interbreeding because they want sex alone that’s why isn’t it but they could they could yeah but come on man you go out and say I want a white girl you want to have the sexiest girl you can find whatever that color is get real look at all these girls are you married or I’m not married no I’ve had hundreds of women but I don’t have sex now I’ve been over with all kinds what about children I don’t want children I don’t want I’m an artist I’m not a Family Guy okay I’m a bachelor all right that’s that’s where you’re living in now in serious time you’re gonna have a big problem here man you lost people where what country they’re from they say England you’re with you and you want meals to tell the difference there’s these ladies children grandchildren in 30 40 years time you all know who the hell they are they’re all interbreeding this is London now you got to get North to see this for real crazy man they it’s all gone that racism is all happened it’s all gone you just fall in love with who you fall in love with and you have sex with all your fancy don’t you Freedom yes this is like a free country do what you want to do that’s what regardless of race or religion or yeah

you just wanted two idiots that come here who want to turn it back turn the clock back who is that well that says supremacies idiots why turn the clock back 100 years

but it caused a lot of trouble where do you live where do you live in Olive in my Brook Road

okay nice place nice and chill but I live there okay right my friend and if people want to get in touch with you is there anything there’s no way you can do it do you don’t have other social media let’s not even get into that there’s no way to do it well okay there’s no phone number nothing there’s no way you could do it no way you there’s no way I want you to do it okay can people find you here in the Strand yes yes you could do yes how often do you come here I don’t know but you you can’t really regular fairly regular all right and is there anything else would you like to say Tyrone um we won a World Revolution we want to get rid of all the governments and we want the rich to give us the money back they’ve been stealing offers for years we want that Westminster close down we want a people’s government and we want that right across the world with thicker greedy people stealing everything and telling us what to do we want a worldwide Revolution take all the money back the stall office I give it to the people are you at an anarchist no I’m not a nanny kiss I’m a revolutionary

there is what do you think about the the war in Russia yourself well I think you should get rid of beauty but recruiting Because it’s a mercenary and then pay him to stop the bloody war give him some money to stop the money War him in his face and stop them it’s costing everything get rid of beauty and put precaution in

and pay the boogers off that’s what Genghis Khan did pay them up say stop this bloody warm and give you a few quid

and with the other topics what did you think about the coronavirus yourself what’s that that the virus that the kovid19

I just took No Nonsense of it okay right and what about uh like recent recent events in the UK are you following the the politics what politics I don’t really know what’s happening so

his his wife has got 300 million it’s stolen the Polish Cavalry your friend your polish friend yes and when it became the Iron Curtain he has to get out because of the Russians many polls did so they came here and lived in my closure after 45 yes many did imagine and that his son become your friend yes yes that’s right right that’s right what camera you do you use by the way just a matter of Interest yeah yes it’s the Master’s Beauty hang on

it’s very very unusual camera I have two of a bigger one but these are instamatic and you get 10 shops and there’s a pound a shot if I could open this up so he says stop sitting there [ __ ] but what’s good about this it’s colder it’s very bright colors yeah you know Kelly evanchio the painter this is very dark bougie fish is very dark it’s uh it’s not like cold I call it Speed play we’ll have two of these I have a bigger one that’s bro is that like a Polaroid yeah that’s what it is that’s what it is it’s thematic because the power get 10 shots there’s no filming it and I’ve got to get some pepper and that’s the power pounder shot since the massive

photography as well do you like yourself I’m a photographer as well but mostly I did cats cats cats you had some cats like they pull through it I I photograph the caps and then I do paintings of them and you do the paintings so moment so

they said that we’re not allowed to eat anything

oh okay all right okay
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