I met Brayan outside Victoria train station. Brayan comes from #Liverpool but spent many many years on the streets of #London . Join this channel to get access to perks:

 folks we are here with Brian who’s been on the Streets of London for how long 14 years 14 years what triggered your homelessness relationship breakdown it was it was a relationship breakdown all right what happened there have you been long together guys oh basically I’ve caught my wife cheating on me um obviously with a so-called friend and that um I was working we had a little girl together I thought I was doing everything the right thing in that like putting all me effort into like providing for me family and providing a home and do you know what I mean yeah but um obviously all along and I she was cheating with an next person an next man she was cheated she was cheated I actually C her C her doing it you caught her doing that when you came back home unexpect unexpectedly I I come home from working and I found next man in me house she didn’t have no explanation why he was there and what reason he was there wow was that somebody you knew no no no I didn’t really I’ve seen him about the area before or not but I didn’t know this person though no I’m sorry to hear that and that was after so many how many years of marriage five years of mar 5 years of marriage and you have a child together right how old is your child 12 12 all right and then your m is still in Liverpool right yes okay so and after you you broke up with your Ms in Liverpool you decided to come to London why to be truthful whether to end me life cuz no one can stop me no one can judge me to come here to kill myself obviously I was on London Bridge I got up on the bridge a few times tried overdosing and that obviously it didn’t work overdose with what um I interacted with Heroin I’ve tried taking tablets obviously that was 14 years ago though you know what I mean like about 13 years ago I’ve never tried anything since obviously I’ve just been trying to rebuild years ago you tried to to 13 years ago 13 years ago you you took an overdose um well yeah more than like I tried tried to jump off a bridge or tried to jump off a roof and see and how how is your mental health now it’s getting better like it’s getting better but it’s still bad like it’s still bad I still got them thoughts every single day mean something like that I do get suicidal thoughts every day yes yes wow that’s bad are you actually in touch with any Charities that help homeless I do speak to about a charity called s mongos and that but they’re not very mongos yeah yeah and they are they good they’re not really helping me at the moment to be honest with you sir they’re not really helping you at the moment that’s not good to hear right Brian where do you usually sleep sleep I stay like around either this station or by the coach station or I stay close to like where the cameras and that because it’s quite dangerous out here didn’t it right where the cameras are yeah where it’s safe and have you been attacked I have yes yes by Who members of the public drinks yeah I had a tent when I was up in safaga square and not someone tried to set it on fire when I was in a tent yeah right so you’ve been actually homeless for some time now yeah I have yeah life most of me life through being in care or not like in care I was in I was I was in care through from childhood that and it so were you were you like uh orphan orphan right all right sorry to hear that have you ever met your biological parents no no and it was mostly institutions or like families you were children’s homes and that like homes and that yeah like institutions and that as you say around Liverpool or Liverpool cheser Manchester all different areas how do you remember this time I’m 41 years old it’s like I was under a car like in them till I was 21 years old so he only 20 years ago it’s still me still quite the things that I mean is they’re not they’re not nice places institutes or not you know what I mean right I’m really sorry to hear that well are you having any problems with like addictions um I drink but um I am at the moment getting off like I don’t have like cut myself down and like yeah how much do you drink I drink about half a bottle a day that’s it side no no no Spirits just s just S I used to be on the spirits and not vs a day I used to be vka like two three Lees of vka a day but I’ve I’ve cut right right down like you know what I mean now it’s just decid done maybe in a few weeks few months and I hopefully fingers crossed to get off it all I mean I don’t want to be doing it anymore all right so how is the future looking for you Brian if these have reach workers start to help me in that like I I want to I want to get somewhere to live I want to get a job I want to I want to get back into the community I want I do want to sort me life out right what what’s your job what’s my job at the moment plaster is that what you did and mechanic as well fun enough the the guy I was interviewing before he was a mechanic as well probably you know Robert from Victoria Robert Robert yeah Englishman maybe B by face that maybe SE face that maybe yeah all right well and so you say you you you’ve got a place like under somewhere like with a roof on top yeah and never sleep in the doorways to be truthful with you like most of the time where coffee near ways there to sleep out in that doorway or sleep up by the coach station in the doorway there but it right how is it to actually sleep on the on the raft you know on a cold you get used is that the only sleeping bag you have the I’m used to it like to be truthful with you and that like at first it was horrible it’s like every news you hear and that you’re twitching you’re moving you’re thinking someone’s going to come near you but after so long out here and that like it it feels weird sleeping IND doors to be on truthful with you right I get all that anxiety and all that when I go indoors when I’m out here I sleep quite well it’s been that long I’ve been that long you a place under a roof some I would love I would love somewhere yeah I would love to I would love to get interesting way yeah is there any way you’ve got like a phone number somebody who is watching this could call you and offer you help is there any any way I don’t know I got no family or anything know I have you got a phone number that you want to share no no I all people have to look at you for in Victoria Coach Station for looking for Brian the from Liverpool and that’s the only way people can can contact you oh they come and see L and come and see me in it around here all the time yeah you sounds like a Jordie I sound like a Jord no don’t like a Jord Scouts yeah thank you I am I am a scouser yeah you are a scouser proper Liverpool big Port right how is the situation in Liverpool I haven’t been up there for a long long time so I don’t know I can’t comment on that me I don’t know no right I tell you what’s going around here don’t you know I mean it used to be one of the biggest Sports in it in the world Liverpool yeah man right right but and if there is an advice you would give to to people who are you know messing with drugs and you know living on the streets what would you tell them Brian Life’s Too Short don’t stop wor it Life’s too short so it life is too short to do it it’s not worth it is it it’s not worth it stay sober is that the message Life’s too short you short that’s a big that’s that’s it life to is too short mate yeah well I’m losing a lot of friends around me at the moment you know what I mean not a lot of I’ve lost a lot of friends at the moment around me what what was the cause of of the deaths through through being on the street drugs like all sorts of things you know what I mean but like just lately I’ve lost a few lot of friends and not do you know what I mean that’s why I say Life’s Too Short do you know what I mean you don’t want to be out here man every moment of it correct yeah live every moment you can do you know what I mean yeah well thanks a lot for the interview uh is there anything else would you like to add n that’s all thank you we appreciate all right well God bless you hope you find somewhere warm and a place to stay so you don’t have to be I don’t know about your your problems with with substance abuse but yeah keep with

your so you should be able to get back and track well that’s what I’m trying you know what I mean from three lers of vodka a day do you know what I mean down to half a bottle of side of a day if if even if I do get a drink I mean most of the time I don’t and you manage that on your own without like going on a proper detox with with with the like like helping with sleeping tablets and stuff like that to help me sleep sleeping tablets yeah few volume tablets and that just to help me sleep and not of the doctor than that do to get over it and that but other than that yeah and how long that was that for going for it’s been over the years man it’s took years over the years it took actually over years to gradually do it yeah it’s not just done it like it’s took years to do it’s not just like getting off it it’s me mental health and everything you know what I mean there all sorts of things around it you know what I mean you can’t just stop can you like that no but I think maybe if you would be looking out for a professional help you would be I I you know they say it’s it’s they know what they doing the therapist and things like that you know on your own must be so difficult were you ever thinking like reaching out for professional help Brian I have spoke to people like Outreach workers and that yeah and like do I’ve spoke to the doctor a few times and that but I don’t know just don’t stun it you know what I mean like he either going to kill me I was going the wrong way in it you know what I mean or that’s why I’m still here to be honest with you if I didn’t stop drinking I wouldn’t be here now if I didn’t stop doing what I was doing I wouldn’t be you know won’t be doing this interview with you know no it’s well well done but I mean yeah I mean is there anything I can help you somehow just keep doing what you’re doing sir is it keep doing what you’re doing spread the love in it and spread the love what music do you like Brian all sorts all sorts The Beatles right the Liverpool Beatles I’m I’m happy like I go I like going to festivals and that I like Festival music and stuff I like going to different festivals sorts of festivals to glastenbury I haven’t done glastenbury but there’s one called SM world you had to promote that one for him SM World in Ken that’s an amazing Festival yeah yeah was that this year or it’s twice a year it is May and August yeah it’s a beautiful Festival you want to go August yeah yeah and you recommend why would you recommend why because it’s all lovely people there it all Dan and it’s piece of love in it yeah festivals brilliant they all good people and what what other festivals you know out there that you would recomend those those are different ones I don’t know of the top of them yet but that’s the one main one I go to we got

something right Rob how much money you can make a day not much I just get enough to get some food and try and get some sheltered and that to be truthful if you said I’m not greedy like you know I mean I get enough to get some food and sheltered and that I’m not greedy you know what I mean obviously when I was drinking and I used to get enough of me drinking that and that’s also do you know what I mean right so not a lot have you been begging for a long time have you seen like a change in people’s behavior when it comes to begging yeah there is yeah there is because since the lockdown to be honest with you since the lockdown and that like lot no one carries change no one has money anymore it’s always either card or phone you know what I mean like have you ever thought for people as well not just for us out here it’s getting harder for people as well in the do you know what I mean they’re struggling in life as well do you know what mean it’s not just struggling everyone is struggling do you know what I mean it’s getting hard do you know what I mean is a yeah you’ve noticed the the kind of a decline yeah in quality of life everything and everything even even the way people are and need tort you and not you know what I mean like like people used to come up all the time and say hello and that and then buy you the coffee and all that now they they don’t because they think if they come up and say hello yeah they have to buy something and it’s not just about that you know what I mean I pref come up and just talk to me do you know what I mean it’s not always about to change all the money in that oh sorry yeah it’s not always about the change in the money is about conversations you know what I mean yeah right right right Brian and you didn’t you didn’t finish about the music you like you know can you name few bands I mean just to to see who you like I like J cinnamon right I like rap music I like I like I like allce I like all sorts of Music in that to be honest with you yeah music music’s a bit of a therapy for me do you know what I mean I I love music yeah how do you listen to your music being homeless I go to the library and stuff like that right yeah goes to the library right right and you can listen in the library right right right library right yeah all right my friend well thanks for the interview no thank you I hope you have a well good day get make some money have a comfortable shelter for tonight are you where you off to tonight well if I can get enough that there’s a h there’s a hostel a backpack is hostel up by pimo called the ashor I’m going to try and get enough to get into therea now it’s 26 it is 26 is the that’s what I’m going to try and get enough for it right and you have no phone number no email nothing got an email that we can get hold of you somehow I don’t have an email address and I you don’t even have an email address n wow man with no contact I don’t need to contact you know if you want to find me come always around here yeah all right all the best my friend n thank you God bless cheers thank you

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