I met Charlie on the High Street in Croydon. he has some incredible story to tell. Check this out.


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we are here with Charlie he’s been on the streets for how long I think it’s been about like five six weeks now six weeks yeah I haven’t been counting how did you end up on the streets I walked out of my hostel and I made myself homeless yeah yeah pulled out me hostel

I wanted to get clean and you know I wanted to I was like I’ll walk out the Hostile my mother being really [ __ ] smart or really [ __ ] dumb and uh yeah 30 moves the method down well I was on 50 at the time and I reduced like that 20 mil down to 30 mil in about two weeks what made you homeless got right what was your job before you became homeless before you lost your address I’m a senior JavaScript software engineer now I’ve got mental health he’s got mental well so why are we out here so you had an accident yeah a bike accident you were on a bike right yeah you know from from cocaine from heroin from cat tablets and then ended up being Carnival a few weeks so they are off the losing my methadone dropping off for 30 mils and I should have been in a lot of [ __ ] pain riding around but turns out I don’t know why but I’m a week off of 30 but who’s the methadone and I’m sweet so I’m free of that [ __ ] now yeah but uh yeah I think it’s a bit it’s been about like two months six six five six weeks I haven’t [ __ ] I haven’t been counting

yeah yeah three weeks after I was born and I was my mum lifted me up and brought me here because my dad used to beat her and she was like I’m not having that [ __ ] so she came down to London yeah my mum was Brave mate not many women do that [ __ ] walking away from a man who beats him you know what I mean stick around they don’t know what to do do they say

you said about your addiction can you tell us how your addictions started I started doing drugs and I was 14 in my children’s home yeah


about three months or four months I’m not counting that either I don’t want a Divi chip uh yeah and crack that’s that’s a way a couple of weeks right because after I dropped off the methadone it must make any crack that would have left me raw mate and I would have probably had to you so did you say you grew up like you were in a home yeah yeah when I was seven or something yeah I lived in Bourbons even my mum till I was seven it was in the Bloomfield clinic at guys hospital by six child psychology Unit A year later they strapped older boys to me at on an ECG scratch all my brain waves out but ADHD weren’t recognized back then was it

Asperger’s or autism I mean autism that’s brilliant and it you know idiots savants man can’t function in society but see things that other people can’t and you know what there’s a theory but basically they’re operating on the level like an a higher revolved level and they [ __ ] are they just are but we haven’t humans haven’t reached the level where we can actually operate from that level that’s why they’re all mad at whatever they’re doing yeah I mean

Primary School in there children’s home until about 11 then I was out in Kenya in a different children’s home that’s where I started doing drugs when I was 14. next I was in the secondary school and it was there wasn’t it Wade acid drinking so you know what I mean dust the bat

I Got No Room when it was about five 29. I’m like as far as I’m concerned like this I went to aanaca and uh I tried that for five months I was off the gear in the crack I was smoking where I just didn’t and that’s not for me it works for people carry on do what you’re doing man get more power to you mate but it’s not for me and I’m all right I’m not craving I’m not this I just I’m all right back then I smoked a joint the weed all I wanted was heroin and crack

have a drink Aaron crack Cravings the mark that’s what it’s just not happening now I’m like [ __ ] yeah I’m happy about that actually because you know weed’s awesome as well

tell us more about your family like if you have any siblings yeah my brother he was 10 years older than me he’s half brother same mother and uh he overloached on their room when he was 27 when I was seven East and in my children’s home yeah that happened yeah yeah well you know it’s a long time ago I’m 46 so

years and years and [ __ ] years and I’m I’m all right I’ve been blood tested you’re delivering kidneys fine I was shocked yeah I was like I’m ready brilliant I can go again

I’m going out raving next week you can get banjax trash mates MDMA bear cake that’s that way I’m all right now I’m sweet I ain’t gonna run to heroin heroin’s bollocks mate what do I do I’m boring I got bored of it I got bored of it years ago that’s the transition I got bored of it you’re in love with it it’s your wife mate it’s your best [ __ ] friend no I mean I love yeah everyone I love me Erin and crap yeah smash that [ __ ] to pieces I can [ __ ]

I’d also rated legs through groin injecting and all that [ __ ] all right so yeah um anyway [Music] yeah but you know I mean what what I’m doing now not any not not everybody can do because that shit’s a monster mate shit’s a monster it ran my life for [ __ ] 16 17 years but it ran my life it didn’t towards the end like last week my attitude changed and I felt about it and it took me about three four years to get my head around it up and then shitload of acid jumping in Camden lock jumping in Burgess Park the lake there yeah tripping my nut off tripping off deep yeah I was forcing it I was pushing pushing pushing and the acid [ __ ] helped I mean people are micronizing off and [ __ ] this [ __ ] and they solving their depression problems with [ __ ] mushrooms and that and it [ __ ] works doesn’t it it works because I’m I think I’m living proof of that now do you know what I was doing a shitload of [ __ ] acid and I was literally bang bang getting drinking a lot of [ __ ] drink getting right [ __ ] I mean it was they picked oh you’ve got a drink problem no no no the day I start drinking if I drink for a week yeah it might be a problem in a week yeah that’s all fun and games before that I’ll get a bit of messy bacon yeah I I lean into my buzz mate I love my drugs but I’m going to be a bit more selective now I’m going to go to a gym I’ve got a mate who’s boxing coach I’m gonna go and go down I’m invited there when I get off the streets and I can be clean I mean I’ve been eating like a goddamn horse mate eating like a horse I look like [ __ ] full months ago I look like exactly like all of these people on the street it was literally that that was me yeah what happened what

well because I’m homeless I still have to eat and feed myself so I’m actually begging up mostly for food and having a drink you know I mean a bit of weed by sitting out in the out instrumental more Brixton or whatever you know yeah how many however are you doing this for so long how long you’ve been doing this for what now or that kind of Life geez when did you work for the last time uh I’m a Blazer by trade Glacier you know windows we use the board up windows at night we had a shop cutting grass really nose and grass probably but yeah if I can yeah putting these in or even up there just anything windows foreign

I’d say 22 years ago yeah so there you go how long you said I forgot the question uh 22 years ago going back about three and a half years four years I was there the only shop we’re working I was terrible mate yeah pissed up all the time I get so drunk at night I’d turn up pesto in the morning customer comes in I put a big sheet of glass out when I first got that [ __ ] going they’re all sitting in the office like staring waiting waiting for me to [ __ ] I never never dropped a bit of glass or a big bit of glass and then I never cut myself up well I did I was actually drunk and you know them wheelie bins when we filled them up with all the grass they’re heavy mates so I’ve got my foot here I kicked it and basically the way it dropped right on the floor and I went in place first into the bin and I cut my lip it’s only little I walked into the offices and got the first I’ve got my first days and cut it but when it was all laminated glass in there if it was clear float that would have shredded my goddamn face up you know would it looked like jigsaw or something aren’t they but yeah

go ahead mate just be [ __ ] careful and don’t be a [ __ ] eat well look after yourself you might get away with it there’s plenty of big casualties and bugging drug count it was casualties out there you know what I mean people like people are going to do drugs drugs are there as simple as that what am I I’m not the [ __ ] police am I you know me who wants to tell anybody what the [ __ ] to do I’m on my way I’ve got no family all my family are gone a completely unaffiliated you know the [ __ ] Freedom that affords me

I’m on my own I do the [ __ ] I like and I’m gonna what about like relationships girlfriends long time ago yeah no no children man be very careful about that very careful about that I can’t I can hardly look after this it took me 46 years to get me a brownness and you know I’m I’m fighting my way out of this but we’re waiting I’m waiting to get picked up in streatham yeah I mean by the Outreach team and taking a bit of time it’s a process in it you know what I mean I’ve only been that I’ve been out for about two months or something you know what I mean it’s not like it’s not I did I did years on the street in the beginning when I first started on the Kraken area and ejecting it was like I can’t wait to be a homeless beggar and do that again that’s how [ __ ] good it is that’s how [ __ ] good it is it will absolutely trash your life if you let it so but I enjoyed myself I called it my 16 17 year heroin holiday I had a good time and I don’t even regret it because I had to do that because apparently because I’m in children’s homes like there’s large statistics to say hmm they’re most likely to become drug addicts and [ __ ] up which is fairly true I know why I live with them kids who [ __ ] up so I was I just suffered from a lot of [ __ ] neglect I mean people out there who [ __ ] up [ __ ] I’m lucky I’m lucky I’m lucky mate yeah I’m lucky to have survived this time

a few times come out of it myself I’ve only been brought back once that was horrible clocking my nut off

wouldn’t it yeah my mama just died I was smashing going on the trains begging up making shitloads of money like bang bang bang drink getting out of my life that’s the only way I could deal with it oh yeah

for you that if people want to help you donate I think I’ll be all right I’m gonna do it on my own yeah you know what right it’s funny right all my life right there’s people that these people um uh you you you remind me of me when I was young yeah and I’m like yeah really is that soaking they go yeah well you know I just woke up one day and change myself yeah really that happens does it yeah [ __ ] off mate I’m like you know it happened last year to me it was a [ __ ] done it’s taken me over a year to get to this point and I ain’t [ __ ] stopping mate I ain’t stopping that’s it anyway not enough yeah I wish you all the bestlo

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