I met Dinu in central London. He has been on the streets for the last 16 years because of alcohol.

Vlog in text:
All right folks we are here with Dino he’s been on the Streets of London for how long roughly 16 years 6 years 16 16 years oh right wow so you’re very very experienced to the life on on the streets well I pretend to be what made you homeless got right got mental heal he’s got mental heal so why are we at here so you had an accident yeah a bike accident you were on a bike you were probably drunk right from from from cocaine from aoin from crack tablets what what is it that you sleep I can sleep everywhere in the rain in the snow doesn’t matter for me is that where you usually see on the rain and on the streets especially yesterday coup of rain I sleeping there opposite tell me your story how did you end up homeless CU you said you you come from Romania right yeah and you came here and what happened I tried to make a better life than my country like many others and uh it was okay for a while but I couldn’t save money at all I couldn’t I couldn’t so after a couple of months I end on the street I talk about 2007 and up on the street I tried to that was that in the UK or sorry it was that in Romania or in the UK yeah you came to to the UK and you couldn’t get any job I had job before I had even this year I tried to have around more jobs more jobs but because I am addicted to alcohol it’s not easy for me it’s not easy I see what jobs did you do before well when I came here okay in my country I never work work in building but I was working here for a while you work as a in a building industry yeah constructions yeah but you you got but never in my country like a labor very simple things but I couldn’t save money at all I couldn’t rent is very expensive I couldn’t afford it I can’t afford it this year already lost four jobs just apply back on the street I was working for a couple of months sleep in the park go to work in the morning

but it’s not easy it’s not easy all right you you were sleeping in the park and going to work and yeah every single morning what jobs what jobs in cleaning cleaning jobs yeah all right know well tell us more about like your childhood and about you said you grew up near the Romanian Ukrainian border yeah very close close with the Border yes on the border there life was good but there was no jobs and you came to the UK it’s all jobs but when I finish my job in Romania my job was different it’s not like here was different I’ve been in Army for a very long time sorry I’ve been in Army for a very long time in Army in the Army right Romania Romanian Army Romanian and United States well and what United States as well United States Army yeah okay how how come only 11 years 11 years in the Army and uh how did you manage to to fight did you to be for the US Army as well I’m not talking about normal Army I’ve been Afghanistan for 5 years you’ve been to Afghanistan for 5 years yes yes with the Romanian Army in the first place yes after that join United States Army okay did that impact you in somehow the Afghanistan war is that like a yeah yeah when when I when I finished 2006 I start drinking and my brother was here so okay don’t kill yourself you surviv in Afghanistan don’t kill yourself there because I start drinking so much too much and okay come to London a big opportunity okay come and come in 2007 after one year and it finished my army in 2006 it was okay a couple of months and then start drink [Music] again how much do you drink din know well actually I drink beer you drink beer yeah is that that that’s your alcohol no Spirits no wine a proper Romanian you should be drinking wines wine and pink I drink oh you polish beard TI I like it yeah all right all right DIN and tell me you know in how is it to be homeless on the Streets of London well honestly you don’t need to buy food there’s plenty food yeah food is free everywhere you go even shower right you can get show do you use the S Martin’s connections oh yes for many many years now for many many years yeah it’s here around the corner they very good are in they yeah they they help a lot of homeless so you recommend to use S Martin’s connection yeah if you’re homeless to go to S Martin they help you out from connection they send you somewhere else for San mangos for example they send you some somewhere else San mangos San mangos is another place it’s no place it’s all over all over London all over London are all over see I see right Dino and uh so you say this food what about accommodation are you being offered like hostels yeah yeah why don’t you go and sleep in hostels I can but I try it but even if I I’m a room I sleep down on the floor in the hostels I can’t sleep in a bed I can’t can’t sleep on bed anyway no

come is that all the belongings that you have here or you’ve got more belongings

somewhere I got more I hand it somewhere okay you got I put in a bag I put in a bag PL right right right yeah safe the place yeah did you get experience any any harm from other homeless people oh yes I got this most of them are is not they’re not like me most of them try to steal from somebody steal from shops is they’re not from like me I’m Different my experience of life is different than than their that what they do just to try to make some money for drugs not me I got two children they don’t know what I’m doing here they don’t you don’t know you on the streets no are they in Romania your children yes and they don’t know you you on the streets no they don’t know but the only problem you have is alcohol yeah you can’t work because the alcohol is like you’re drinking from the morning till night basically and you keep losing jobs because of that all right you know and listen there somebody watching this maybe wants to help you contact you is there any email address or phone number you have can you can say that now and people will hopefully maybe fellow Romanian people will will see you on the streets of London and feel sorry for you and now dino is going to give us his details so if you feel like contacting DIN and giving him even a a word of advice or what so my email address is Dino d n 9027 at gmail.com Dino d i n u u 9 27@gmail.com all right okay thank you very much but that hope somebody will contact you by email better by email yeah definitely and uh if there is any advice to people who are messing with alcohol would you give people an advice you about I had many many advice in my life I never follow them you think someone else somewhere else is going to follow the advice I don’t think so no I’m in contact with cgl I will see how it’s going to work for 2 years now I still work it for detox alcohol detox yeah I’ve been in AA long time ago but I I don’t like to say okay my name is the alcoholic I don’t like to say that I’ve been there so I stopped drinking for eight months and then start again in the Christmas Day for eight months you manag not to drink and be with the AA not at all yeah because AA yeah but you don’t like to go back there and say that I try it again but no you don’t feel like going back it’s alcohol a big problem you think is like yeah it’s the biggest problem what I got for you is the biggest problem yeah of it and you you’re smoking as well yeah a lot a

lot all right Dino and um where in Romania oh you said from the borders with ukra and you’re usually hanging around this area if somebody wants to to find you in the in the in the city you’re near the Leicester Square in London l Square yeah it’s near in I know the area better than anyone else all right my friend well thanks for the interview and all the best thank you

cheers I’m homeless I’m I’m

I’m but I’m



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