Folks we are here with Ian and you’ve been on the Streets of London for how long ?

-This time 9 days
-Only 9 days so it’s not like you living on the streets yes now I am you are um I was in accommodation up until the week before last and the landlord sold the property uh I was in a HMO housing of multi occupancy I was renting a room in a large house right the landlord sold the property yes and so for nine days I’ve been on the streets for nine days so so uh why why did you end up in the first place in the the the place you’ve been before I was homeless last year for 3 four months and a charity called Street link helped me get off the streets last year and got me into that accommodation what what what is the name of the charity it’s called Street link strling they they helped you they were good you’re efficient they come out people put a referral in and a member of the public they put a referral in and they come out to see you they verify that you’re homeless and then they help you find accommodation yes I see I see Street link is the and are you living on the streets with your dog yes he’s Oscar Oscar is Ian and Oscar right is that the usual place we are in Liverpool Street station is that where you hang around yeah I I hang around here but I don’t sleep here um where I sleep further in the city I don’t tell anyone simp because of safety of course of course um cuz you hear stories you know Ian tell me your story you know where you from and about your childhood and growing up I’m from Preston in Lancashire I’ve been in London for eight years me and my brother I came down here to just for a different life you know my brother was in a bit of trouble up north we came here I ended up getting an accommodation I was working as industrial cleaner and just everything went South you know um I lost the accommodation that’s last year and I just struggled so so for 6 years I was good here I was working I had accommodation last year I lost my accommodation on my job and just from there I just found it difficult to recover yeah I see well tell me about like any substance abuse are you suffering from that no no I so I used to SM weed but I don’t even smoke that anymore simply because I I started suffering fits last year and every time after smoking weed well it it made it worse yeah it was triggering it so I I stopped it I see a neurologist at Houston you know a brain specialist um and he said just just cut it out so I did because you’ve been what what was happening to you I started suffering fix I was having F yeah not epilepsy just just seizures yeah and it’s still ongoing they don’t really know why yet but they prescribed me medication to stop me having them which is not 100% it doesn’t always stop me having it you know you’re still you’re still having feeds you would have the feet like you sitting on the street and then you will pass out or something like that yeah yeah I see and but they are lot they’re rarer now they’re not every day or every week you know tou what I’ve not had one for a couple of months you know all right and what about like uh your education you you Schools jobs I just I grew up no no education no exams but I’ve worked all my life like in the building trade you know no specific trade I’m I’m just good with my hands you know so I’ve always been in the building trade um I’ve worked with my brothers uh my two older brothers they’re both own little businesses a CL on a heting engineer you know and so I’ve worked with that and yeah I’ve just done that most of my life

how is it to be homeless on the Streets of London difficult difficult and it is it’s it’s very difficult you know you’ve just seen me sit down begging that’s to get money for me and them to get in somewhere you know and let me tell you it’s hard the people the comments when they go past they look down they don’t realize it could be them you know what I mean they look at me and think drug addict whatever but they don’t know me they don’t know my life they don’t know my story well now they know because uh that will be on my YouTube channel so some people will know Ian is there if there’s somebody watching this may that knows you is there anything you want to pass on or just if if if you did come across me try and help me get into accommodation because I so desperately needed you know and with accommodation I go straight back to work you know and that’s what I need that’s what I need just that little bit of help accommodation and then work yeah yeah we go on like that so definely yeah 100% are you are you on the list in any organization to get accommodation not at the moment did you try the S uh what they call them s Martin St Mongol or St Martin in the field I’m actually registered at St Mongol at Tower Hamlet but the claw door week this uh the actual building it’s all Monday to Friday it’s a dropping Center but the shut this week There’s I don’t know there’s something to do with the water so they’re actually closed yeah I see they are helping me they are helping you yeah and uh have you got like a phone number that you can give to people if somebody wants to help you I have yeah 07 0 7497 5689 90 all right Ian and uh is there anything else you would like to add no that’s fine I’m a bit you know that’s my first ever interview I done I’ll be honest you know well you’re doing well it’s a pity you don’t want to talk lovly thank you sorry sorry I don’t want you know that you don’t want to really like uh deep dig in the in the life of homeless people in London but that’s fine if you don’t want to you know he all all would say to anyone who watches your channel stop and speak to a homeless person they’ve had a life you know they’re not they’re not just what you see there’s a lot more to a homeless person to stop you don’t have to stop and give them money just stop and talk to him cuz there’s a lot more to him you know that’s what I would say I thanks a lot bro all the best [Music] Cheers [Music] longest

super [Music]

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