I met Pablo in Soho, the fun district of London. We had to walk for 2 miles to the nearest shop that sells alcohol. Check this out!

 all right folks so we are working with Pablo for another about three kilometers 15 minutes to get to an off license that’s how far you have to go to go to a shop that sells alcohol if you are around Soho the farm District in London maybe with some training and that’s me and Pablo walking the streets of London and you said that you said on other things music and I’d love to remember and what laughter and bunch yeah there you go that’s Pablo my favorite homeless person now I hope we will get more of public because he’s quite entertaining yeah for nice people as well


not right what was your job before you became homeless before you lost your address I’m a senior JavaScript software engineer now I’ve got mental health he’s got mental health so why are we out here so you had an accident yeah a bike accident you went on a bike right yeah you know from from cocaine from heroin from cat tablets sorry a Christmas tree turns up from tarantulas in Norway about Northern Lights every Christmas there is a tree from Norway here yeah like a multiple of rainbow water boat trip which unfortunately you can’t see because my camera is not focusing well enough anyway let’s go to the south side of Thames Pablo where are we now unfortunately

yeah and what is it that in front of us that that will London Eye right all right one of the biggest tourist attractions in London

is it 30 pounds now to go on the island how long does it take to go around

used to be 10 pounds you know when it first started

can you describe that Tower behind you

Big Ben all right let’s go to the south of London

thanks guys


vlogger super big

so how are you doing Pablo all right jacket all right what you drinking by the way oh I’m drinking a come with me brother what what it’s uh

yeah we’re belonging

no but listen when you were talking earlier about when she’s gone back to Poland you’ll get back together but that were true when they were talking to them rather than from Ipswich about many tree in the I did wake up at middle of the field 38 years ago and there were combine harvester there but yeah so we just met some people from Ipswich because you ended up sleeping on the field yeah yeah yeah dive into that combine harvest of that combine harvest yeah 30 a year ago 38 years ago what Harvest was it it would have come back combine harvester yeah and I walked outside the road and it would be run over by it no no no no no it failed let’s come out to the pump and got me again the combine harvester came over you know they were there yeah I kept the sound of it Fox so you nearly died

a year ago I know but if that you know when you mentioned new grand I like yeah there’s uh weeks running out in it because of that yeah well I were in the field 38 years ago and then once knew I was telling jokes he would just talked to then because I did when you mentioned it so she knew I were on the bike Lending Tree I woke up in the middle of the field there about 38 years ago yeah I was like I know so you’ve been all over the country what what is your favorite part of the UK I’ve been all over I’ve lived in Belgium Island France Spain Denmark I was in a few countries you haven’t met nice people live in the UK what is your favorite part of the UK well then we jump to Europe I like going everywhere everywhere

You’ve Been Everywhere yeah all right what about Europe what’s your favorite parts well up like I said I’ve lived in Amsterdam Belgium I used to live in Saint Nicholas in Belgium it’s one District to Belgium despite Flemish now you speak Flemish can you say something oh listen I used to live in Saint Nicholas in Belgium then I go to Central Brussels and then as you go outside the fire door like a tunnel you can resume a bell well as well

so I did I used to live on South the real train station in Paris Central Paris got off at North train station went by uh Walt Louie at train station in 2004. it’s from Saint pancreas how much did you pay for a ticket I didn’t you didn’t you kidding me no I’ve got on it foreign

a few kilometers installed the thing in a few jams record

yeah did you get some money I broke out into that James Record you know the one oh that God exists from and this young Parisian might come over give me 25 years ago but he said I didn’t ask him for hey you just give me 25 years old and then a woman who worked on Metro because it was winter time December 17th 2004 it’s normally that day there were Christmas Market people wearing that and uh she said would you like a cup of hot chocolate on natural trouble man what you all right all right so you had a good time yeah what about the homeless people did you mingle among the homeless because you’re homeless right there were a lot of people living up my crowds they were clean entirely blankets on top of photograph machines on Metro multiple of rainbow blankets yeah they were giving blankets to people on top of the photograph machines on metro in Paris they were clean blankets clean blankets for homeless people we reckon they get better caring like because I’ve never seen blankets here in that way but I know the handouts apparently the best in Europe that was in 2004 December 17 2004 yeah how long did you spend there oh a couple of way about six week and then I went up to Amsterdam uh Euro lines was again no ticket not bad for this one

thank you for like 50 euros to Amsterdam and that was Amsterdam it was all right I went back to pay respects because the lady had passed away with cancer so I went back to home to where a person respects our new Royal lines bus from Paris after I got our eurostaria from Waterloo it’s from Saint pancreas Jones as you know you went back to London in 2004 you could get on the Euro staff from Waterloo train station it’s from Saint pancreas now yeah all right that was additional station I went that way I’d go back to Auckland to pay some respect somebody who died of cancer

in 2004. I’ve not been back for 15 years you know what I mean 1990 to write my friend and what would you say to people who are thinking about like ending up on streets the streets

and uh would you give them an advice I mean is it easy to live on the streets you know like everyone about hungry enough I knew Hungarian I grew up in Edinburgh Edinburgh yeah in Scotland yeah wherever the train station is the train station well they were going to throw himself off the bridge because it’s a bit of a suicide spot what so I thought tonight of it or a woman yeah the bridge I know I’ve seen a lot of like uh stickers on that bridge saying uh Samaritans call Samaritans before you jump I mean we always here to talk to anybody who’s thinking about anything like that but what happened to you in Edinburgh can you I haven’t just lived in Edinburgh I’ve lived in Glasgow Aberdeen

all over oh my God you’re very active person I have to say yeah I’d always give people but there is some why evil like that uh Fred West and I’ll walk [ __ ] he thought ten crumbled straight with that I took them to conditional that was my own’s he died at Winston Greenman crab West and that polish girl the cold Kirk’s church is in Scotland Carrick hi and why were that tall been bastard who killed that polish girl and put her on the floorboard she’s not dead and [ __ ] dead Polish Girl yeah girl the boys corbyn from buff gate why did he do it because you’re an evil bastard the evil bastards they went up in the northern killer a Polish Bird yeah

when was that usual years ago

did you hear about the the family suicide the four Polish people the family but I think the father killed the mother and the children for Polish people died in Northern London recently Dusty people who are all Michael what’s happening why things are not the same they used to be Pablo because times have changed bro I mean 1970s okay right here what schools in Baltimore in Sri Lanka was called so long on the atlas because that’s why we were cold today Rhodesia yes yeah it’s not because of that it would call that on the atlas

in 70s would you like it to be still called Rhodesia I’d like it to be like it were in 1970s 60s enough kinds of change bro what do you think about the brexit as I’ve asked you that already didn’t I but yeah maybe now you can dive into the subject well I I don’t think too much about it I was like you’re all star in 2004 for more to remember yeah

in Paris there in central Paris I will live a lot better what would you do now if you want to go to France are you would you just jump on a train again

um well I didn’t think they didn’t before but times have changed bro

I was at Heathrow the other day and just in the few wine bottles were people traveling you know family people no they don’t wonder and my friend and you know you know that San Martin’s connections yeah do you use them I have done about a shower there in that yeah yeah they’re very good aren’t they oh yeah so you you do use San Martin’s connections at times and times for a showering for a shower what else can you get there we can get something breakfast

[Music] American Church yeah and every second Monday they give you clothes and not but that’s nothing to do with San Martin’s no I know the what I’m trying to say it is they give clothes and I yeah you can get clothes in them every second I sometimes go to charity shops if I’ve got some money I’ll buy a second annotation was being washed and cleaned because I always have to be brand new I’m just checking where’s the mic yeah you look at the mic it’s fine

[Music] yeah like I said bro miles and kilometers and which is the sound of good health but uh like uh it can catch up you know because when you’re in your Prime you’re in your 20s say 25 27 that’s when you’re in the primary life I’m very fortunate to be able to like still do uh 28 mile a day which is more sometimes to do about 15 now and a few kilometers walking or yeah walking you every day so you do walk a lot publicly keeping yourself in a good shape what do you eat during a day most sometimes they eat fruits and sometimes I eat a little bit of something but drink drinking I started smoking again last year alone cigarettes is there like cigarettes you pick up on the on the floor yeah but I’m immune I’ve had that many well I had kale surgery on that no years ago on this in 2006. I had a Grade Three dislocation during the atlanticle I smashed my head open there I got a blood clot on my lungs you can die from them but this was about 10 or 12 years ago or you can get a Blue Claw in your arm I could call the pulmonary embolism without 10 or 12 years ago how are you feeling now I’m feeling uh all right how did you smash your head because I can see the scars yeah I know a little bit of it but that’s when I got the blood clot it belongs upon the embolism can die from them so I used to live better than a cute one you know next to Matt Milton but this were about 10 or 12 years ago I’m out and about Fred Weston Pokemon

to be really into a woman sorry to hear about that no that was 10 to 12 years ago bro all right where is one folks we are here with Pablo who’s been on the Streets of London for how long um

84. wow that’s an amazing year that’s when the the book was written in 1984 by George Orwell was that a special year when it went down on the boat um


[Music] why did you go there on holiday like well anyway my friend tell us how you ended up


so how what happened in your life that you become homeless in Amsterdam an Amsterdam were you homeless in amsterdament international

did you enjoy that life in Amsterdam

yeah you like the party right Pablo

man and Pablo and now what area are we now here can you describe this area

West End that’s Soho Soho yeah and then where you usually live

all right as would you how could you describe Soho

I was I was in um

about 28 hours 28 miles

that’s a lot

right Pablo you spend a lot of time on the streets and where where are the theories coming from in London what are the tourists from Boston all over the world they come from all over the world to London us right all right and what about the brexit was that that affected you somehow I went by uh

two times

you went to France yeah I went to North French

December 17th and what did you do in France

or your parents took you there

all right like Christmas party like sorry I couldn’t hear it

all right my friend

yeah did you like it did you like Paris is it better than Amsterdam well I shouldn’t have been said because

it’s in Belgium okay so you’re quite European what what did you vote for did you vote for brexit dinner

you never voted and you just shuffled and what about now you traveling to Belgium how are you feeling about the restrictions and are you getting any or like I said I would think I go to Central Brussels speaking foreign


tours man well done into the spots 98 so you’re kind of like a hippie guy that went with the the culture for the the vibe and the the buzz the alien man that’s what was the drive he to go from another country you had this a free place there and people live like hippies and you just wanted to visit it it was like Amsterdam yeah okay

you enjoyed that northern Europe [Music] did you ever ever made it to Eastern Europe


Nepal did you say all right that’s not Eastern Europe anyway

Eastern Asia

southern France all right what did you do there

what did you do in the in France

knows you and would like to help you is that any chance how can people reach you have you got a phone number or email that you can leave you know what you have to say no you don’t want that all right but people can find you here on in SoHo Pablo is in SoHo that’s your favorite sport right yeah

yeah adventures in this book and subscribe to school but oh

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