Meet Rebecka and Steward (drug addicts) Life on the Streets (The Strand London)

I met Steward for the first time couple of months ago. I bumped into him again yesterday. This time he was with his girlfriend Rebecka who is a drug addict (crack cocaine) Check this out!

 here with Rebecca and Stewart Stewart is featuring my Vlogs for the second time the first Vlog in the descriptions how you’ve been well basically I’m not gonna lie to you has been hard been on the streets on and off I’ve been on the streets for six years yeah on and off for my life since my dad died yeah and I’ve got mental health problems um been sectioned a few times um it’s been hard but do you know what makes you stronger yeah sometimes you do get look at that’s upon a lot yeah you get lots of fun all the time yeah sometimes you get abuse people spitting at you people taking your seats yeah people kick people kick all the time yeah sometimes unless we get moved on where we sleep yeah we sleep we sleep but Waterloo yeah the security always moves us always slamming doors in your back wake up wake up go YouTube and we get we do get discriminized all the time sometimes we get looked after sometimes we don’t it depends on it really who cares what I mean this coat was given to me the other day because I just felt dealt with them you know hey but I’m a street breakfast I’m rough I’m ready for it you know yeah he’s actually at the bathroom at the moment because he’s had a form of a breakdown but yeah I’ve ended up in in London alcoholism my parents were drinkers themselves

West Africa

the system’s broken I’ll pay tax all my life in the UK yeah all in the UK I ran an events company big company [Music] oh [Music]

these hats we lost we’ve lost everything you know we do know what me and him together man in the strong together so how did you guys meet we met to be honest just over across the road there

you back around the doorway over there and uh I’ll see her in the doorway and I asked her a little one question and she said yeah I can help you out and then that was it about an hour late she said oh you can come and stay in my doorway you know what I mean and then that’s it we’ve been together since

two years two years yeah two years but apart from that and then we moved to another doorway because let’s move away from the Strand so we block all my stuff moved to always over to Trafalgar Square with another little doorway and then come and taking all that stuff and then we’re giving a 10. and then he wants to know anyway I’m Stuart yeah he’s already out of he’s already had a video of me yeah I’m gonna put my hands on stand at you now obviously I’ve been through a bad life I’ve been up and down the roads on the in and out of the woods yeah yeah I’ve had a drug habit in the past yeah my bad habit is spice yeah I’ve got a bad addiction on spice I’m trying to come away from it now I’m on the streets at the moment homeless sitting outside shop doorways Here There and Everywhere getting nowhere in London I’ve been here a year now on this strand I’m getting no help nothing I had connections come up to me outside the prep the other day they were so worried so so concerned about me took my number and said they’re going to send out an Outreach people and still to this day now three days later I’ve had no one come and see me no one come and see me nothing I’ve got Crohn’s disease I’ve got Crohn’s disease where I’m going to have a chronic across the v-bag soon I’ve got mental health problems yeah I’ve got serious problems with my bowels you know what I mean I have to go toilet all the time [Music]

she could be pharmaceutical to like legal Heights it could be from medication doctors or it could be street street drugs and it’s an addiction personality disorder we can go one drug to any drug it’s a vicious circle and we’re not on and off 12 13 years so it could be tablets like downers from the doctor yeah or it could be uppers from the streets it could be anything all right so the doctors give you like downers yeah but she gives you highs and the doctors gives you dance but if you I’m not gonna lie to you the tablet is what a doctor gives you if you don’t take them if you take them with water and swallow them normal they affect you normally but if you get like tablets like pre-gabs and Valium and if you take them and Chomper eat them just eat them and get you so high at your head it’s mad and then doctors give you that the doctors give you that if you eat them they get you are so high out your head you’re buzzing at your head all day if you just swallow them normally normally they just hit you as your medication how it’s meant to but if you eat them and Chomp them it [ __ ] gets you what rocking that you read and that’s what the doctors give you that’s what the doctors to replace the heroin got an amphetamine I’m fat that’s what I’ve got addicted to for 12 years yes in 12 years I’ve got a sections that induced psychosis yeah strong induced psychosis

hearing voices cutting herself up and all sorts Center do Lally now she’s getting a bit well yeah and now she’s got a bit well and she’s come away from all them Drugs near enough yeah she’s slightly only on a little bit of crack now she’s got problems with her kidneys got kidney stones yeah she’s very ill she’s of kidneys swollen up probably the drugs the drugs the drugs drugs


the the world you just trapped into things you know you know it’s hard you know not gonna lie to you I every time I get my money sometimes I get a bit of drugs now we put ourselves in hotels and stuff or cheap um cheap hostels you know but that’s what we do because obviously I’m poorly and there was the money we make or we do do it I know we put ourselves into cheap cheap cheap BNB or hostel yeah so what if I give you some money you know you spend it on drugs no we won’t no remember today I’m all right today I’m fine today today I’m actually okay I’ve been up since I’ve been nine o’clock this morning and I’ve just come out to own a bed and breakfast because I’ve been in a bed and breakfast for two days babe let me finish today’s the day for us to get a bed and breakfast so we can go and get washed you know what I mean we ain’t had a wash for days no


Andrew s

um his name’s Dave isn’t it

never mind so he went back home yeah yeah he’s gone back on


I mean so there’s somebody who wants him to help you yes yes 100 yes please yes thank you and thank you for listening and watching this guy he can he understands and I appreciate it thank you so well what’s your phone number what’s your problem I got my number please what’s my number

thank you so much God bless you sir thank you join it on that do you want a number on that yeah 079 three five six four three four double six


subscribe foreign yeah

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