Folks I just met Richard who is a basker and plays a flute on the streets of norch how long you’ve been doing this for uh for about 10 years now something like that 10 years Y and um you enjoying play for for the public I just enjoy playing for myself really it keep makes me happy and then if I can make a little bit of money at the same time that’s a a bonus really yeah all right well tell me your story how you ended up in playing music and yeah I didn’t start till uh late in life really I kind of went down the the road of what everybody does you know like getting a job and all that kind of thing but um struggled in that kind of uh lifestyle then I eventually I ended up being homeless myself uh was homeless for decade for over a decade homeless yeah was that in Norwich or in a lot of time in Norwich Cambridge uh other cities around B ex other cities around England um but during that time i’ learned to play The Whistle so that’s something that uh it’s not a flute it’s a whistle it’s an Irish whistle yeah they call it a Penny Whistle Irish whistle I see um but if so yeah if I hadn’t become homeless then I would never have learned this you had more time on your hands than yeah well I just needed something to do that um that would suit the way I was living I suppose and I heard a I heard a girl in Cambridge playing the the Penny Whistle it sounded great so I thought I’m going to I’ll learn that yeah so that’s why all right give us a a sample


[Applause] [Music]

d [Applause]

yeah very nice very come coming you know sothing music for sure yeah it took me a long time to obviously I’m nervous now like to get over the nerves of actually playing in in public took a long time but uh I can do it now yeah well done well done and you said you started quite late when you were 20 years ago well well you were an adult already 10 years ago 10 years ago wow it’s never I was in my yeah it’s never too late I don’t and you read you learn how to read music notes as well 10 years ago yeah start all started then yeah just through having the whistle and then getting books and it had musical notes in so just sort of all right Richard but for a long time I was just sitting in the street and I didn’t I knew I didn’t sound brilliant I me I’m okay now uh and you get you got a lot of negativity but in a way that just made me more determined and um and now now I feel it’s really like and sometimes and really playing Tunes quite nicely sometimes so yeah you enjoy your music now yeah yeah yeah now it’s that’s a bonus in kind of been worthwhile like you know yeah all right Richard what tell me about yourself like about how you grew up and where did you grow up and your jobs and how if you don’t mind yeah I I grew up in the I was born in goport in Hampshire U my my dad was in the forces uh in the Navy so we we did we moved around mainly in the south of England quite a lot um different schools and things like that um then I I joined the Navy myself oh I did 5 years in the Navy did you go abroad yeah went went abroad yeah went uh quite a few different places but I really I struggled with it cuz um I think obviously that was when I found out that uh I didn’t really fit into the in the norm of you like well I mean just just a just a year ago um it’s I got diagnosed with autism which is um is quite a spectrum like but that kind of made sense to the difficulties that I why I didn’t really fit into mainstream Society because you you know you think you get neurotypical people and non neurotypic typical people uh and that’s what I am I’m a non neurotypical person uh and the world is mainly set up for neurotypical people a lot you know so that expect that really did explain uh why I’m not I am I see so want recent you found out you’re autistic and that explained why you were like feeling like you fit in to the world yes yeah why why I struggled in mainstream you struggle in mainstream Society yeah were you married and family no I had a I’ve had a um girlfriend a few girlfriends and that but never got married I see Richard all right and uh now you in norch yes this is my first time in Norwich uh do you know anything about Norwich about the its history and it used to be the capital of England Norwich it used to be a capital of England yeah London is now obviously but Norwich used to be the capital of England all right so the King used to resign well yeah I don’t know a great deal about the history but I do know that um and yeah it’s just a it’s a fairly friendly Place noro say yeah so I think that’s why stayed here yeah you liked it and you stayed stayed yeah yeah cuz I’ve been around a few few places in England yeah but yeah nor I think I also got tired of moving about really so when I ended up in nor I thought I I’ll stay here now yeah and now what about the homeless people in norch are there a lot of homeless people here yeah just the same as any where else really um I don’t really see many to be honest yeah I think you yeah you you probably will notice notice as you go around the the town here yeah all right all right Richard if somebody is watching this and would like to find out more about you about your music have you got any social medias no I don’t I haven’t got I don’t do the internet or anything I don’t have the internet I don’t do anything like that yeah so so there’s no no means to contact you or anything like that just just come to come to norch and is that the the place where you usually are here in the how would you describe where are we now oh this is this is uh since Steven’s under pass but uh I bus in different places you bus in norch in different places so when people see you nor they may say hello they they see you on my Channel all right cool thanks for the interview is there anything else you would like to add not really just I said to you I was uh I was I’m a bit frustrated today because I’m trying to give up smoking so uh how is it going yes kind of it knocks your concentration a bit not you know how long you’ve been smoking for uh on on and off for um yeah since my early 20s I suppose but uh never never been a luckily I’ve never been a heavy smoker and I think playing uh the whistlers kind of help me yeah I’m trying to keep up is that the health reasons why you trying to give up smoking yeah it’s expensive and also um yeah health health reason and how long you have not been smoking for oh um only only now for about a day really yeah a day I hope he’s not like you make some money there and you get and you get yourself a pack of cigarettes or something well that’s the Temptation I really hope you you will give it up and um manage to do that is there uh like what about like any substance abuse you okay about that oh yeah no I I have I’ve been down that road in the past but um I’m nothing um nothing like that anymore well done well done Richard right thanks a lot for the interview my friend see you on YouTube all right I probably won’t see it but

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