I met Robbie at Victoria Coach Station. He did not look like homeless but he is Check this out. Join this channel to get access to perks:


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VLog in text:

Hi folks we are here with Robbie Clark who’s been on the Streets of London for how long 3 years mate 3 years 3 years what triggered your homeless Robie well what triggered it to be honest with you mate um was the um going to the Philippines um I only went for like 3 months right and not being nasty to yourself I got carried away I kept on paying £20 for Visa each month and before I knew it I was out there for God knows how long I come back into uh London which I showed which I showed hold on it is which I showed you yeah from the Philippines on the 10th of June and um I goes back to my place in stret andv um I put my key in into the front door and um love and behold there was a um another man um in my property I said to him what are you doing here he said uh the landlord put me here I said how long You’ been here he said I he goes I’ve been here may I said oh cuz I left April and he put them in Mak was that Council house rob it was Private mate I paid £1,600 mate in stron val 12 3 a Str was yours your property not mine I was rent it private you were rented it priv I see I see and somebody else was in your property and due to set M this is all due to set mongos yeah cuz the the place they put me in before MOS St mongos they put me in a place um near um Victoria near the uh the passport office and it caught fire two two and a half Grands worth of stuff um damage through to a fire yeah a hostel yes mate yeah as well so that was they have they moved you to another one they moved me then they moved me uh to um stram I stayed there and as I said I was I’ve lived in stram for seven and a half eight years okay no problems no nothing and all I wanted boss mate was to go for an holiday just to let me air down and just to loosen up and go for an holiday I’ve done that mate I come back and I lost my property all because of sent mongos mangos mongos so that’s what the you were renting MOS is Rochester Row in Rochester you were renting from them but you I was renting from them yeah privately yes and you weren’t paying you went on holiday yeah no problem you were paying I was I was paying them proper money mate and they took your property anyway they took my property away from me mate and I asked for deposit and and they turned around and said oh we have to get back in contact with you even my possessions my TV my sterio Etc ET Etc do you know what I mean I can even show you photos boss as well arur just to show you I had a lovely Place mate and how long you’ve been in Philippines then in the Philippines in the Philippines as I said I was there for 3 months and I stayed in extra five months boss that was it so five six seven eight months in total eight months in toal eight months mate eight months and you’re going to comeb back I come back here I goes back I comes back here I goes to stram as I got into to Str B I go to my property and um yeah love there was somebody there so therefore I then went to um West End to adelay Street near St mongos and I said to them what’s going on with my property because I’ve just come back from the Philippines oh did you notif notify anybody why do I have to notify someone for me to go on ol if I don’t do that Su breaks in my house then I’m solid and I’m buggered is I so it’s best for me not to tell anyone just leave a bit of music on in the in the front room or something you what I mean so that’s what I done and as I said the uh landlord’s gone there checked noticed I weren’t there saw some saw some few clothes missing and um yeah and move moov my stuff out and moov someone else in there that’s the Hest good truth right buddy so well tell me about your stay in Philip the Philippines how was that you met your M there right I met my Ms online I said to her I would be over in a couple of days which was not a problem I went over there I met her falling in love mate I really I can’t you know that brilliant man but yeah as you see she’s a lovely lady and you ended up stay nearly a year with her nearly my yeah just come back here and that’s it so now November the 15th I’ll be flying back you’re flying back are you going to marry her that’s it boss that’s it mate yeah that’s it she’s yeah you’re I’m set mate I’m set I’ve done the Army I’ve done what I’ve done I mean what else is it to do exactly and you sing yourself in the future in the Philippines Rob 110 million per mate yeah over m% how you going to get income over there what’s your plan are you retired or already what these hands for mechanics mate these hands are mechanic hands so yeah big hands big nuts and bolts here we don’t mind yeah that’s my uh that’s my forte mechanics you be a mechanic in the Philippines very cheap mate by uh spanners and what’s names so yeah we just do that and that’s my goal and as I said my M that she’s got a bit of land with her mom and dad and her sister we’re all good mate we’re rocking as I said she knows I’m coming she’d be there waiting for me no problem cool man yeah sounds like a plan I just don’t understand why are you homeless on the Streets of London at the moment then why due to the fact that what I just told you but logically being down I feel sorry for other people not for the druggies or anything like that for other people who who have had private places do you know what I mean who have been mucked about like i’ been mucked about which is not good if I was a millionaire I would build a massive great big block and have a load of Hess people in it that’s myself that’s me being honest right because London ain’t like it used to be now it’s getting tougher and tougher tougher and tougher it is getting tougher and tougher mate yeah why is that so Rob more more population right is growing very much so mate very much so and there is that to something to do with accommodation being hard to find or I think it to be honest with you sir I think it’ be uh be a bit hard the more population the more people coming in the more this person is going to see it’s look mean nothing for anybody is it not not for me or anybody

else all right I see what you mean all right my friend so uh how long you going to stay on the streets before you head to to the Philippines I’m back in the Philippines on the 15th on the 15th on the 15th I’ll be leaving here right here he throw bang gone to the man I’ll be waving saying goodbye manilia is the Manila that’s correct mate yeah is that where you stay that is it are you going to do some like a guide tours over there for for for other people like like a guide tour in Manila maybe you can leave your details now and maybe that will help you to get some income coming to be honest to be honest I’m glad you said that I’m glad you said that because there’s other mechanics over there there’s other mechanics don’t forget I’ve been over there and I’ve seen how these Filipino people work how they do their cars it’s not like our British people do it but as I said all I can do is teach what I know I don’t want to know what they what they do because it’s wrong mate it’s wrong actually you will be you think teaching them do you think the standards are lower than the briti to be honest with you I don’t think they’ be a to support that due to the uh the money that they get do you know what I mean but i’ be getting a high iic ramp and all that all right that’s the plan right that’s my plan right and I’ll be doing that on land on on my girlfriend’s land yeah in Manila in Manila having a garage there yeah that’s the right we just bought a car she just bought a car I’ve just bought a car you just bought a car in in the Philippines yeah yeah right I’ll show you what is it a proton you know show you you still get protons over there yeah prob you don’t really see protons anymore in the UK do you I remember seeing them no what why what’s that tattoo what what your tattoos are about let me just show

them yeah all over the place oh I’ve got a load my probably about over over a thousand right so the car you’ll be driving that car as well when you when you get get back to to the

Philippines it’s okay Rob well tell me about like the like can you show to the camera your new car what in the Philippines that’s what Rob is going to get when he gets back to the Philippines let me just zoom

in it’s a Volkswagen right no sorry I couldn’t toy right to yeah 2y old yeah so that’s what I’ll be doing that’s my car I I couldn’t I didn’t rent it because I don’t own a property but cuz my Mrs owns the property she was the one who rented it and I’m the one who gives her the money so yeah I see yeah right Rob can you tell us about like what kind of help do you get in London as a homeless do you get a lot of help to be honest with you Same Again you’ve just seen me sitting down here asking people for a bit of change um this person who’s coming up they work for outreach what’s your name Robin oh how long you’ve been homeless blah blah blah you tell them all that okay then next story you see them in the day Center they don’t want to know you so yeah is not the case it’s have you ever tried s Martins St Martin in the field yes St Mar in the field that’s uh yeah that’s up at uh adelay Street have you tried them yeah um connections yeah mate yeah you can shower in s Martin’s connection I’ll get that in the passage yeah I’ll get that in the pass along the road but listen the more people coming into London it’s getting more overpopulated due for the foreigners really I’ve got to be careful is that the are you trying to say this’s like more migrants coming and yeah yeah more migrants coming they said on the news there going to be no more legal immigrants coming in then there’s other there’s other people coming in they’re putting theel in the uh passage day Center and all that and and they’re not going to be able to get in because because of the population and all that but they’re still letting them in and still giving them um properties they come like legal yeah yeah and these people like me with money can’t get get a place why because other people taking it me would you what would you say about the brexit yourself I don’t really know this is it is it the brexit the um letting people in letting people out shutting our borders listen I could be honest you we’ve let over 4 million people in in the UK mate if not more come on in this year only yeah possibly probably even

more are you you see you see that amount of people passing here in the station every time you’re in the vior station it’s getting build up and build up soon you’re going be able to move build buggies in the way and everything but I think it’s always always been pretty busy place but I’ve been only here for a couple years but you say that the amount is the population is getting bigger mate the population the more people in Landon is becoming right right it’s becoming more and more people B the jobs are going down that’s why more people are going on the Universal Credit I mean then when it comes to getting a place oh would you I’ll get this blah blah blah well government pays uh 1,200 they stick them in there right so you’re now having this person living with you a private tenant he’s paying 1,200 yeah right cuz that’s the most government allow you to pay 1,200 for the government okay that’s the maximum of the the maximum that’s dead dead that’s it so after that that 1,200 anything after that you have to pay out your own money that’s corre yeah yeah left so it’s not basically enough to survive the minimum like benefit the the maximum Universal Credit you get in the UK is not enough I’m going to certainly not in London when the rents are so high I don’t know if that makes any difference this is what I’m saying listen what I’m saying that place over there is 1,200 his name is Mark he’s the owner and he’ll keep you there for a couple months and then it start up in the rent then the the government won’t pay it because it’s only 1,200 I mean honest being honest do you reckon the situation like 10 years ago was the system slightly different or hasang lot different a lot different yeah a lot different right so the things are going downhill more cameras more more everything going up more people on the more people on the street everything it’s getting overpopulated being honest you see one road you see about four Beggars on that road where am I going to fit in I ain’t going to fit in nowhere that’s listen that’s why I come here because I don’t do drugs or anything like that I come here and I just do my thing I’m out of the way of it you have no problems with any addictions I don’t have no problem with anybody or anything like that just myself be myself that’s all I can be that is all I can be but deep down the government needs to do something needs to do something for before it’s too late because it’s as I said it’s getting overpopulated and the more people in there ain’t going to be nothing for anybody else what do you think about the current prime minister uh Strummer load of rubbish of load of rubbish yeah they’re all in for theel boss you want your garden done that’s two grand you ain’t paying G are paying it that’s what I mean everything’s all done you know that’s what I do so you don’t really like the guy I I said everything’s getting overpopulated the price the price of of food’s going up but the the money our money ain’t going up I mean soon it’s going to be food dearer than them petrol or diesel what we’re going to do right right know what youan so you don’t see the future in bright colors do you no do you be honest no well I’m trying for you know I know I know bad boss it it’s bad right he’s bad man but yeah I see right well thanks for the interview well if somebody is watching this and would like to help you and is there any contact for you I see you’ve got the phone I’ll give you my number boss no problem whatsoever mate because there’s maybe somebody out there willing to to help a soul like all I want to do is just put my point across yeah so our government and S mongos understand where they’re going from because they put listen okay we’re homeless okay you put someone in that in that place surely you must know if the rules and regulations there the uh the health and safety if there’s fire alarms in there they didn’t even know they weren wer even put in there no so then that’s it but as I said I’ll be happy when I’m in the Philippines and out the way right are you willing to share your contact or you you know there may be somebody out there trying to help you man I know you’re going to set up a business in the Philippines Rob is also a mechanic and um yeah willing you willing to relocate or you rather have a job in the Philippines to you mate it don’t cost much for SP spanners and things like that that’s where I be mate my number is 07 I’ll let you read out cuz I can’t see it Robert’s number is 0746 7534 062 thank you very much mate it’s been a pleasure speaking to you mate yeah all the best God bless best you mate God bless you and everyone else thank you very


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