A flatmate kicked Sarah out on the Streets. Listen to the rest of the story. Join this channel to get access to perks:


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All right folks we are here with Sarah who’s been on the streets for only last four was it four weeks four weeks what happens Sarah tell us your story because I was living with a friend that ended up wanting her drugs instead of me and she kicked me out so I’m back out on the streets again so what made you homeless not right what was your job before you became homeless before you lost your address I’m a senior JavaScript software engineer now I’ve got mental well but he’s got mental health so why are we out here so you had an accident yeah a bike accident you were on a bike right yeah from from cocaine from heroin from crack tablets my friend that ended up I wanted in her drugs instead of me and she kicked me out so I’m back out on the streets again so very nice were you like a couple no it’s just a friend and she just wanted her drug money so because I didn’t have my money she threw me out so I’m back out here and hopefully next week I’ll be getting rehoused hopefully right right and this is your you said your second time you’ve been homeless before you know how how it is to be homeless kind of horrible it’s horrible especially out here in winter it’s going to be even worse that’s why I can’t wait to get rehearsed because it is cold out here at night and it rains have you been have you been homeless before like in the winter time yeah I was the first time well never again that was cold that was cold because I can see pretty organizing just yeah it’s organized because I keep it all in bags in it so it’s easier so yeah and you can see that you just become homeless it’s yeah it’s the early stages from what I know as I said I’ll never do it again it is horrible all right well tell us about like something about yourself what do you do and I don’t do nothing because I’ve got you um yeah well I’ve got problems I’ve got arthritis in my spine and all over my body so I’m on medication and that I’m waiting for a new operation and I’m also waiting for a back operation

operation as well yeah because my spine is being crushed about that much before I’m paralyzed from the waist downwards in what I’ve got about two inches to go before my spine is crushed by the disc because they’re crumbling and pushing against my nerve I see and I’m out here and which I shouldn’t even be out here because it’s too cold and it’s not doing me any good to hear that that’s all right so you’ve got some health issues yeah and it’s a mental health as well no no not mental health I’ve just got like health problems my back and all right physical health yeah and your friend tell us more like you’ve been living together and then you it’s because I was living with her not long and she wanted drug money because I had no money she didn’t want me living there anymore but I gave him a Tina what I had and she wanted more because she wanted drugs because I said I haven’t got any more till I get paid she went well there you go go and stay outside in the cold and kick me out so I’ve been out here now four weeks or coming four weeks the end of this week it’ll be four weeks and the way you’ve chosen this particular spot I feel comfortable here since I’ve been here I I find like it is more clothes in here I don’t like anywhere else I was down there last time down that end well I don’t like it downloaded are you originally from this part part of the town no I’m actually from Bromley why crude on them because I moved here with a friend of mine that was that lived in Croydon and he brought me down here so and I registered with Croydon Council so I’m just waiting now oh I can’t wait either to get a place Sarah tell us about you’re like your childhood did you grow up well in Bromley did you say yeah and you’ve got siblings I’ve got two sisters and a brother now they’re still in London yeah yeah you get to buy them sometimes no they don’t talk to me and I’ve only got one mum that’s alive my dad passed away all right and so when did you see your siblings for the last time I haven’t seen them for years for years yep so I don’t know what about your mom do you see your mouth I see my mum quite often I’m due to see you again soon anyway she’s in Hastings so

right and then you’re growing up what schools did you go to I went to a special school up in Bromley a special school yeah because I got learning difficulties in it so it’s my brother so so does your brother have learning difficulties yeah and you went to a special school in Bromley and that’s that and then and I know what about jobs I used to be a carer and worked in a nursing home and I was to say I can’t do nothing now because if I normally do anything do you have some some troubles with moving and so yeah yeah at the moment my back is hurting she’s sitting here that’s why I had to keep moving because it’s so low down I’ve got all my medication is there all right you’ve got your medication here yeah I sleep next to me so I keep an eye on it see because I don’t trust people my phone goes in my bag and that’s beside me as well so you know Salah is there any advice you would give to people just don’t be a homeless just don’t stay out on the streets because it’s not safe I was grabbed two weeks ago I was grabbed by two color breaks

into a car have you yep what’s that in here no that was up by Fella’s Hall which is up over the other side fairfield’s Halls yeah yeah I’ll share with three uh three others and they’d only popped to the shop and obviously with another friend that and he said the color won’t come over and said you want a drink because both me and my friend said yes they said come to the shop with me well I’ve walked halfway to the shop knew what he wanted so I wanted to walk back but as I went to walk back he’s grabbed hold of me and tried putting me towards him to get into the car because he wanted me to go and be at he’s to do everything because I said no to do what what do you think he wanted me okay okay all right uh [Music] Sarah and is this any like a contact people can contact you that see you here on the street maybe somebody is out there willing to help you what that would be any social media handles here um I have got an email yeah

so yeah tell us your email and Sarah Fortner at 3421 gmail.com all right folks and is there anything else you would like to add no no there’s nothing else just don’t be out here because it’s not nice at all especially at night time especially at night time the last four weeks and when you’re saying that you might be getting a golf I might be getting a house live at the end of this week or beginning of next week fingers crossed I get it because I can’t do no more out here I’ve had enough of being out here are you registered in the council yeah and they say they will there will be something coming a house for you yeah because of what I’ve got wrong with me they’re trying to push it forward and quicker so I’m not out here anymore have they offered you a hostel it’s either a host or a hotel or somewhere why are you not in the hotel why are you on the streets I am not in a hotel yet this is what they’ve offered me so I’ve just got to wait and see what comes up oh they haven’t actually no over this week or end of next week or a house that’s deployment Council doing that for you yep it’s a Pity you’ve got to spend this few days on the streets looking after you for the time being because I’ve seen you before and I call by now that we know each other yeah so yeah thanks for the interview I wish you all the best wish you that you will get the Gap very soon

I’ve had enough you know I’ll go to bed with backache I get off in the morning even trying to get up off here I can’t do it is quite well organized have a look at this folks you know I mean yeah it’s like that more stuff anyways

um I will be everything for today thank you well from Rebecca from Sarah I will leave you yeah okay peace now and I will call by here in a few days okay I’m still around okay yeah cheerio

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