Meet Shane – Irish boy 16 years on the streets – Brixton, London. I met Shane in Brixton. He has been begging on the streets. Join this channel to get access to perks:


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All right folks we are here with Shane who’s been on the streets of well you’re not on the streets right now but you used to be on the streets

I’ve been honestly along to like 15 10 years to be honest on some extra extra Protestant Protestant that’s for 15 years on the streets yeah it was made you homeless got right what was your job before you became homeless before you lost your address I’m a senior JavaScript software engineer now I’ve got mental well B’s got mental health so why are we out here so you had an accident yeah a bike accident you were on a bike right yeah from

from crack tablets extra extra Protestant Protestant for 15 years on the streets yeah the shame you originally are from Ireland

49ers were you born there yeah when you moved to London the London fails out fears out I’m 36 now

of that 15 years on the streets yeah what triggered your homelessness my friend I had problems in my home you say a bit of problems in my home I don’t know it’s just something that I didn’t I just I couldn’t I have to get my own place for myself I try another route in life maybe I don’t know problems in your life yeah just problem dream dream problems as well drink drug and dream problems and gambling problems all right well what kind of family you come from was it like a father mother siblings no my mother my mother and my mother’s boyfriend who am I with true dad hola you had the stepdad yeah I see I see is that the problem yeah maybe so yeah I don’t and how old you’ve been when your alcohol problem started and 16.

16. you’re already drinking when you were 16. yeah and then what about the the trucks 16 as well at the same time same time yeah what did you use cannabis marijuana yeah all the same but something strong or different taste different value different different seeds from the little from the from um James and no from Jack and the Beanstalk different seeds they were these little seeds yeah some stuff like that and then anything else bad drain now nowadays I can’t con for my dreams in my brain when I go to sleep at night when I fall asleep online because of what the dreams the dream streams yeah and you get a dream down here yeah what about your dreams telling them off crazy man flashbacks flashbacks from the when you were younger yeah yeah see I see well shaped and where are you staying at the moment um and Cambria Road Peabody and Cambria Road and it’s not like a like a hostel or a bed set I got my own kitchen I got my own toilet I’ve got my own bed and I got my own [ __ ] around and you’re begging here how much money you can make here sitting on this yeah just help trying to get some help all right are people generous those days yeah they are yeah they are they are yeah good enough man it’s all day man great sheep and uh tell me more about your childhood I mean I know you grew up with your stepdad yes yeah it was a happy childhood yeah it was yeah yeah

have you ever came back to Ireland would you like to go back to Ireland I don’t know thinking of the lately I want to be honest but I’m not sure man I think I just hang around I could just hang around hang around yeah you’re not going backwards I’m not I’m not gone I’m not traveling I don’t want to travel everywhere I don’t want to go to just quick place and back again huh he’s safe and sound you know okay all right shame if there is any advice you could give to people who are messing with drugs what that would be

take your time think again and take your time think again and make sure you go on something remaining very nice we always got a scientist Hunter and a backup plan something to turn to a backup plan somebody to talk to yeah and a backup plan and a lovely bed for yourself and a roof and a safe camera maybe a camera’s in screen you’ll probably I’ve got to screw my property right now and what would you differently if you had the chance again like when you were 16 again what would you do differently I don’t know

yeah and if there’s somebody watching that that would like to help is there any kind of an email or phone number they can teach you nothing nothing at all are you in Brixton Shane from Brixton is anybody wants to reach out at you is that your usual sport big since well yeah science piece yeah sainsbury Shane would you like to add anything to that interview no no all right thanks a lot God bless thank you

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