I met Mel on Leicester Square in London. The rest is a history. Have a look!
.Vlog in text:
Right folks we are here with Mel who’s been on the Streets of London for how long about four and a half years now all right and is this your like yeah like favorite spot this is where I have no favorites but I sit here all the time sometimes during the day sometimes come here about five o’clock four o’clock stay till about midnight one o’clock then I’ll go back get my tent out and uh beautiful dog next to me and you with that with that dog yeah what’s the dog’s name Kaiser Kaiser yeah all right right milk tell us about you you said you your parents came from Iran yeah and you were were born here yeah so tell me how is basically been growing up in London in 60s yeah you said 63 said it was a very good in the 1970s I I went to a school in Wales I wasn’t actually in London but yeah I came back to London again but I mean City Life is totally different to the way where I grew up in school you know there’s more people from all sorts of nationalities which is all what I love I love it in London you see a Mini World here you can absolutely mention every nationality World career of zero almost every nationality to be here last four years [Music] most of them lovely people most of them great majority people of the world that I love so much yeah remember you you told me that in 60s
people were more aggressive probably in London carrying weapons and all sorts but now it’s no longer like this because it’s change shape it’s changed exchange character you know it’s more welcoming for tourists which is good it’s like it’s good for breweries to come out into our country knowing that um they’re not threatened by violence and when it’s all robbery and vinola so I see the difference yeah not the 60s or this probably late 70s early 80s yeah those periods yeah so that you’ve seen the transformation in Dalia absolutely yeah it’s a much safer place than it used to be I would say that it’s I can see why there’s more tourists and Etc I can see the reason why that would be yeah the doggy got interested about the camera yeah you must fix the scratches here come here I’ll scratch you come here come here
to know what you’re doing with Daddy
so tell us about yourself have you got a like family wife and children okay family I don’t have children I don’t have a wife you know my friend in this world or family we may have it’s just fake don’t [ __ ] punching me and um I have always been alone since I was born in my head otherwise you’d be relying on fluffy things like that they can’t always now life is serious homelessness is a serious subject you know I want to take care of them I’ve got to be a proper daddy make sure he gets fed he sleeps all right he’s not attacked by anything so it’s a whole heap of uh agenda that goes with that which I mean I’ve settled with it but it’s not exactly appeasing it’s not as if I like to do it but it is what it is and I take what I’ve got and I’ll go forward not what I don’t have so we’ve got our guy in front of me opportunities create that’s what life is you just gotta realize that that’s the case for everybody the more you expose yourself in life the more you have opportunities to improve or to not improve expose yourself to what in life you got to be active you’ve got to be active yeah you got to be active you gotta take part in the world whether you’re homeless or not it doesn’t matter you know you’ve got to be part of this life be being homeless is just a misfortunate situation that could happen to anybody you know I never thought a few years ago that would happen to me but it happened so you go with what you call you know not what we don’t have and it’s normal life is not about sitting there crying life is about challenges this is a challenge to me nothing ever stays the same the planet we are on moves 1 000 miles an hour even though you think steady nothing ever changes opportunities are always created in Frontier you’ve got to just have the right side to see what those are and take the right decisions maybe I took their bad decisions I ended up on the street I don’t know but we got thrown out because of my dog attacking another dog and he’s just continued you know the local Authority had it in for me and it just they just bombarded me with nasty nasty intentions I’m still paying rent for my flat but I’m not allowed to go in there because of the forecast between this one another doggy so I’m being bullied in a way and I’m disabled I’ve got disabilities mental and physical and yet I’m on the street with him in one of the richest countries you know what shut up come on man I’m just interviewing on YouTube Sorry Sorry Youtube my friend is just trying to give me a cigarette life industry that’s what the serious Point here is I am Highly Educated I’m an average job because we’re British shouldn’t it in this country we’re the praise of the world now I know very well one of the richest countries in the world and when I sit here I see sorry here I see billionaires from all sorts of nationalities walking in front of me going to casinos spending Millions thousands of pounds every night some of them come and are generous they help me out but other than that this is the life it’s one of the richest countries in the world I’ll speak to a lot of people from different countries and backgrounds and they say to me they don’t have all those people on the street like they do we have over here so something conspiracy the Richer we are the Richer we are the more we are cruel to the people and I’ve got disabilities as well I’m a disabled person this is a rich country first world country to reaching someone like me on the street and there you have it what else can I say you know as for the government the shambali government we’ve got all tries to rip us off printing money printing money printing like no tomorrow not alone tomorrow and this money as printed is done under my name every taxpayer is given to the bank at zero rate interest yet I’ve got to pay that money back with interest or social symbolicness is that Stella robbery we got a crooked government they are absolutely totally gangsters yet they don’t want to admit it they never believe in their own lives never ever so you never ask a rapist how much would you how long would you like to go to prison for for rape you know what he’s going to say you say I’m not rapist I shouldn’t go to prison so it’s the same thing with this law their group of Thieves that’s why they dress up in suit and tie to fool the public I have no such issues I wear a great beard because I don’t want to intimidate people people come up to me all the time and scratch my brain to get some information and I always send them away happy I’m also here all the time no one ever threatens me saying you’re talking rubbish I’ve got senses about me right and I know what’s going on in this country actually only people are not strong enough to stand up and fight they’d be ripped off every day the people of this country whilst they’re talking about Ukraine and everywhere else we’re giving billions to Ukraine here people go and look for sandwiches in the bin how is that fair how is our government doing the sensible thing they never do I consume ultimately my enemy ultimately the only people are my friends probably the police the forces that are helping the country the nurses doctors the people I saw a demonic the evil sons of [ __ ] who just want to exploit the poor and uh make make us poorer and make the Richer richer which is what’s been happening during the pandemic and even after the pandemic and it’s not going to stop and forever it does I’m going to be crying about it I’m not going to stop just because million people don’t understand doesn’t mean I’ve got to go with them just because they’re not thinking doesn’t mean I got to be like them it’s not popularity contest it’s about scene what’s going on in front of you and man enough for the people in a parliament would never say they’re all part of the problem not the solution right that was a very deep inside Mel thanks for that that’s all right and what would you like to add to that interview I mean you’ve been like you said you’ve seen people walking by what nationalities are visiting in London this day every nationality I’ve even seen seen people from Peru which we consider possibly third world country the person gave me some money and also said that I’m sorry that you’re on the street because even in Peru we don’t have people sleeping on the street that’s kind of shambolic to hear me to hear that from that person it’s called shambolic there’s no need you know it’s rubbing my face in it and who’s responsible the Demonic thief in government become in charge and it’s been going on for a long time when Theresa May said we want to help the poor hate is the only thing she meant it wasn’t help it’s hurt because ever since she said that there’s more people there’s more people on a poverty line as more people committed suicide because they can’t feed their children in the first world country that should not be and you’re asking me why shouldn’t I stand up to be a privacy damn they are being forced to you know you don’t gather all this information intelligence to toss it down the toilet there’s a reason why you get it maybe he wants me to do something about it I mean all the same we’re all different everybody is different everybody’s got a different job if I’ve got the most important job to be allocated in the future sod it maybe I’m made to do it I just need to wake up to it a little bit more sometimes you’re made for a job you may not want to do it but if you’re made for it you better go and do it because you’re the only person that can do it and I would love to turn this government over just by myself kick their ass kick it out to turn down the street throw them to the Wolves where they belong all right that was a lot of political information here thank you let’s move away from the politics smell towards everyday life on the streets where are we now can you describe that we’re in Leicester Square Leicester Square London yes and how would you describe Lester Square in the tourist map of London well I think it’s a Funland area you want to say hello to a dog he’s very friendly
circus and to here where is Leicester Square Tube Station that stretch I would call oh thank you my darling love you thank you thank you I would say that it’s a what I call it a Funland area from pig in the circus walk way all the way to Leicester Square I’d call it the Funland area Funland area Funland Funland that’s what the people have gonna have fun yeah Oxo circus would be for people to do shopping here you got the casinos restaurants uh Cinemas me and basically to have fun I’ll sit here because I got depression I’m blinding one eye a lot of depression anxiety it helps me a lot I’m interviewing do you mind it helps me a lot to sit here where the lights are watch young beautiful people having fun and it inspires me opens up my heart because that’s what I need men with depression always need to visualize happier things to get themselves out and I think to myself I’m doing my utmost you know the alternative for that would be going into a tent get stuck earlier now meet my dog to do what you know to maybe get drunk and I don’t like doing that because when I’m drunk I can’t get hold of my dog you know he can take advantage of me so yeah that’s life I’m so lucky I don’t have children and wife and that and I’m on the street with just a dog it’s very lucky because I could have worries a family wife children you know I’m lucky in that way in in a way yeah I could say but uh he has Kickbacks yeah I’m sure so describe your depression if you don’t mind from long-term depression anxiety and stress and I used to panic a lot I mean I’m taking medications right now I got all my medication I picked up for this month in my bag uh I want to say hello I want to say hello to you uh but I just did that’s why I do check girls up this listen child what medication
um paracetamol Aspirin because I’ll get constant chest pains I’m blinded out I basically yeah it needs scratching coffee
yeah so yeah anything else you’d like to know well you can leave your details if people are seeing this and that they would like to help you how can they contact
627-016 you can follow me meet me give me some money food for my dog it’d be great if you could help me with any housing it’d be great stuff if you could help me with deposit for a flat it’d be great stuff if you’re in a situation to help out and you got the money to do it you want to make yourself feel good it’ll be going to good home I’m a disabled person with a dog or sometimes find it very difficult to feed it in it was a charitable people I would not have to have to you know this guy is over charity dots which is dogs on the street they take care of him they’re giving food for two weeks every two weeks they give him medication all the stuff he needs so I’m fortunate in that way I say you know I only got myself on my dog but hey
many years ago I see have you spent last winter on the streets no yeah I moved about but yeah I lost four and a half years I’ve been on the street four and a half years I’ve been sitting here foreign
super cool to chat to you guys well what’s your name right next time it’s your turn right but they don’t want to hear my alarms thank you very much
all right well but that will be it for the Mel’s interview for today thanks
I’ll be meeting you welcome
he’s a good man as well he’s my friend thanks a lot guys God bless you yeah
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