Hey folks welcome to yet another episode

this time it’s podcast podcast podcast right we have Arnold cat and malvin uh and we are going to discuss a big big project you know I’ve been involved in uh homelessness topic for some time Arnold found me through the internet and he’s interested he wants to give something to the homeless people sorry about that um it’s accommodation everybody and cat is a musician she’s going to play for us later on malvin is a personal trainer offering uh help with mental well-being anyways uh Arnold can you say what’s on your mind uh well I’m just grateful that we’ve got as far as as we have because um what I’ve realized especially recently is that I can have as many good ideas as as many you know plans for future and and best wishes for people and hopes and dreams but until you act and do something about it then that’s just just going to stay a dream so uh I’ve kind of focused on trying to take the action that needs to be done to get it together which includes contacting yourself contacting C contacting mov and speaking about it more because when it stays in my head it’s not going to go anywhere all right so um you came up with a project of a magazine uh raft app yes can you tell us more about it uh raft Up Magazine um was in has been inspired by other magazines that have tried to help homelessness uh such as a big issue and dope magazine um I’ve seen big issue vendors like my whole life I’ve lived in London and sometimes you you see them and 5 years later you see them still and so that made me think that the there was something not quite right with the model of these magazines and uh I just want to create a different model that can potentially helps someone uh immediately or very quickly rather than rather than them having to figure the rest of it out themselves well the most important is importantly is you have a boat to offer right uh accommodation on a boat for two people uh and that will be their story will be in the magazine I presume it will be uh we can follow their their road to recovery depends really because whoever it is that we choose to help they might not want their story shared they might want to to stay private I see well let’s hope they will share the started to but we can share what we’re doing anyway regardless they might want to remain anonymous they might want to just come through the project and receive the help and they might or they might want to go out ahead and advocate for it in the future they might want to go and promote it and be like look this really help me we don’t know yet so folks a magazine an accommodation on the boat in today’s episode worth staying in get yourself a cup of tea and um we’re going to get some uh performance from cath now uh she’s going to play uh she’s a popular musician from London how would you describe your music how would I describe it um I would say it is very sporadic like it’s very sporadic like sometimes um I’ll write a so song that’s like a bit Indy and sometimes I write song that’s a bit folk and it kind of just depends on the mood really I like the word sporadic yeah but a my songs quite a lot of my quite a lot of well probably random is a better word but like quite a lot of my songs are sort of like uplifting sort of vibe so hopefully I can help to uplift some people right and we get back to Marvin later on let’s get the music

going C cat Elliot yes cat Elliot yeah cat

Elliot yeah me should I introduce the song did you record the no I okay so I thought this was quite a good song for the occasion because um I was once in a really really bad place and um I had no idea how I was going to pull myself out and in the end I didn’t really have to pull myself out because someone came along who befriended me for a while and just had that magic touch and managed to get me talking about things and then I got out of the situation and then she just disappeared so yeah like an so it was like an yeah like a guardian angel so that’s the name of the song and uh it goes like [Music] this she arrived just as all hope Wasing When Love Was A Stranger Satan Wasing years of had taken their T and A I see River was drowning my [Music] soul seemed as if my life was destined for failure a pointless ordeal between cradle and graveyard to which place I race with a ling great Hast so she came out of nowhere [Music] R she my and light she is My Savior Please me through the night to a safe hav help me fire the demons and ders down in my mind she’s my guardan angel my guardian [Music] angel Straight Out of Heaven this with genuine friendship patience on offer let me her out we wasting no time diing up all the feelings are buried [Music] inside no turning back once the flood gates were open the thoughts and emotions words never spoken we flowing or rushing away with a

TI liberates in my spirit and freeing my

mind she is my gu star she is my savior we de it through the dark to a safe haven helping me face the trials and tribulations of life life she rote up the sleeves and the healing began she opened my eyes pulled my head from the sand where would I be without her hand pulling me up to my feet giving me strength help

me help me

St she is my kind she is my savior D It Through The Dark do a safe fa helping me face the trials and tribulations of

life she is my gu and light she is my savior pleas D it through the night to a safe help me fight demon and Angel no doubt in my mind she’s my angel my guardan angel my God

[Music] angel [Music] excellent nice [Music] one just had a conversation just yeah I’ll move I’ll move aside nice one good mood Mr can I see can I see your guitar the bar Cod here you know it’s like so must be a good guitar yeah it’s a good guitar yes yes I had the action lowered so it’s easy to play thank you you want to put it outside or you want to keep it there we could keep it here just in case you ref for like another song and also like to be part of the to be part of the the Gathering might want to say something I don’t know has got has it got a name has it got a name I just call I just call it Martin Martin who has name because it’s a Mar all right I got no imagination when it comes to things like that

so M on yes Melvin Melvin yes Melvin how how do you see your role in like helping homeless people well I also believe what Arn is doing is very positive but they also need people to feel like they can become new at the moment they’re feeling like you can’t achieve anything because they’re on negative my role here is to actually bring out the energy to make the feel positive so I would bring that through energy through music through my fitness and Mak them feel good about themselves that’s what I’m looking for so and this is something you’re going to volunteer you to help anybody needs like a uh coach Melvin coach Melvin that’s so your link will be in in the video down below if anybody needs coach Melvin for yeah for wellbe you’re doing like physical and mental both yes through the fitness is literally help their minds motivate them keep them engag keep them focused make sure that they feel that they can change and they can see that life can be better and they can achieve whatever they want to achieve going forward yeah definitely that and uh would you would would that be would that have to be a homeless person or would you help just somebody that is feeling down yes I help anyone that needs my help in terms of that I believe we live in a society where people need motivation they need support and what we’re doing right now going forward is we have to support one another if someone needs help I can’t support them but we all need support for ourselves as well so why don’t we just encourage each other going forward I’m a believer of encouragement if you encourage that person you’re going to be encouraged by them by their motivation and by their focus focus of oh my God and do so well thank you m thank you M for this thank you H thank you thank you that you going to benefit from that as well we all we all benefit in our own way going forward and the best part about it is see someone flourish yeah very nice one very beautiful all right so Arnold could you like summarize the the project in people who just tuned in and sum sum yeah summary um we have a project that will hopefully uh

reduce uh out people being outcasted and isolated and bring them into a warm and caring loving community that will support as many if their needs as possible that’s that’s quite optimistic optimistic start with one or two people right yeah yeah one two is that right to say if there’s anybody like in need out there watching this video can contact you and ask for your help in terms of accommodation in in London yes um it’s very difficult because I can imagine if we did extend it out to everyone it would be flooded uh well there’s only two two two beds only two two two spaces I so two Banks we should say two two yeah two beds potentially like you could sorry to interject like like potentially like you could offer rather than you couldn’t necessarily offer like the accommodation to a lot of people but you could offer like at some point down the road like support to more people yeah so like they can join the community and you know and benefit from like have having someone give them some coaching like a bit of a purpose and kind of find themselves again find their Direction so that could be something maybe like that would be I don’t know I don’t know what I’m talking about we we’re all just basically just basically all just trying that’s that’s what I could I could say we’re just trying yeah and about the magazine um is this is a time for you to to say uh to potential sponsors or how you call P patrons out there if uh what you going to offer them okay um when I mentioned earlier that the magazine was similar to the big issue the main difference is uh would be that like as soon as we have our vendor the person who would distribute the magazine we would immediately uh put them in shelter and then immediately give them access to our Network shelter and work a network of help yeah a network of help shout makes sense yeah I’ve spoken to physiotherapists who who are interested I I was I only told a project to someone at work the other day and then she mentioned it to someone else and they contacted me saying they wanted to be involved as a healing therapist cuz that’s what they’re studying to become so trauma sorry trauma healer so you know uh got a hairdresser in comt Garden his name is Adam Reed uh I’ve been following him for a while now and he’s encouraged me mentally and kept my you know I could immediately tell that if I approached him he would be interested in it and he would want to help and I did and and he’s help will to help you know make someone look presentable and as as good as they can be so they feel feel so they feel good about themselves as well it’s I’m trying to create a total package um that we that we can hopefully over a period of time really set someone on their way to being okay and uh looking after themselves eventually um but we have to support and help if they still still need it so that we can get someone new all right on board okay sounds good well this is the raft app you can follow the project on Instagram uh it’s at raore app raft app so two unor two underscores there you can follow the project there uh and uh what else can we add uh the magazine okay you want to talk about the magazine um it’s called a magazine because uh that’s it started but as things and plans evolve I realized that well I like the connotation bold accommodation raft yeah we’re trying to link it trying to link it together so that it it’s understood well it’s understood easily when someone comes across it they can get see the links and understand it and that’s how they can feel attached to the project and you know willing to stay right involved in it I keep my fingers crossed I will do do whatever I can to give you publicity on my channel I’m looking forward to see first people being rescued and uh staying on the boat I hope you know I’ll be able to to also you know do some little documentaries about that folks and uh was nice to meet you this is the first time we actually well I met Arnold before but this is the first time I meeting so this is the power of the internet you meet interesting people all the time yes people link up and uh get into good projects big projects it’s always better what we say like in Polish is like two heads is better than one sure there’s a saying English 100 is better than than two more than marrier or something that’s it yeah so was what part of London you come from by the way let’s start with Arnold uh I’m from Wembley born and raised in Northwest London yeah my whole life years old no I was just cheering for you okay oh thank you yeah Northwest Northwest londonwest London whole life that’s why I feel like yeah it’s so how did you come to the same school if you from Northwest and you from Wembley which oh yeah

that’s always yeah Wembley oh I didn’t realize that Wembley W next up yeah new cat uh I was I was born outside of London I lived lots of um places I’m a little bit of a gypsy in some ways and how long you’ve been in London well this time about two years so come up for two years how is your music your career it’s it’s getting it’s getting well it’s it’s getting quite exciting now like I’ve just been like I’ve just been writing lots of songs and working at it and getting out as much as possible and and the more I do the more fun it gets and the more stuff happens so it’s good it makes it makes me happy anyway so hopefully happy me equals happy other people well you definitely like I uh first heard cat at where was it oh it was in can’t remember name it was the cat fiddle or

something a random event that I just really just came across on the night I just needed to do something out of the house and yeah that’s funny how I didn’t I never asked you how you were how you came to be there so it’s funny that it was a random thing yeah I I I just know I need knew I needed to be out and absorb something uh and just pay attention to something else other than myself and that was a good that was a good thing to go to and it was full of creative and well fought people and people who uh who I felt was in the same wavelength uh with and Cat’s Music uh immediately uh felt good to me uh and when I went back and listened to her catalog and listened to the the words and read the lyrics and like this is positive stuff this is stuff that

uh you can relate if you can yeah if you listen I feel like if you just listen and would you would you would you give us another s yeah like if you like please yes go for it okay um well I’ll do shine this is going to be like this is gonna be interesting because I hardly ever do this one live because it’s not really the sort of song that you would sing at a pop gig or something would you like me to to play drums Al if you if you want try

try um yeah this song I suppose it’s a bit it’s a kind of a shout out to people that have gone before that have tried their best to make the world a better place and sometimes they come to a bit of a sticky end and themselves um but it’s it’s mostly about un Unity like all coming together and realizing that as you know when we when we come together with a common purpose then we’re strong and we can actually achieve anything that we want so nothing’s Out Of Reach including like everyone being like happy and at peace and stuff so yeah anyway I’m going to stop talking this is called [Music] shine


we’ve come so far through thick

and before the battles face the

demons side by side we’ll always wait share the smiles and keep the secret so how can you speak of Letting Go all the dreams so many all for but so few believe

orever all for one and one for all we know how hard the strong and mighty fall but we just can’t get and life is beautiful when you can fly through it all together we will shine givey our fears we conquer one by one laugh in the face of any army this waking up has just

begun so many waves before the Cal see as the world around us tears itself apart we’ll be standing strong together with the same song in our [Music] heart all for one and one for all we know how the strong and mighty fall but we just can’t Dan High Life is Beautiful where you fly through it all together we will shine the skill of a try when I’ve got your hat in my eyes heart to hard it doesn’t matter if we don’t see ey to [Music] ey let’s give love a [Music] TR one one for all we know how hard the strong and mighty but we just can’t [Music] get life is Beauty for you can [Music] fly through it all together we will shine

let’s give ay I’ve got my heart to heart we stand together forever we will [Music]

sh thank you all right we’re going to shine love that shine like a diamond very talented good voice oh thank you all right folks uh I think that we that will be it for today thanks for coming to to zupa studio uh if you’ve got something to say and you want to be on my channel uh contact me uh why not you may have another interview similar interview with me later on anyway folks thanks a lot for coming uh all the best for the ra up project and I hope to see you soon oh you will yeah for sure you will thank you


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