Should we give money or food to homeless people – Street interviews, London, England
What do you think about giving money to homeless people.
This time i went to West London, Shepard’s Bush. I was asking people about the Monarchy, Brexit, Transgenders and homeless people. Check this episode about homeless people. Check this out!
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 Folks this time we conducting interviews in Shepherd bush in one of the well Westfield shopping center which is an enormous one and we’re asking a few questions like monarchy brexit transgender and homeless people so stay with us and watch till then what do you think about homeless people should we give them money or food or what kind of help they should get um people don’t just have to be homeless I think yeah the government should definitely help more especially in these conditions with winter and everything coming up um so I hope they are getting support I don’t really know if they are but I wonder if they would you give rather money or I don’t I don’t give money I get food I always like if I’m like passing sometimes I’ll be life I’m not in a rush I’ll be like John something to eat but I never give money what’s your ethnicity if I don’t if you don’t mind me asking my dad’s a Brazilian and my mom’s Portuguese and Southern African all right nice one exotic mix what’s your name Bella Bella nice to meet you and see you around you’re right folks come here what would you like to say how is everyone I’m great Hi how are you hi I’m okay yeah girls you should give money to homeless people um I don’t know now listen I think there are some people taking advantage of of homeless people and they’re getting money and getting money for drugs and I’ve seen that myself and I’ve given money to certain people and they’ve they’ve gone and they’ve um I think they’ve bought drugs because I I when I come back this happened to me down in Houston one time a couple of years ago and I gave 10 pound to a girl who said she hadn’t got enough money to get home and I went for a meeting and I came back and I was getting back on the train and I saw her and she was doing the same thing to somebody else so I just knew that it was drugs that she was buying so give one of the homeless people no I don’t think it’s a good idea but give them some place to stay and give them a start  but give them an accommodation and give them a little start in life maybe just help them you know those who want to do well you know who are really um keen on doing well they will do they’ll get a job they’ll you know and and they’ll settle down but some people slip through the net and I think it’s unfortunate but no don’t give the money but but look after them in other ways you know but try to be kind to people try andin life you know because some of them are quite good they’re decent people and you know we can all fall on Hard Times you know you may any of us can you know it’s just we’re just we’re one pay packet away from being poor and on the street and that’s how that’s how real this is you know so no don’t give the money be generous there are a lot of homeless people around Shepherd Bush oh loads loads yeah in London there is loads of people there’s loads of homeless people you just need to come around here in the evening or at night

time and you look in the doorways yeah and you can see that you know things are not good things are not good at all you know uh well it’s not your shepherd’s Bush I mean you go into some other more of the salubrious parts of London for example London Bridge and I work on London Bridge and you see the amount of homeless people that are down there every day every morning every afternoon every night you know it’s every place it’s endemic it’s all over the country and I’m sure the further out of London you go into the towns and cities up North I’m sure it’s worse up there because there’s less employment so it’s a huge problem that’s a problem and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better so you know someone needs to get their finger out and go from it and get a hold of this well what do you think about homeless people should we give them money or food or what kind of help definitely I think that shelters should be able to like open it up without you having to pay because like if you’re homeless you have to pay still for Shelton I don’t think that’s right I think that you should just be given shelter when you do need it because there are people who really do need it I think it’s better to give the homeless people food or something that they need rather than actually just giving them money because when it’s money like you don’t know what they can spend it on and you want them to like be better so you don’t want to give them money if they’re going to go and spend it on drugs so by buying them food or buying them a blanket or something like that that’s a lot more beneficial than just money right very wise one how old are you I’m 14. 14 and already so wise yourself no I agree with what they said yeah your voice as well right

what do you think about homeless people you know as a Christian or should we give them money or not oh I really pity those homeless and maybe we can help them you can help them I think we can give them food or something to wear I I I I don’t know about money because sometimes I hear that they just spend the money and other things like biases alcohol but I think food and shield and clothing are the most important thing food and clothing may be sheltered as well I hear the reports because look they are just sleeping in on the streets so okay yeah so thank you so no no managers food and other means of help but don’t give homeless money um maybe they will spend it like giving if they will spend it for like your food you can give them a little bit but I’m not as for me if I see homeless I’d rather give my phone give the food food yeah and clothing something to work yeah okay what’s your name

I’m from Philippines yeah what do you think about like homeless people should we give them money or food and health I think um the society should help them out and I think um the government should give them at least like make more buildings and like make certain flats for like the homeless it’s where they can stay in that yeah okay and now you do your freestyler

but homeless people should we give money to homeless people or if what do Europe that’s another thing I noticed that there are more homeless people in London now more more a big number of homeless people uh something must be wrong it’s like epidemic I don’t know I just noticed more people without house so very sad where are you from if you don’t mind me asking I’m From Italy Italian yeah subscribe to vloggers like and retweet it’s on Tick Tock or it’s on YouTube or I’m all over the place okay subscribe and comment down below foreign

do you think we should give money to homeless people we should help them to or food or what we should help them to come out of that homelessness because it’s not a nice situation because some of them yeah you give them the money they buy good food they buy good things but some of most of them you give them money they buy drugs and they put themselves into more danger into more hands and they will never get out of that kind of uh circulation of homelessness they need some help mental health physical health and kind of accommodation in order for them to get back to normal life yeah they need a very big help from society it’s not so most of them it’s not their fault some of them they are being drawn into that kind of bad life if we take some interviews in front of your shop thank you are you selling flowers here yeah I can see that how are you today sir all right how much are your flowers and where are you yeah we’re in Shepherd’s Bush green and the flowers vary as according to the bunches hello to everyone who subscribed to this kind of Channel and I hope that those who doesn’t subscribe they will subscribe I’m a follower and a big fan thank you very much have a lovely day thank you my friend enjoy your day as well see you on YouTube what do you think about homeless people should we give them money food what kind of help I think we should provide the resources that they need to um get better you know like um give them therapies and you know mental health because I think homeless thing is more of a mental thing like people want to be homeless you know give them resources to get up out of that and help them what do you think there is more homeless in the UK or USA I have no idea don’t let me lie to you I don’t know or you don’t know where are you from in the states or from New York there’s plenty homeless in New York of course

so you you don’t have a say about that if you should give money will they spend the money on drugs or water or food or what

I don’t say give him money I say you gotta teach him what do you think about the homeless people should we give them food or money or what kind of help wow whatever if you are in the situation in the same situation what you think what you would do what do you think about homeless people should we give them money or food or me a lot they felt that GCSE is in it so yeah I saw them all right what’s your name my name yeah for sure should we give money or food to homeless people I mean yeah you should but at the same time

there’s many reasons why the wholeness could be like mental [ __ ] although maybe they just did [ __ ] in school like there’s loads of reasons I don’t know well yeah that’s it really bro foreign

I heard that you have a big problem with homeless people in Arizona yeah is is there more homeless in the UK or back home UK I would say UK yeah all right what about in Arizona Scottsdale okay it’s not far away from Phoenix no no very close very close yeah Phoenix okay cool do you think we should give money or food to homeless people of course yeah like money or food or what help would you give food food no food yeah and shelter and shelter what’s your names Sophie Leah yeah nice to meet you we have a nice holidays and subscribe to vlogger zupa zupa Vlog would you like to take part in the interview said no excuse me I have a few questions about the British Monarchy folks thanks for watching this one and I will see you on the next one till then vlogger zupa cheerio

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