This time me and Peter from GblazeProductiosn venture to Croydon for some street interviews. We are asking the public about Brexit, Transgender, Homeless, LGBT, Black Life Matter, War in Ukraine. The first interview I might say, went wrong. Please subscribe to my channels

Vlog in text:

yes folks welcome from Croydon this time we’ll be conducting interviews in Croydon with my friend Peter and asking questions like brexit transgender and royal family so watch till the end vlogger all right folks so we are here in Croydon and I will be asking people about brexit [ __ ] brexit no exit we spend all our [ __ ] money and walk don’t let anyone eat myself

and I knew as soon as covid-19 finished someone would go to the world you knew that Microsoft don’t interrupt me when I’m talking you told me to talk let me feed my [ __ ] thing

now Russia’s gone to [ __ ] War yeah against Ukraine what did Ukraine ever do on this world nothing nothing absolutely nothing and when you’re dropping bombs thinking you’re the big gangster in the world yeah you don’t even really truly know who you’re [ __ ] killing what are you really truly [ __ ] doing I knew it was going to be Russia England or America who are you you know my dad did you ever [ __ ] my dad without a rubble did you ever push me out of a [ __ ] vagina you’re not my parent don’t tell me what to do okay you might think you’re too bad I’m [ __ ] four pack remember that cool man anything else you want to say and you haven’t got enough hours in the world to listen to me you got my Chatterbox

don’t just have a good day have a good [ __ ] life thank you what’s your name my name what my name is Michael Michael nice to meet you so what do you think about like the Royal Family

I loved Queen Elizabeth II I thought she served our country extremely well you have to remember she has to be silent all the time they’re hierarchy yeah so she has to be silent she can’t get involved in politics and stuff like that yeah she has to keep the country in society and the assistant safe yeah now Prince Charles is nothing but a [ __ ] I’m not going to call him King he’s not my king how could you leave Princess Diana for that [ __ ] ugly Trump Camilla Parker Bowles and when he’s not [ __ ] her he said my [ __ ] Conservatory talking to [ __ ] flowers what is his mental health what she’s very ugly come on like any stretches you make I’m not saying I’m Mr Hollywood material I’m not saying I miss the Hollywood missile but come on Camilla Parker both she’s very [ __ ] ugly yeah come on I’m just be honest tell the [ __ ] truth she’s very ugly she’s not exactly the most beautiful woman I’ve seen that [ __ ] trap the [ __ ] trap all right all right but my family’s down thanks

don’t worry I’m watching anything I’m watching you as well yeah and so I give you a card hold on what are you gonna give me headache oh you’re gonna give me watch yourself later on you oh you’re gonna give me is [ __ ] headache no I don’t want to give you a headache my left hand side

yeah man hey

you know

I can’t sometimes not always anyway I’ve got a conversation in a minute I’m late for my putting it away I got the best professional set in the world probation for what McDonald’s down there and the other one downstairs at the Burger King because uh I’ll miss you hungry yeah because it damaged to the shops because I was hungry

I know I [ __ ] do it and then see police officers on the [ __ ] British transport police and you know how long it’s going to take me to pay off all the phones I’ve got I’m not getting in trouble with police anymore I’m not [ __ ] doing you know the money you know the money I had to pay out this is nothing coming out of that I know I have to pay for this [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah it’s gonna take me six years six [ __ ] years I’ve got severe brain damage yet oh my God sorry to hear that listen because you’ve never done anything wrong never say sorry unless you’ve done something wrong you know what sorry and I love you and it’s the most to the most I will use words in the world yet oh I love you so much if you love you so much you haven’t sent me a [ __ ] Christmas card in 20 years I’m sorry don’t tell me sorry just don’t do it again that’s it okay what is something why is this [ __ ] voice sorry it doesn’t mean anything excuse me have you got a line sorry I don’t smoke what the [ __ ] are you saying something for you don’t smoke just say I don’t smoke what the [ __ ] are you saying sorry for what the [ __ ] is this yeah I know it’s the kind of way of trying to be polite I understand

I’ve been trying to make distraction I was gonna need the camera bringing the cash conversion selling yeah no don’t worry you’ve got 28 days to get it back you know anyway there’s three for this stuff on the desert island hold on third to the mic and tell the joke to the camera I get myself a lot of trouble when I sell jokes they’re not exactly political correct okay go on okay no

someone else man I’m gonna put it in my [ __ ] belly in a minute yeah okay okay are you are you all right how are you well you [ __ ] you know looking at weapons in you how do you talk about street gangs look at the weapons here CS gas where yeah I I stole it yeah I think he wanted but no it’s like he’s got 28 days to get back in cash converters

okay give me the mic and we’ll see what’s happening with that my kids I’m not going I’m just wanting to see what’s happened what do you think about brexit about brexit where I think it’s probably like put the country in a very difficult situation man financially I think that’s what I believe I believe that brexit some people said that you know obviously like you know brexit many how many years ago is it now I can’t even remember probably about two years three years yes it was about two years and I feel and I think with the whole brexit thing I think me personally um people thought it would bring more jobs to the um country but I don’t I don’t really think so that’s just my opinion in it I just think it’s made it a bit worse I mean from my opinion you know I mean like if you look at the price um the prices of certain things like the elect the electric situation um the energy prices I mean um a lot of things man but yeah that’s that’s pretty much what I could say about brexit man what do you think Peter Well brexit is hard on because like we left the EU but we’re struggling now because of it like all the effort we had before within them is now gone like we’ve got new laws that I that will come in but new um even the Rises of cost is going up I think that’s based upon the war and also the egg breaks in the first place caused this so brexit causes in the first place but now the war has added to the prices so without the war the prices still went up because of brexit so but it’s a good question about black lives matter your black blog how do you feel about black lives matter how do I feel about black lives matter I think at first I thought okay it was an interesting thing because obviously I looked at the whole George Floyd’s situation I thought yeah it was mad what happened and I agree and um police brutality has been going on for years before I was even born but barrels but I thought to myself when I started looking into um black lives matter and what it really represented it didn’t really represent my people harmonious it didn’t really represent when I started looking into it and finding out what it really really really really means and what that sort of stands for I just for me personally I just think that it’s not really what I thought it was you know I mean but yeah that’s just me man so question the two owners of um are fund founders of LGBT also owned black lives matter in a way because the fans of black lives matter are lesbians in case you didn’t know so if so if I said LGBT and black lives matter they’re not related but imagine the owners of black lives matter are lesbians how do you feel about that where he should have their own in it each of their own man you got me overseas like I said I felt like that last man at first I thought it was really and a lot a lot of things like a lot of those people that had lost their lives and a lot of those people that are you know unfortunately ain’t here no more through those circumstances their families have not been represented in the best way I mean when it comes to life people living their lives and and living their lives how they want to live their lives I’m not here to judge nobody do your thing you know I mean but obviously like um keep it you know I mean that’s it well no I agree definitely that’s all man respectful that’s it but now I appreciate that that’s a good word to the people right there bro 100 we all should respect each other out here you know I mean if I decide I want to choose to go McDonald’s or you want to go Burger King no I mean it’s a preference thing you know what I mean so let’s keep it like that man I appreciate that of all blessings yeah what do you think about brexit oh sir I’m an international student I’m not even British I don’t know anything oh that’s that’s even better from like okay what’s the question like from being from not from the UK what do you think about brexit oh that’s a camera over there um you know what they uh they’ve decided on it people voted on it but I guess people don’t like it that’s about it I give you a card then you yeah you’re able to see so your International students from the Philippines from the Philippines yes sir I moved here uh a couple of years ago about two three years ago all right that was like just after brexit yes yes yes okay so you don’t even know how it was before how good it was yeah I wouldn’t know I wouldn’t know right yes and what do you think about Monarch Monarch the royal family monarchy is I think it’s tradition but uh I guess it’s up for the people to see if they want it or not because we should really ask the people okay right and what do you even think about like studying in the UK what’s your experience you know I think it’s lovely I think it’s the uh one of the best countries I’ve ever been in and I want to stay here I want to stay here permanently so I’m working on it cool man yeah so and uh what’s your name my name is Arif sir Reeves Reef uh like the coral yeah yeah but I ride the reef and the the other question we are asking today is the LGBT movement what do you think about like transgender people should they have their own toilets or what hmm I’m not sure about the toilet thing but I want people to express themselves and want them to be themselves as long as they’re not hurting anybody else that’s good

I come from Catholicism I’m a Catholic yeah and uh we really have to accept people so no matter what you are we love you you’re my brother you you know you you believe in this you know you you like another man or uh you know if you’re a woman and you like another woman hell yes more party all right so you’re okay about it yes I like it all right yeah subscribe to vlogger zupa would you give manual food to homeless people all right we’ll give a homeless person food because at least I know that even if I don’t have the money the replacement from the for the money is the food and hopefully I’m get I’m giving that homeless person you know something to eat or something to drink which would be a hot chocolate or or tea or coffee in this cold weather because a lot of us are indoors while stay outside here in this cold like okay no I mean and this this there’s probably a lot of homeless people who are hungry would you give food or money to homeless people food I would give it money is the most in homeless people in London believe it or not they use weed cocaine ecstasy and the money that they’re getting doesn’t really go towards themselves for their needs what they need is what they want which is a problem in life like drugs the alcohol like they only fund it for physical my face is to give them something that’s not money big clothing be be a blanket be a food as a main one but they need something rather than money you can’t come yeah so like what’s your future based on how are they trip and how they act around lesbian gay son Festival you’ve got a wife or a girlfriend right yeah so your fees are quite counted on this to be honest okay what’s my views on how ask a question again please like how do you think they should be as a community based on couples and being like the world flourishing with children and teaching school kids are minor alone yeah yeah so in terms of how they be as a couple I think they’re entitled to feel how they want to feel feel how they and actually they want to act the idea I don’t go into a school telling a kid that they need to get married or have sex with a girl or have sex with a boy or anything like that so I just don’t feel like it needs to be pushed onto miners at all in any it’s not something that they need to be I think educated as they try to put you across about I feel like it can the age when you would get a girlfriend or boyfriend or whatever preference you want to then you can start speaking about it but until then I don’t think that 10 year olds need to be learning about it per se okay so if you’re as a teacher self how you explain to your kids something that the World Turns to see now I’m a Christian right so I believe that the children is going to be taught that and even Christian faith can be allowing it what’s your fuse upon Christian faith and believing in it that way if our faith says something is wrong then it’s wrong that’s their face so if you’re a Christian you believe that it’s wrong it’s you’re wrong I don’t feel like it’s something you need to be justified not accepting per se that you’re afraid just like how if someone from the lgbtq community doesn’t want to want to say it it’s right that’s their opinion so I feel like leave Christians faith alone leave is something I’m Gonna Leave whatever faith it is and let them have their own views on you now this is quite touching I’m an anti-racist guy myself yeah so black lives matter right yeah now the owners or fans of black lives matter are lesbians did you know this no so what if you if I said block last night came first which I think it did didn’t it yeah then LGBT came about how do you think I would react to Black lives matter I in terms of my views on the black lives matter movement is I feel like it is good in the sense to have Push It Forward for the black community but I feel like it’s also a mechanism used to control and separate people similar to lgbtq I think a lot of it has to do with control and separation and I feel like if everyone just showed a bit of love on hearing then everything could have gone the are better in all instances and one more question which is about the war Ukraine war do you think do you think because world war three do I think he’s gonna cause World War II uh I feel like anyone can cause World War III any Global super four can cause World War Three I feel like Putin is trying to stand up for what he believes is right whether the entire world believes it’s wrong it’s what he believes I don’t think war is good in any sense so I’m gonna say no I hope it doesn’t cause World War III a queen have another day bro I have a lovely day and you too madam hello sir so what’s your Visa including cancer at the moment and then the government as a little Fitness was in tax and how they basically helping the people basically if they are to be honest with you of I’m from Croydon anyway yeah recently but this government anyway they don’t help most of the people yeah even in covert and all that the only help certain peoples like you know that they say oh did we help everyone to give money out and all this but none of it is really happened yet only certain people the businessmans people who had business and stuff like that but no more people who’s I mean myself at the moment to be honest with you I’m not allowed to work anyway uh I’ve been just having money from my uncle owned country I’m just spending it here you know and you know I didn’t get no help from this government anyway you know I know I’m foreign

I’m not from here anyway but for last 20 years this government didn’t help me none you know I mean I don’t want to is it is that a camera as well or just the I mean sir to be honest with you I’m upset with this government because

few reasons you know first of all yes so even the English their own people even English people they’re upset with this government anyway and even you just look about all these immigration and stuff is happening at the same time they have 120 000 people already they here in UK and they’ve been here more than 15 years and they’re still struggling trying to get their status in this country we’re gonna ask about the flats they’re building closing they’re building loads of flats now I’m gonna get more flat house is saying there’s no Flats but they’re building about I mean God knows how many thousand flats are put in coin with the sky because of the flats the building so they said there’s no floods so they’re all private so how do you think people are going to get flat with the 50 tax and wise and also the fact that people are homeless on the streets without homes with the flats they’re building basically upon Croydon and other bothers basically what are they making some produce Well the West closing East Croydon I’m seeing lots of buildings anyway but homeless people are working there I don’t think they even count uh or being homeless myself like about 200 years ago I didn’t have like I’ll run out of money for a moment and I was in the street or being everywhere to every organization or Charities about in UK I’ve been to all and not even a Red Cross helped me none of them they help me or you know I know being here like more than like 20 years now that’s I’m gonna go to 20 years and still I’m here with no status imagine how the life how hard that’s gonna be I never had support people saying how foreign people come here to this country they get money they come from I’m from Iran Iran yeah I’m a refugee yeah but I’ll come like into here it’s like 2002 I think

can you believe that and I haven’t been getting not a penny from this government I’ve been asking everywhere try to get help to get some roof over my head at the moment even um I’ve been lucky I’m a lucky one I mean God’s loved me I’ve got good friends who just prepare to help me go out and help me and stuff so I’ve got some room which I’m the same with the friend but you know the life is not hard man it’s so many people like ages different ages between no definitely young people or within my age at the executive between 20 to 45 lots of people are struggling for housing for help with the monies and stuff or providing some kind of jobs going on you know what is it you pass this credit on you see thousands of thousands of people they’re just walking around for nothing no definitely definitely and because there ain’t nothing to do lots of young people and lots of crimes going around so about crimes that’s uh how do you think about the gang members in Croydon and London the youth acting the way they act like on the way down we saw some kids running saying get him get him they’re messing about but dude someone that’s them fighting they’re arguing they want to beef someone up what’s the fuse upon that as as you just said that shouldn’t happen anyway that’s something we’d love to be honest with you but these young used they haven’t got nothing to do in my eyes but they got they haven’t got no Futures lots of them they’re uneducated or they’re leaving college and stuff like that you know most of them like that you know so I think in education is a problem well there is education there is in all sorts of angles when you look they have to support people you know just leaving them not support them don’t mean by giving them money but you know provide them with some kind of job you know somebody that can go proper exporting the sport who’s going to go to sport now man everywhere is expensive yeah some places it’s like 20 pounds some people they don’t even have that 20 pounds to go do some extra money though the taxes the money but do you want Ukraine made our money go down many armed prices go up basically the money go down in the uh country right there’s really efficient to help them but also we had the brexit that start the whole issue of rising money for products so this added up to basically we a lot of code a double tax because we had one investment rise up not another one added to that how do you feel about that the prediction is another problem big problem as well I think that was a wrong decision on the UK to do that because most of everything they could have get cheap or whatever get business they could do it in very easy way but they just close that try to open up something with like other countries you know stuff like that it’s all about money my friend these days you know UK is the richest country in the world like you know one of the riches let’s say but you know where the money goes only certain people that have the money in these days you know even you look all these cryptos and stuff going on you know government’s gonna get involved with it they’re going to take cash people are scared of the government taking the cash and make everything like going like so many people gonna get hurt badly so I done crypto before I see the crypto mining believe it or not and they used to do what it was ethium where but now they made it a types of proof of work it’s now proof of state or something so now although we want to come in but basically now you can’t mine ethium you now have to claim money to get money back what if he’s on the computer in general well I’m not sure to be honest with you I I got really involving that creative side of it you know it just come up but anyway this like government is all like a joke these days to be honest with you it’s just certain people are sitting there on top they’re getting like 250 000 pounds or traditional scoring and spending bloody one and a half million pounds on one statue in his garden but when people are dying of hunger or so many homeless Industries so it’s like a third world country now you would say to be honest with you is it is because all the foreign people and all people from church world country they’re all here now so do you think it’s affecting us as a as a main country well I’m not sure I’m not sure five head times for watching vlogger super and two days Productions we work together on this one so let’s pick up to us both And subscribe to Super Duper trust me he’s not one to be missed that’s the one I remember to subscribe to G Blaze Productions Peter is the man himself thank you very much and we see you on the next one 

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