I venture out to East Croydon in #London to ask people about the current affairs. Check this out. Street interviews – Zupa is back – Brexit, King Charles, Croydon London, accents and ethnicity are among topics i ask my audience to express them selves.

Vlog in text:

Hello folks this is your boy vlogger zupa I’m back on streets this time it’s Croydon London welcome to new episode so we are outside the suffer Tower and we’re looking for people to talk to seconds to talk about the new King’s channels

we can see it’s not that easy to talk to people in a big city to Wedding by the way oh well sorry James yeah just some old trainers you know I don’t remember we went in Joe Ford to be honest power level fan said

we’ve got lots of people in here stealing cars cars cars

Cheerio my favorite Portuguese artist anything else would you like to say to the vlogger TV anybody wants to talk to vlogger Super about current affairs I’m here to talk to you excuse me folks have you got few seconds to talk about sorry like you know the new King Charles if I do another day I’m just running together back from lunch I’m so sorry [Music]

what about private property okay it’s just over there that’s pavement that’s fine but this private property yeah okay I’ll put on the pay for them sorry about that would you like to talk about the new King’s Charles with me my friend

a private property man you have to move the camera here excuse me my friend are you busy

what do you think about the new King Charles um I mean personally I it doesn’t really bother me I mean it’s a good thing I think it’s nice obviously it’s not ideal what happened to the queen but it’s um it could be a good change it could I guess we’ll see in uh

that’s the last queen we’re probably going to have in our generation hasn’t it amazing it has it has she’s done well I know she gets I know there’s a lot of criticism about the royal family and things like that but I think all the world loves her so it’s not just the UK it’s not everyone she’s yeah exactly it’s powerful it’s a good big message through the world as well isn’t it what do you think about bricks I mean to be honest I’m not I’m not too big on all the brexit stuff my knowledge ain’t really there in terms of that um but again I think obviously if they think it’s a good thing then we’ll just have to have to see what happens with it really independent Scotland what do you think about that um again I don’t really know too much and all of that to be honest would you let Scotland go um easily or with hesitation I think okay again I don’t really know it’s this hard one to comment on really do you think Croydon is the most dangerous part of London um I’m gonna be honest no no I mean before I worked here obviously it had its perceptions everyone kind of had their thoughts on Croydon but I’ve worked here for a number of years now and I think it’s I don’t think it’s as bad as people make out yes I think everywhere you go nowadays has got the bad places and the good places you know what I mean but it’s not as bad as it’s cracked up to exactly that yeah yeah exactly what’s your name

what you wearing by the way oh well Zara hoodie some old trainers you know I’m really kind of working on so I don’t want to I’m saying the good stuff

I meet that per question then next time all the best guys hello my friend have you got a spare minute for a short interview about current affairs in the UK what do you think about the new King Charles I really have an opinion on this no opinion about that brexit for or against I’m gonna say four I don’t know I don’t have an opinion on that kind of stuff right another one is great on the most dangerous part of London I would say it has a bad reputation

nice to meet you Makai and what’s your background by the way I’m from Jamaica Jamaica right live on both parents from Jamaica yeah well you like your what’s your favorite Jamaican artist I would say probably popcorn popcorn popcorn yes good starter you think he should be in jail or not is he not sent um I don’t remember we went in jail for to be honest I don’t even remember would you consider your accent to be from South London

I wouldn’t consider it personally but other people may think otherwise where’s your background my friends hi um Romania how long you’ve been in Croydon six years six years 2016. do you like it here no yes it’s good yes so far so good do you think Croydon is the most dangerous part of London no no it’s maybe Liverpool different different cities Liverpool City will be more dangerous maybe yeah what’s your name my friend Adrian Adrian had never any problems in Croydon rodon is not too bad have you got a few minutes for a short interview please I see you got have you got a spare minute for a short interview about current affairs in the UK like the new king brexit and Croydon okay okay Korean is Happy Croydon is happy place no no sometimes sometimes what’s your background my friend Peru hello are you busy are you have you got a spare minute for a short interview what is just a short interview about like King Charles and brexit I don’t much have much say to because I’ve only been here two years so okay what’s your background where are you from Mauritius Mauritius I think I can speak French

What’s Your Name by the way

nice to meet you all the best what are you doing what are you guys just like for us interviews I’ve got a problem we’ve got lots of people in here stealing cars cars cars yeah they are stealing Range Rovers right Range Rover and I’m not happy about that they are everywhere not only Croydon I’ve heard about that Range Rover is the most stolen car is stolen in the UK and is getting problem they are stealing cars and they are managing to connect it and Michael have been stolen Range Rover wow my car Range Rover have been stolen and I’m not happy about that problem I got in England you see as I tell you the problem stealing cars so you’ve lost a lot of money and the police is not helping you nothing is happening nobody ever come and interview me about my car not even a police person come to interview me about my car that’s what I mean listen if if any member of the police of British police is listening to me now please do something about the Range Rover and Land Rovers stolen in the UK this is getting out of hand and it’s not been found the only thing is they don’t found the cars they didn’t find it I don’t I haven’t heard anything they’re gone out of the country or they’re still in the country nobody said that they they sell it for parts you know they like whatever they don’t destroy it but it’s becoming very ridiculous in England so what’s your name my friend Priscilla Priscilla and what is your background if you don’t mind me asking I’m African African what about yeah I’m in South Africans South Africa I’m all over Africa South Africa Zimbabwe Namibia Zambia all over there like South South Africa what’s your favorite South African artist everybody is my favorite everybody is long they’re African musician do you like Brenda fassie hey lovely to see what you’re wearing by the way

are you looking nice trendy yeah what do you think about the new king yeah we like new king yeah

I want to see him yeah what do you think about another like brexit

yeah we have amazing opportunities because of the brexit using opportunities and are you are you living Croydon yeah do you think Croydon is the most dangerous part of London yeah yeah sometimes yeah is it yes yeah what’s your name yeah what is your background


[Music] what do you think about the East India Company yourself being from India

you know that’s an Indian you know point of view I’m proud of India

yeah much [ __ ] for me care about that company we have the memory like we’ve suffered a lot because you suffer a lot from the company yeah that’s only we get the memory we don’t know about the health of the old folks they say you know East India Company exploited basically in the is is that the the first impression about the East India Company Russian yeah and what’s your names

nice to meet you folks thank you foreign

what’s your name Ivana Ivana wow that is a Slavic name have you got any Russian connections Ivana no I wish my mom just liked the name so what’s your background Ivana uh a Mongolian in Portuguese what’s your favorite Portuguese artist my favorite Portuguese artist actually Portuguese not angolan uh

I listen to a lot of Angola music Portuguese I’d say maybe like yogps the the new King Charles do you like the guy yeah what’s your name my friend Roger Roger where are you from India what do you study uh cooking chef do you think Croydon is the most dangerous part of London yeah hey what do you think about the brexit yeah it’s good it was good yeah thank you Roger anything else would you like to say to the vlogger zupa TV he’s probably been the most dangerous part of London yeah probably just old men who are drunk yeah yeah drunk man so alcohol is a big problem yes if you would like to see more interviews like this let me know in the comments below the next time your favorite vlogger vlogger [Applause]

all their money could go on a lot of better things like homeless


this is the London voice did you hear that sounds do it yeah

he’s done well with anything but we need we need we don’t need money in our places and everyone ain’t got nothing we’re on it off kind of understand what you’re saying but but they don’t actually cost that much no not really elected and look how many people an elected person instead of someone else right I mean a little bit more it would be a little bit more in with the with the new ways that up and coming times instead of the old world that you would like to have an elective thing ever so off everyone would like to be a king right yeah you better have a chance to be a king that’s my friend what’s your name

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