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Vlog in text:

Hello welcome to zupa Vlog we’re doing some Street interviews on on down by the river by the the London Eyes just up there how’s the parliament behind me here’s here’s zuper yeah I’ll be behind the camera D is going to take lead and ask people how they are doing where they are from we’ve got lots of questions uh so stick with us get something to eat drink and uh watch this episode hey yeah and I’m just introducing a friend of mine his name is Glenn hello everyone hello world how are you this is all the way from London live not live but this is uh Street interviews from Central London [Music] enjoy yeah you are you live streaming or you just recording just taking photos no it’s just just for applications it’s just a picture for me okay yeah yeah and uh where abouts in Mexico do you live Mexico City no alisco okay cuz I have actually been to Mexico I went there I went traveling there at one point

yeah um so what you’ve just come on holiday holiday the the most the most famous holiday in Mexico or no no I’m saying have you come to London for a holiday I don’t no I just stay here uh travel traveling you’re traveling where else have you been on your travels and the last one is Paris and ER then I will go to praga okay prag okay and uh what what do you do do you work are you are you employed in my in my world yes my in my country yes what what do you do I am a um a professor teacher what do you teach that’s interesting about my bachelor in engineer industrial you in industrial engineering Union okay that’s really interesting yeah yeah how long have you been doing that here no no how long have you been teaching ah eight years someone 15 will feed me for a

week oh you heard it


yeah what brings you to to this place here to London or were you visiting a friend are you visiting your friend in London yeah he lives here okay where you from Milan from Milan in Italy all right is Milan in Italy still a big place where a lot of Ships coming and well not ships it’s not it’s not on the sea yeah but the economical power of Italy yes yeah yeah nice place all right so you visiting your friend from the girls are from Italy and visiting uh London and uh what your on bucket list to see in London actually we don’t know we’re just walking around walking around walking around all right do you have some suggestions when you hear uh I would walk around you know the whole just along the Tes and see the the there’s a big Cathedral on the left s Paul’s Cathedral do you think I would see these places yeah just along the tames everywhere in London near the river London is beautiful yeah you like London all right well I’m myself from Poland but I’m based in the in here this is my friends here we’re doing like a short interviews for the for the you know YouTube channel I give you the card for so girl media yes Z yes so uh how is Italy how is uh Medan yeah doing are you from the where you from in Italy Milan Milan right we in Polish we call it Medan Medan you’ve got your own name polish mil Milano okay Milano Milano Albano how is Albano Albano minina he’s good yeah still alive still alive I think we love Albano you know Romina Power Italiano you know in Poland was a big big kids are you still loving like Eros r as well yeah

okay so Italian music still quite going strong yeah better in Italy in Italy iide but yeah okay so okay I’m not from here by the way yeah where you’re from Ireland yeah okay yeah that’s fine so um where where in island are you from from leash it’s in the Midlands okay okay and what do you think of the current prime minister of Island oh I’m not going to talk politics I’m so sorry that’s what you’re looking for no I okay yeah yeah yeah um so what you doing in the UK in London uh just visiting my best friend okay yeah yeah and what do you do um like for a for a living or uh I do makeup okay you’re okay yeah yeah and um I think that’s it okay thank thank thank you very much where are you from anyway United States what brought you to

London bucket list yeah bucket list that was on your bucket list London yes what about in US you from in Massachusetts massachusett near Boston up north yes yeah what’s the weather like now in there this but lots snow snow all right so it’s not that bad isold it’s warmer yes yeah all right guys massach this is guys from USA what’s what’s on the bucket list in London what what’s your like interests in London all the sites you know big band Pi um but like personal because I presume you from the Anglo sax immigration so is there something personal you want to see um nothing particular no everything just all the sites that’s all yes yeah okay you don’t have any folks back in England no no no no are you actually originally English or not we’re Italian we’re Italian all right but you but we’re English yes yes yes first generation in Americans that’s question first generation Massachusetts has a lot of Italian people in it yes yes it does have you visited Italy before yes many times many times so this is just something else to see in Europe yes something else to see yeah why are you interviewing what’s this for uh just a small YouTube channel I give you a card if you want to see yourself maybe later is that okay yeah sure that’s fun thank you very much you’re welcome well anyway so just Italian background or you have some other backgrounds as just Itali that’s that’s that’s pretty recent and prent Mig recent migration yes both of you yes okay how many years was that that your grand ancestors immigrated my father is 90 years old and uh he came here when he was uh 18 no he came here when he was uh 26 not here but yes there the boston6 yeah what do what year we talking about then uh

1950 okay 1952 right that was like after the war and all that yeah they came the Italians were migrating to us at that point I’m myself from Poland so we’ve got big big places as well in in in US Chicago right live in England I live now in England yes but the situation is changing you know I’m happy to be a European Union citizen as well right but at least at the moment this place is is giving me you know good life and yeah I’m here good to here well it was nice to meet you yeah good luck take care byebye thank you for the interview cheers sorry you can use the triport here do you have the permission from the county Hall Authority no we didn’t know sorry then you cannot use the tripod here use the camera you can use the camera but not the tripod okay sure cuz it’s a private property so have the law no worries use the camera no problem at all okay thank you thank you just take out the tri yeah cheers okay yeah you just all right good safe by the security guard yeah folks so did you hear that well yeah you can’t use a tripod why being on this uh like Federation and heading to the London Eye from the parli excuse me are you the is it the same breeds no they look the same yeah look the same but they what what is this one this is a toy and but they look exactly the same toy yeah brother and sister thank you are you okay for a short interview about your dog yeah right excuse me you okay for a short interview you know how you doing today I’m okay how are you not too bad yes we’ve got a small YouTube channel and we’re trying to get some interviews about why people visit this area ah well just because we’re well we’re from Scotland so we’re not really familiar with London so it’s just nice to visit all right where about in Scotland you from Aline Aldine all right so you’re not a proper chter then not quite not quite we’re not far off it though so our accent’s not too bad yeah yeah I can hear bad guys so uh just a little walk around here what’s the plan uh we’re actually traveling home today so we’re just having a last walk around since it’s a nice day so all right you travel home is a calonal Express taking you home no we fly from EasyJet from gwick to aine so yeah aberin has got an airport was it just like a break for you or what yeah yeah just a small City break I guess yeah so oh bril you choose London the capital yeah it’s we’ve never been so I just thought we’d uh try it out everyone speaks highly of it which has been really good yeah definitely how is Ain those days is that big oil Port still I I heard that this is the busiest hel port in the world or something yeah it’s it’s an oil and gas hub for sure but it’s just very dull and gray windy rainy so AB is not too bad I spend some time in the West East Coast that was more wetter than the East Coast you you okay guys yeah it’s still very windy and wet so so my parents said it’s raining just now so we’re kind of looking yeah enjoy the Glorious Sunshine of London today folks good good aini yeah aini in London guys so uh what you back what you doing back home uh not really much just working working in the oil industry uh wind farm wind farm actually right how is that going on it’s really busy at the moment it’s all go travel around the world doing it so it’s quite good okay so it’s not just the local wind wind Mills or what you call it it’s all you’re going all over the world yeah so travel quite around the world recently been to Japan you’ve got the last from from uh from Scotland yeah yeah so how are you coping with that ah it’s fine it’s it’s it’s quite easy it’s difficult at the start but work around it so can’t complain a last from Scotland is difficult to start with right yeah yeah for sure you’re doing well man it’s difficult thing so but no it’s okay we’re good what football team do you support uh I don’t really support any team but if I was to choose it’ be Rangers rangers yeah Scottish teams so yeah Scottish teams what about the premier ship I would say Chelsea I would say Chelsea yeah all right nice one nice one folks uh well aberin is here guys would you like to say something to your folks back home no it’s they won’t see me so yeah they don’t really watch why you actually here what brings you to the to this place yeah U we were here for dinner for dinner right um yeah like a little like lunch date kind of thing all right yeah went to wag W wagas right are you friends from school yeah yeah Michael how you do which one well near nearby yeah all right cool so wagas yeah good wagas around yeah what about it’s really tasty W is very tasty over there yeah it’s like over there it’s just over here all right all right well thanks for the interview and uh what would you recommend for people to see in London um like Big Ben like around central London basically like anywhere around stand theat theaters in West End as well what’s your hobbies girls I don’t really think I have any I I can’t be up the top of my head oh there must be one come on come on painting painting right y got a painter I can’t think I can’t think of one um I paint as well and piano as well can we see your your your painting somewhere on social medias or not probably not probably not yet but well good luck with with your social media well with your paintings most of all here so this is a gentleman from Estonia from paru uh how is south coast of Estonia south coast of Estonia the border to L lah uh lvia yes no that’s about uh uh 60 kilm or about 40 miles in in uh in Sou of latinia right very south on near L latia uhia Poland yeah I’m from Poland myself so I kind of know this area uh yes so how is Estonia now cuz I hear there was a it was it was a very important htic port in the 15th century it was a very you know the trade was happening was a very uh Rich place

excuse repeat again the me H H years and where uh 14th century or 12 Century yeah that’s what I’m talking about yes ah okay we have we have many countries cities talin vers Nara vers willan div verse and verse uh Dr two who is uh completed in Hana uh Union okay who was that who what was competing with hanza Union Han Union that was in Middle Eve who is uh bringing uh salt and uh from Russia coming the what’s a fair fair yeah yeah yeah yeah and then then guys there’s a guy you bringing the Vibes to the community right sorry are you bring The Vibes to the community no I’m racing for this my this my it’s my racing bike racing bike and yeah it’s my sponsorship what’s that I mean huh sponsorship all right yeah cator and GoPro GoPro is as well you are you filming on GoPro as well yeah yeah that’s my sponsorship and they pay you for doing that yeah but not here in America wow wow that’s fantastic hey that guy has done it in the YouTube business guys looks like he’s done it uh do you mind if you tell us more about yourself in front of the camera over there uh you you got go yeah YouTube channel yes we collabo with the collabos that’s a channel there vlogger zupa and Dina as

well hey folks so where are you originally from my friend um I’m from I live here I also live in America as well but I’m citizen here citizen in in the UK and live in America all right and the Americans they gave you that’s when you you got to know the brands right yeah that’s why that’s my sponsor base in America my sponsorship they based in America so I I go there H maybe three times a year three times a year to do racing yeah and what do you do because I see a GoPro are you going live now no no no no it’s not live yeah not not live but look at that bike GoPro speaker torch uh charger for a GoPro that’s something you know everybody’s good to have right how long you’ve been doing this sir uh about about 10 years now it’s a good money yeah yeah I almost about um $3,000 a month no no it is a year no just one race just for one race Just One race yeah okay it’s the races you make money at all I just I do it for hobby cuz I got I I got my own job I I do this for hobby this is for hobby all right all right if I’m if I’m if he my is professional I get more money so because a hobby that’s why I get less money I see I are you going try try to go professional no no no no no I love my job so this is just hobby only all right I love um I love challenge that’s why that’s why I’m doing this I love challenge so I do yeah how can we find you on social media my friend oh I don’t see my website is is GoPro they control cont control my my they control it so just go GoPro and that’s where you find you no but I’m on GoPro and Continental so I’m not allowed to give it away to it’s not for public it’s not for public guys like yeah so yes it’s just private I see yeah sorry people ask me they want to find me but uh I tell you can’t find me no no you won’t even mention your name you’re doing the whole thing and you won’t even give my name is OB OB Wasington OB Washington hey folks Italian music still quite going strong yeah in Italy in Italy I don’t but yeah okay so who is the new new names cuz I remember Aros mati Albano Romina Power these guys uh new

[Music] names only just wonder the

festival Sano yes Sano is yeah I see whoever wins Sano goes to Eurovision all right interesting yeah it music has been always very strong well especially in Poland you know I remember you know in the 80s you know slowly getting to the east you know this beautiful Tunes thank you very much for doing your Opera guys are you visiting sometimes like like you going to concerts life not lately no we’re not really concert concert girls but and Milan what do you do in

Milan go out with our friends and are you still in school I presume university university what do you study engineering engineering and psychology oh so different different un Leonardo de Vinci J all right I see okay cool well girls would you like to say something like hello to your family back in Italy cuz we’re doing live show din we going live a it’s

Live From Italy ital Milo the whole ital thank you very much guys you well you enjoy your stay I mean if we hanging around here if you want to say something more you more than welcome okay do you think Italy is the power of the Europe yeah yeah yeah number one number one number one one not Germany No Italy Italy come no actually don’t come to Italy why not no come come come yes you don’t want more migrants

there hey I know you’ve got your Island what how is the island you know a lot of Africans coming to this Italian island okay we’re getting too political Maybe not maybe we shouldn’t it’s not the right

times hey girls well what’s your names by by the way Emma Emma wow Ela Ela wow such a Germanic names you know it’s it’s not Emmanuela and Elena Elena maybe but Emma is I think it’s Germanic name yeah might be German I don’t know more German yeah my mom named me after the Jane Austin romance Emma do you know that okay so it’s not Italian name Emma right J yeah after that one you have to know the romance very well now actually I haven’t read it explain it to so many people along your life I didn’t read it you didn’t read it it’s amazing okay well nice to meet you guys and uh what’s the origin of your names uh Greek Greek more Greek Elena yeah well popular kid as well ah yeah yes I’ve met few elenas yeah more more are you still believing in like the the you know like the your Greeks your your your goats the not Z that was Greek but the Italian Gods Italian

God no no we don’t believe thank you thank you so much and uh and uh well tell me how can we find you on social medias your can you stand here so we can actually see you can can you thank you yeah social media o yeah how can we find you on social medias I have just Facebook Facebook what’s your name on Facebook Lis L Lou L is to subscribe yeah I I think sometimes the the social page is not good because you lost too many time to look for different kinds of for example Tik Tok do you know Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok you you lost the time when you pass and pass a video yeah yeah I think it’s better to study or to do something different okay social medias but you are on social medias right just only one Facebook justb I don’t H public anything okay not even your your phone stuff no no my my phone is all is just for my pictures and for C with my family and the picture is for mine I I save the the pictures in my computer andtime share the pictures with my family and close friends but that’s it that’s it I don’t public anything on my life in Mexico is is dangerous to public your your your pictures about your your personality your life no I don’t know here I I I think maybe here is good no it’s fine but in Mexico is not is not good is it dangerous in Mexico Danger you’ve got the the cartels yeah yeah yeah ER it’s sad but this are reality reality right h Mexico is a beautiful country Bey beautiful country but the problem is the governments the governments is so corrupt no and that is the reason because the country is dangerous because I believe one day yeah exactly yeah I believe one day my country change because it’s a beautiful country no you need to go to Mexico to visit no training was and all the city is coming up sickness CI is coming up from the reach okay that’s how they were trading with Eastern Russia put no Russia but we have Swedish uh Swedish area too when the Ian p is coming our countries I see that’s Libyan uh war was okay you Estonia had Wars with with Finland or no never never finlands we have uh Estonian is a couple of couple of uh piece of in air Lans leanians you say you’re in Poland yeah which parish sesia K oh you are you in sou but uh always uh Russians is uh battled from the Finish Gulf that’s a that’s like a gate from uh uh now time time Petersburg Leningrad or the in in this place I see so it was a rich place in medieval how how it is now how is Estonia now is that a good place to be yes we we uh independent uh in uh 902 where the Soviet troops is coming out and we have we am in Nat and we have uh we have own uh money but we coming to the euro Tu but you have slots yes yeah here you go my friend from from Estonia and uh well are you on holidays or you visiting or you staying or what’s your purpose I coming to watching in SE uh morning R morning R yeah in p see it but I coming [Music] in yeah likey folks we are here with Obie Washington been cycling for charity in the USA and the UK that’s my Washington red skin that’s my that’s my team right that’s your team yeah Washington Washington red skin this one right and they pay you basically no no no no that’s free I don’t I don’t get paid it’s my team right that’s your team right cool I’m I’m allowed to have washing rescue I’m not allowed to have any other company cuz yeah cuz this is my team how much was you know costing you to equip all this you know uh this one is 200 this one 100 and uh which GoPro it is uh GoPro GoPro 10 GoPro 10 right yeah but it’s it’s free I don’t get I don’t pay I don’t pay for it it’s free and I get a free tire as well can you do some tricks on the on the bike for us no no no I don’t I don’t I’m not I’m not very good yeah yeah yeah I don’t do tricks I don’t think I had an accident in the so my M told me no more tricks no more tricks from Mr Washington yeah just saf your name is Washington right OB Washington OB Wasington Obby Washington yeah where is Obby name from Obi is my is my my middle name and Washington is my my son’s name my son but where the name Obi comes from Nigeria Niger right Nigeria are you Yuba person no IBO IBO right we’ve got IBO what’s the you know beef between IBO and the Yuba I don’t know I’m not very good in that but I I lived here so many many years ago so you get on with the Yuba people well right yeah we we we one we all the same all the same IBA and Yuba yeah we all the same we don’t believe Christian are you Catholics on paper but on paper yeah but actually I study in Catholic University yeah that’s something you know from Poland you know Catholic country as well but we have Protestant people as well oh yeah a little bit yeah I know it is Catholic but yeah we’re not we’re and what what your ancestors do you remember you know like I heard about the the kingdoms in Italy the Geneva you know the Venice that was bringing people was trading what your family are doing and uh what’s what’s your background in Italy well we’re we don’t have a we don’t have a royal background just nor simple background simple background the most basic okay okay see so come from

Milan ah my grandfather was born in Paris okay why he came to mil I don’t I don’t know for work I I don’t know CU ital is better but uh he was born only was born but when he was young uh he left uh Paris and go to Milan okay interesting interesting yeah cuz there’s always in Europe people trading and moving along yeah things like that and are you you know like how is the the the div verion between South Italy and North Italy yeah it’s different different you consider yourself as Northern Italians yeah yeah Milan is you feel like is it that cold in Medan as well south south of Italy South Italy but there’s no money there yes there’s more jobs and I’ve met people to the the north of Italy to find a job yeah would you move back to Sicily would you move back there not back maybe when I’m old when you’re yeah when I’m retired I don’t know I don’t want to see anyone I don’t want to I just want to be on the scene you know okay enjoying my well nice to chat to you you know we’ve got probably a lot of you know Common topics and how long you staying in London for we’re leaving tomorrow we leaving tomorrow are you going to subscribe to channel zupa vlogger zupa of course of course z media yes follow yeah let me know when I can come to Italy and do similar interviews cuz you guys you speak quite good English don’t you yeah yeah we try no in Italy yeah yeah I am sometimes in the North in the North in Milan you can find people speak English cool yeah I’m looking forward my favorite food is Italian I love pizzas spaghetti bolog you know I love Italian I kind of eat the the Mediterranean is the best one the best it’s the best yeah it’s must it’s the best guys and I would love to try the real Italian food Naples Naples yeah you can find good food Naples yeah I’m looking forward what’s your favorite Italian food pizza I think Pizza pza Bas uh Parana Parana it’s with eggplant and tomatoes it’s good hey I love this Italian spaghetti just garlic a little bit bacon perfect Italian food basic but but base yeah it’s basic it’s basic but good but it’s beautiful it’s it’s the the the the the the source of the European food we all in the UK people eat you know BZ pizzas loan Bona it’s it’s like it’s like British food basically you have to try the real one the real one in Italy yes I’m looking forward I’ve been once to Italy but just for short time at Milan yeah around the airport only you know and then I but yeah I’m I shouldn’t be saying this because we all should visit Italy at some point you know it’s the it’s the the credle of the Europe in Vatican and all this yeah go to Rome go to Rome yes it’s the year of the Jubilee this year you should all go to Rome and visit

yeah beautiful beautiful girls thank you very much for the interview thank Mexico is a beautiful country Bey beautiful country but the problem is the governments the government is so corrupt no and that is the reason because the country is dangerous because I believe one day yeah yeah exactly but I yeah I believe one day my country change because it’s a beautiful country no you need to go to Mexico to visit no it will change it will yeah yeah yeah we change all right folks thank you very much and what about in Mexico you come from guarisco which is where where is in the um accident the of the country it’s close to California California or is the central country Central in the central right Mexico City okay maybe 6 hour or seven hours to drive to Tois okay walis it’s the Bor of tequila all right where is that are you drinking a lot oh love it love it can you can you do some kind of Mexican for us my friend maybe sing a little song please oh I I don’t know no I don’t know sing sorry sorry sorry but be a Mexico cabon it’s a phrase

Mexicanas true Mexican with us thank you so much no social medias for you social media sorry can I find you yes it’s nice to what you wearing by the what you wearing cuz yeah can can you go through you know the gentleman’s wear ah my wedding yeah this a simple jacket simple jacket right simple jacket and I don’t know how do you say this in English Okay carousers yeah yeah and my heart yeah the hot with the flat with the flat Mexican flat Mexican flat Mexican flat no I don’t know how to that’s fine that’s fine thank you no you’re welcome thank you enjoy your pleasure to talk to you and uh would you say you know I’m my name is vlogger zupa on YouTube zupa zupa okay you put the the video in YouTube yes YouTube and would you say to all these Mexican people out there to subscribe to my Channel please yeah subscribe his channel and come to London no no no in in Spanish in Spanish

okay here we go now you know now you know my amigo thank you very much you’re welome friend thank you one can I have it yeah yeah yeah okay thank you what did you get a scarf yeah so uh it’s like a littlear and hat yeah yeah it’s a souvenir Mexican souvenir okay cool thank you that’s great no no so much yeah yeah thanks appreciate okay bye bye see you thanks take care cheers bye excuse me guys where have you come from

today no I’m not getting any I can’t don’t give up try try again like I said out of 100 you you’re probably one or two [Music] yeah so that was only like five yeah 82

more excuse me would you be interested in a short interview ah sorry I’m not you don’t speak English okay no worries excuse me would you be interested in a short interview for my friend’s YouTube channel what is the just like about what people are doing in London and where they’ve come from and things like that yeah okay sure yeah we’re in so where have you come from today Glasgow Glasgow you’re okay you’re Scottish are you yeah Okay cool so um um we have a short interview just where you from London London and how often do you come here not very often why I don’t know um GoPro the only this is my own but they pay for the I get free tire and um GoPro you’re like a GoPro yeah I’m they sponsor me that’s why I got the sticker here okay let’s go yeah and they also Continental sponsor me as well so that’s why I um so you just like go around yeah but mainly American you you’re mainly in America um I do more race in America than here you do races I do race yeah like but individual not um I do like a distance like um London to Brighton or Virginia to Boston okay cool yeah so okay that’s really cool yeah so I so where do you where do you live nowadays I I live in London but also I America three times a year okay cool yeah so I um hope this my hobby because I love cycling it’s my it’s my personal hobby okay so the GoPro when when um I went to GoPro um GoPro and Continental um exhibition yeah and I told them I need sponsorship they said okay we sponsor you okay but in America it’s more easy to get sponsored than UK yeah okay sure yeah so that’s why they best in America they don’t Bas in UK UK yeah yeah so and but he was asking me about um if I got website unfortunately the comp is private I’m not allowed to share to public yeah but wouldn’t they like that if you like published social or something this what they want they like my race they want it private oh okay yeah yeah so they want it private so with the GoPro and here they all private so okay sure yeah you some people sometimes some people want me to have the sticker on my bike I’m not allowed I’m only allowed to have GoPro in continental and my my team which is [ __ ] is that American Baseball American football American football yeah it’s a Washington res so so um the person was asking where where what team should they what team should they support yeah NL NFL is that the NFL Washington [ __ ] zupa tell them to support the to back the Redskins the red skin the red skin so yeah that’s me I’m I’m red skin forever so okay yeah yeah I’m a big fan of Redskins okay cool do you like uh football like yeah I like football but um I’m more I’m more passionate in NFL okay yeah yeah so that’s my passion okay yeah what what what Premier League team do you support um we now PR Swansea okay yeah prip that Swansea okay yeah yeah sure that’s that’s the english team I support but U mainly I focus more on NFL and I CU I I spend a lot of money on NFL okay I spent a lot of money on what sort of thing buy um shoe custom custom made shoe yeah rescuing custom made okay yeah understand so and this one as well so I um so I need I can have reses on my on my bike that’s it some people they want to they want to have my sticker on my bike I’m not allow so okay only redkin i w that’s it so redin that’s but it’s um Cy is my love challenge that’s why I enjoy cycling yeah I’m just coming back I’m just coming back from Kent what you cycled from where to where from London to and London to Kent and I’m just coming back from Kent now okay you you you literally just came back from Kent how long did it take you it’s about it’s about 15 months and it’s about 7 hours wow yeah 7 hours so so you’re very healthy and fair yeah I love I love challenge yeah that’s my I love challenge so um they say if you believe in yourself anything is possible in life yeah so that’s my that’s my motive you and um you know so I um so was it a time rce like you were trying to do it in a certain time that one that one just personal training sort of thing old to see family yeah but if I want to do um I do my training in Richmond Park oh yeah that place there a lot of Hill yeah I go there to do my training that’s why I do my training richm Rich from par okay so this is um this is Glenn hello so Glenn tell me how long have you lived in London practically half of my life and you lived in America before that right yeah the us as well okay that’s interesting um so so we we know each other we live nearby yeah yeah so um anything else I can’t think of what to say I don’t know either well well just say that if you if you like quality of life London is one of the best places the US I suppose as well but you’re alog together you need money yeah money to you go my friend from from Estonia and uh well are you on holidays or you visiting or you staying or what’s your purpose oh I coming to watching in SE is uh morning R morning R yeah in pad seater but I coming [Music] in yeah like that yeah okay yeah that’s better it’s just a microphone oh just a microphone your answer what’s your purpose in London you coming to see oh I coming see all this uh in uh uh yesterday we coming to the APPA Avatar and now we coming to M Rouge education education all right entertainment right thank you very much all the best enjoy your stay where you putting this in here YouTube oh okay YouTube yes on the zupa channel zup pamin pamin what does that means no what’s a reason oh just just like you know what documenting the world as it is just like but there is a lot of questions I could ask you but if you kind of be busy shut down shut down here what’s the meaning ukra and Russian for [Music] what what’s well the you

know what about you for me difficult but but Trump is [Music] coming yeah there something going on with the with cooking now yeah yeah yeah yeah you don’t want to talk about that camera no no no

but mean

we you yes you

have have you got a second for a short interview oh no thank you appreciate it how about you [Music] mom is that still going yeah we’re going right the job is not that easy as you may think guys the job is not that easy to get somebody but we’ll be getting somebody shortly somebody who’s got a story to share with vloggers zadin and Glenn excuse me we have a small YouTube show speak English that’s fine where you from France France France FR that wasn’t an excuse then Fran

sond excuse me where is the language from uh French oh you French yes all

right where you from in France in the north of France north of France and why in London T because Harry Potter Harry Potter bro you to London all right yeah yeah what about you sir same Harry Potter yeah same exactly yeah sorry we are on our way all right yeah well enjoy your day thanks for stopping anyway you see French people from L and Harry Potter brought them to London the power of literature all right excuse me okay thank you thank

you so how would you Des describe your fish and chips very tasty like um traditional fish shop fish and chips that’s how to describe it just like any chip shop in the country yeah nothing bad about it no no really good yeah really good right Glenn yeah fish and chips is uh is a custom sort of uh food in in England and it’s quite nice traditionally good yeah that’s what I like as well folks uh yeah I’m behind the cameras I won’t have it today but if you want to donate to vlogger zupa so next time he can have fish and chips the number is below anyway what’s your favorite artist from Nigeria oh I’m not I’m terrible with them I don’t even know they VOR whis it come on no idea I don’t I watch more like um America I’m I’m not into I’m not into movies I’m not into YouTube I want a lot lot of YouTube cuz my M my she’s not into movies so I don’t enjoy I don’t watch much of movies okay well but I I spend more time cycling when I’m off David or whis I don’t who are I don’t who are they you’re not Nigerian get see you guys here it’s not Nigerian if he doesn’t know David whiskey doing like a short interviews you know where you from guys we are from Pakistan Pakistan what do you uh do you like to come over here yes of course everybody love to come uh and see London yeah are you living in London yeah I’m living in London and you love to come here every time and just course it’s been a long time I never been here so my sister and brother came so we just come to see here yeah where are you based in London uh in totin Broadway not too far yeah not too far it’s just half an hour half an hour on a tube come and and the the river perfect yes yes sir you like that and where you originally from Pakistan Pakistan where about uh Punjab guat Punjab yeah do you have Rivers there as well and lot of rivers a lot of rivers and and not not so hot not so cold I would say not so cold yeah not so cold all right lovely to see you guys where you come from uh Poland myself yeah I’ve got a little YouTube channel and trying to grow it just to see where people are from in London and best of the Lu sir thank you very much all right all the best enjoy your walk cheio what camera is it Sony this is a Sony Alpha Sigma 6000 Sigma 6000 man what does Sigma means uh Sigma means like the best of the best the best of the in fact I paid like three 300 300 lb yeah it was cheap because uh I don’t know I took it like the first uh place I bought it like outside my house I just got it and sigma I never heard about Alpha 6,000 5,000 you know I yeah but never had about Sigma yeah I know but uh yeah I meant this not this this of of course is Alpha but this is like oh the the the lens yeah because this is this is really cheap this is like 100 this is 200 okay but I’m new I this is my first time taking pictures so okay how can we find you on social medias uh my name is Noah kopo and yes just that corop right guys if you want to see good shots yeah London background and London yeah yeah I’ve been living here like uh almost an year say where you originally from anyway H Italy ital I’m Italy but I was born in Thailand I immigrated in Italy when I was 2 years old and now multiculture yes multiculture a lot but it’s London so you know that’s why I came here I know this was my place the place for me cool cool and uh do you know like your social media handle how can we find you on social medias uh you just type Noah uncore kopo Noah kopo yeso is Italian so it’s hard to pronounce a lot okay thanks very much for that interview guys where you heading today anyway H we’re leing to the big band because we actually never saw it because this my friend from Italy and I just took him in the best place in the most notorious place I I didn’t know no I didn’t know where to took him I didn’t [ __ ] know to so I say Big B yeah that’s the one and yeah Bak palas of course yeah that’s the right places to take somebody from abroad to you the UK uh I’ll just show you guys you know we just outside the the yes exactly there all right so a lot of tourists come comes here to see that building out there yeah it’s Nob brainer because I said big b i yeah anyways so what what brought you to the UK eh my friend I’m working to I’m working in I’m trying to work in a bank in a b because I I study Finance yeah good Mone I hope one day for my future no now not now not at all I’m Italian Bankers in the UK yes I’m trying I’m trying in my way but uh it’s hard it’s really hard I broke um hello I’m Josh and I’m doing my AEV photography I’m a student so I study photography I’m now doing my exam project exam project how what camera do you use um it’s a Sony Alpha 7 C which is a quite not very new one but it’s it’s still good yeah all right and what do you have to do to actually pass the exams um this chapter I’m doing long exposure because I have a theme like everyone gets a theme for the exam and my theme is architecture so I want to do some like long exposure in London try to capture it the lights the locus of the lights in the city that’s why you are here in the evening yeah I see I’ve been doing photography for a whole day all right all right how can we find you on social medias pardon how can we find you on social medias what’s your handles um I have a YouTube channel but I rarely post stuff on it so this is for the school so I’m not posting it on any social medias yes yes yes well uh you know are you living in the UK or you B yeah we live in I mam you live in the UK okay how is maros in the time oh good not warm but it’s good it’s good all right all right this is your family yes okay nice nice holidays now for the families right and you’re going to see a little bit of London today where else would you like to go today yeah to the parliament all right these guys are going to see the parliament right yeah can you just say hello to the vloggers of Channel which is hi thank you very much you see people from Mar as well all the best can you move over there no come right all right so folks we are here with T are you tourists yeah oh I study here my friends visiting me all right she lives in Ireland I yeah I live in London hello guys hey folks nice to meet you right guys meet you guys uh zupa Vlog come here yeah see you got more more more more fun super I find it on YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube what other questions you’re asking uh geography or geography history and philosophy where are we now London United Kingdom of England Great Britain Great Britain they’ve passed they’ve passed they’ve passed 100% hey folks yeah so uh yeah I’ve started with these two lovely girls you know and see see what how they become you’ve been studying in the UK right over a year I study accounting and you BL your friend yeah over year I came from Ireland just visiting for my friend for a couple days we’re from Mongolia Mongolia yeah okay nice Mongolia yes Mongolia I know some word in po polish go on Kura no no


for all the elbows here oh sorry which one was that Al but I’m not trying to be rude to no one yeah okay okay thank you very much see what happens you know what I mean interviewing people in central London it’s just people are joining and friendly there more people coming over where you from guys Albania nice Lebanon Hey listen there people from all over the world in part of the world all right so well I hope you enjoy your evening uh from where you from Lebanon Lebanon all right you must be cold for you now right so much okay bye what channel is this on right ciao this channel is zup Vlog go for Z Vlog you know how to type it I don’t even know yes


Z no I don’t know what the first one super meant somebody came on top of me right away you know anyway yeah guys to see you nice to see you I mean everybody ask me questions any question you want yeah go so what do you think about this you know like the you know Putin and no let him finish let him finish please Putin and uh Trump meeting in somewhere else including the Ukrainian leader I don’t really think about nothing including him uh Putin is a bad guy he’s he likes to make a lot of trouble for no reason can you tell me can you tell me something about Putin I don’t like Putin no e e no Putin why do you not like Putin cuz cuz he he creates Wars exactly like this is somebody else interviewing me now this is my channel now you took over man yeah that’s what we don’t like pu what do you like about England what about faite place in England I I must say the best place the best place in London and England is about Tams yeah I love around everywhere around Tams you don’t get the advertisements it’s quiet peaceful peace you know Pavements I love around anywhere anywhere around tames yeah and I love this building around there cuz this is the mother mother of the other all parliaments in Europe apparently when did you come to England but oh wow that’s be 15 years ago yes do you have a do you want to keep it like a private or do you have a family no I don’t I’m at the moment I’m on my own here yes

oh where have you journalism yeah where where have you traveled to what countries have you traveled to oh I’ve been I’ve been been all over man I’ve been I’ve seen Americas I’ve seen well I’ve seen Africa never in America how is it like in America America Central America Caribbean yeah lovely you know I think they’ve got a better life Romania no no I’ve been I’ve been through Romania I’ve been through Alban I’ve been Greece Albania yes you’ve been Greece yes I’ve been these areas you from Albania yeah no I’m Romanian Romania okay I’m Albanian and you’re British yeah okay right nice I’m rich I like I like myself like I like to be a guy that likes other people’s countries you know I want to travel when I get older too like cuz now I have a British passport you know and I want to go to America right what do you think about America i’ I must say I’ve been years ago in Central America you know I don’t I don’t really M have much to say about America you know to be honest I’m my Tik Tok so T to you using me or iing you we both what do you think about the Great Britain of England well you mean after brexit yeah after brexit well it it’s changed here in this country after brexit but I think it’s picking up and I’m hoping it’s pick will pick up as I always say Britain being the first country of the EU May pick up the momentum and be all right you know but the next country is not going to be as successful I think you UK’s got the chance to to prosper in the the world you want to you want to interview my mom my mom let me call call right now so I’m I’mma hand the camera to are you still recorded yeah we still okay you now ask me some questions yeah cuz I like I like to be ask question so so where where you originally from I’m from British British 100% British yes oh no no no no I’m half uh [ __ ] uh Brazilian half Brazilian do you speak any Portuguese no brought up in as portugu as half Brazilian but never spoke any Portuguese yes not even a word obri

uh all right you f and how did you meet your your Romanian girlfriend he’s not my boyfriend he’s my boy girlfriend we’re friends she’s my my best friend’s uh girlfriend my my best friend is down there okay all right all right all right okay and you being Portuguese being Brazilian have Brazilian do you feel a connection with Romanian people being Latin I mean yeah yeah yeah they I like we have that same compil

yeah where’s my mom cool cool yeah yeah you think like L is this Latin Latin

flow what language was that uhuh uh I’m speaking U Romanian with her oh you speak Romanian now a bit a little bit okay cuz she taught me I’m put an interview right now cuz my best friend is Romanian and that’s how they know each other I see like she’s my best friend’s boy girlfriend and that’s how I hey shout out to you my boy you don’t want to come outside to it’s cool you know no don’t this is my you want to try it that again I don’t want to shout out to you bro you didn’t want to come outside I’m on interview right now is Central London central London right yes yes I’m with uh zupa Vlogs right here Vlogs yes what else you want let me do a couple push-ups here cple push-ups so okayy hold on look at that guys push-ups in central [Music]

London that’s enough

nice one nice so basically so add me up here on Instagram yeah look can you see it shout me out shout me out that’s the name of shout me out yes add me add me up wait where where you wait hold on let’s let’s find more okay me yeah guys this guy all of you subscribe to this Channel right now this guy is probably the best guy I ever met in my life he’s a good guy he likes giving entertainment he likes keeping you entertained that’s the best thing about him

no v no thanks for watching and subscribing yes Z vog zupa zupa I’ll give me a second please hey guys i’ I’m getting new subscribe let me show you my this is my Instagram all love you follow I need some girls for myself please and I’m looking for a wife be Latina Mexican I don’t care I love myself I love myself some pretty girls just pretty with some back you know I can’t lie to you just follow me on Instagram he’s right here thank you very much I’mma leave this to the main man himself zupa Vlogs follow him on all social media subscribe please thank you very much you subscribe right now too yeah yeah what’s your name zup Vlog zup Vlog z z Vlog Vlog yeah I don’t know because that should be a is it that one select yeah that’s me yeah they found me hey I’ve got new subscribers this is right here zup Vlog follow him go on guys that’s it right there when is the channel coming out when’s the video coming out uh maximum two weeks oh two weeks yeah Jes Christ it’s that long yeah I know but there a lot a lot of get going thank you very much for this interview I hope see you guys give me another question I’m we going to go another one uh you being half Brazilian half British and you being brought up in would you marry a Romanian girl well as I see right here this one’s a little bit crazy I don’t really like I don’t but it depends how if she’s a good girl yeah marriage yeah yeah maybe yeah yeah he Latino Latino blood is there yes yeah okaya Amigo here we Goa is here Brazilia hey no cars you be a fine man all the best follow me on Instagram cuz I’m I’m a white figh I’m a white let move out way move look at this aick box for living you as that’s right here you like me look at

my I’m not going

to Easy Take It Easy my friend yeah okay man peace out thank you for the interview yeah thank you for stopping all the best bye


Vlog there was a boy in there was a oil [Music]

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