Aaron has asked for help. He is facing another breakdown. You can answer to his comment under this vlog


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different place

all right just trying to keep my head above water at a shovel I mean just avoid the Sharks out here

[Music] dogs out here

we’ve been like apart a couple of times yeah yeah they said um there’s really violent out here really violent I said last Saturday the four stabbings I witnessed one of them on this road that I’m sitting right here right now somebody was stabbed on Saturday and that’s the constant fear everybody out here has to live with on a nightly basis I mean because like it was just a run-of-the-mill white guy who got stabbed didn’t look like he was involved in these batteries no I don’t know anything but it just looked like any normal person [Music] okay so you don’t think he was involved well who knows who knows you know I mean you can’t judge a book by its cover these days

[Music] in the Bible it’s only the Bible Well somebody said I had the heart of King David yeah so I kind of like take that as inspiration and like try and sometimes like reset verses in the Bible but sometimes I said when life doesn’t go your way it’s hard to keep the faith


apparently in in his uh we had only one mic going but now we’ve got two mics well yeah well well basically like I didn’t know much about King David from the Bible yeah but apparently he went for a situation where he was that myself yeah he got put in a situation surrounded by people that is not quite fit in when he was with all the rapists and murderers and that all right and you feel the same yeah because it said like

um hearts and souls rather than who they are because I think that a lot of the drug addicts out here they’re masking up pain yeah and I know that it can do better yeah especially the young ones who are like under 30. yeah who haven’t experienced life they’ve kind of like given up and like there’s more to life there’s so much out there for the young the younger generation like a apprenticeship chips and stuff like that utilize it while you can [Music] alright my friend so what’s happened to your life since the last interview and it changes not not really still trying to fight a good fight and how is the situation with your misses and children well um as I said I keep trying to find out information about my children yeah but then my ex-partner um likes to reclassify that as not desperate to concern but harassment because as a man in today’s society obviously we’re kind of labeled before we’d have got what’s got known and it’s just I I don’t know what to do anymore because like the social services won’t listen like I said she says that you hurt us yeah and the police like the other day yeah I actually caught caught caught the police lying about me

I I caught them lying and I’m like hang on a minute the police lied about you yeah it’s not cold no it’s not the DC statements the DC lie to the costly sergeant and I had to put them up about it and this is what the site we’re living in the the authorities that be can get away with being so uh disingenuous I mean and not held accountable for the the misconduct like when I went to the the social service said look yeah because you didn’t listen to my child the first time and put it back with her mom yeah she ended up running away and nearly got murdered and raped yeah so the the the blame is on you because if you listen to the talk in the first place and actually helped me yeah as the biological father wanted to said raise my child and not go against the child wishes this wouldn’t have happened mm-hmm sorry to hear that so what what is it going to what is it looking like for you like are you going to have access to your children or well I don’t know there’s so much weird type and are they writing this for things that whatever it’s just like everywhere short staffed and what stuff they have got they’ve got too many caseloads it’s just like but do you have access to your children at the moment no you’re not allowed to see yeah there’s there’s nothing um like legal or by the court say anything to the country yeah yeah but I said even if I go near the house you just always arrested me all right she calls the police yeah like the other day yeah it was my um it was my child’s birthday 14th birthday yeah and I was I had to get my friend to go deliver the birthday presents

and it was like I can’t even say sing Happy Birthday to my own child without the woman making up some [ __ ] and the police believe in it and I just don’t but I just understand you yeah it’s like that we want equality for women and all this yeah but not any expense of demonizing every man yeah I understand what you’re saying like we said last time England is the kingdom of women it’s hard to to win those cases so good luck my friend with this one and you said that the streets are getting more dangerous those days yeah there’s a lot of arguments uh like for instance there’s a rumor that one of my friends uh got stabbed to death but it was just a rumor thank you thank goodness for that but

yeah it’s um it’s a game of cat and mouse out here sometimes where are you sleeping those days uh I feel sorry for surfing sometimes in a hostel hidden everywhere whatever the wind takes you’re slipping rough as well you that’s your sleeping bag and sometimes you will just sleep yeah sometimes yeah the doorway oh mostly I like sleep in a parks and that because I don’t like being in the open in the park but you sleep on the on the ground on the grass on the grass yeah when the bushes I’d rather be surrounded by Foxes and rats by these people see what you mean all righty well is anything else you would like to say Aaron um stay clear of Gordon


no come on there’s a whole heap of trouble if you get home and let’s stay out trust me well now it’s not that bad folks you end up with more mental health then you came with

all right thanks for the interview and I will see you next time God bless peace and love to you

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