This is the fourth vlog with Joseph. He is one of these homeless that tick to one place and is there regularly hence i have a series of vlogs with him. Check this out and please subscribe to my channels

yes folks we are here with Joseph he’s been on our Vlogs for last three times how you’ve been you got a nickname by the way not Joseph’s Joseph yeah oh well I’ve been very naughty so that must be yeah tell me more about the women in your life

yeah there’s big handout clothes all right okay okay

um yeah so this this the spice trouble still going on some some girls sat next to me tried to give me a roll-up full of spice and what they do they sit next to you they say here’s a roll up and it’s not it’s got Spice in it and that’s very dangerous and very strong and it’s like marijuana but 60 stronger you know so give it to me a little bit and after new straight away I said take that and leave like you know so she tried to literally rub my little cup of cheese dealt with them you know but I’m a street breakfast I’m rough I’m ready for it you know yeah he’s actually at the bathroom at the moment because he’s had a form of a breakdown but yeah I’ve ended up in in London alcoholism my parents were drinkers themselves

West Africa

this is them broken I’ll pay tax all my life in the UK yeah born in the UK I ran an events company big company [Music]

changed because I do a bit of begging she tried to rob my bit of change and then she went down there and of course I know everyone because I know everyone someone kicked her in the leg and that too because she tried to rob me and then a sister when they stabbed the guy in the neck of a bowl so she’s in she was in prison then the other girl got beat up all because they tried to run because I’ve been up in there so the girl ended up in the prison oh it’s terrible a couple of more people die oh damn near the world of spices and I keep tend to stay away from down there down there a couple of more people died since I last see you and that was only weeks or so it’s the other night some some young kid died on spice about three or four days ago I was around the corner near the church and there were two boys they couldn’t have been more than 12 and they’ve come up here looking around someone sold them to spice one of them was collapsed on the floor not breathing and the other one was absolutely [ __ ] the one on the floor I slapped him in that and I got him back for even you know [ __ ] miracle that was but I said I’m going to call you an ambulance oh please don’t do that we’ll get in trouble with her parents you know but I was giving them Kiss Alive pumping him slapping him around the face I’ve got him going again his mate was terrified I was [ __ ] twice as terrified you know but I’ve always got that feeling though I could have called an ambulance straight away but I knew I’d get him back to this one and let me know I know I know all about it but um but it’s the spices ripping the ass out of this place and Fentanyl my God fentanyl people dropping on fentanyl like there’s no tomorrow you know fentanyl they’re putting Fentanyl and heroin now and all the hair and addicts dying I’ve got a girlfriend and when I go and see her where she lives well I can’t say who she lives but where she lives um just literally around the corner it was all cordoned off because another young young man was was smoking fed no he weren’t even injecting it bam is dead it’s just it’s just it’s just heartbreaking you know this is more and more of that substance on the Streets of London it’s getting worse and worse and this is this Charing Cross is spice heaven and listen folks if you’re ever walking down carrying Cross or anywhere up here be very careful with your phone because there’s people on electric bikes and what they do is they snatch your phone and they look at it it ain’t the thousand pound one they just sing it you know so right here in front of me right here in front of me a couple of days ago somebody some some Chinese man was walking this way a bum you come from there bam snatched this phone and off he went the Chinese guy tried to chase him and realize after about a few yards you realize this bike’s so fast I’m never gonna you know and the Chinese man it’s just like that what do I do what do I do just carried I’m walking off you know what I mean no he’s got to cancel this phone phone up and try and get another phone with the insurance or whatever as if it is insured and then there’s another there’s another thousand pounds there’s another five from time phone gone for a bleeding phone and people up in town be very careful with your parents people snatching them snatching them on electric bikes electric bikes yeah up up this part of town in the West End Charing Cross be very careful with your opponent especially if it’s expensive because people they look at them right up and down or they walk up and down and they see someone with an expensive phone like a thousand pound phone number right past and snatch out of their own yeah it’s the iPhone’s new iPhones that’s the new trick up here the new way to make money in the city Uptown when people drinking is they come past us be very careful with your phone if you don’t need to use it don’t use it if you do just stand to the side and use it you know if you look at that’s that I’ve just I’ve seen it so many times night and day all right brother yay see I’ll get one with the Tesco people yeah anyone else who sits there they came to move yeah yeah anyone since they attempt to move or they say you don’t want to sit there Joe sits there like I don’t care you will if it’ll throw you offline I’ve I’ve found lots of people out there yeah

yeah he sits here when I’m not here and when I am here he sits over there all right so he moves up from yeah because that’s your place yeah the boy is just over there on the others

side of the street right he wants to sit in my spot because I’ve got a good spot you know okay Joseph and your phone number that you gave us that’s still value yeah hey there’s my phone they won’t be snatching that anyone anyone snatch snatch no I don’t want it 10 pound phone no good be very careful with your phone in town because any part of any part of that town There’s snatching phones it’s the new it’s the new thing to snatch people’s phones iPhones yeah and they’re a thousand pound phones right right yeah so anyway um another couple of young fellas that died down there in the last week that’s hard two or three weeks it’s just insane and it’s also because of spice people keep coming up to me asking me for spice and I keep sending them stop taking spice [ __ ] off you know what are you doing you’re killing yourself you’re killing everything they’re lying on the floor shaking like that you know and and some the last guy saw is down near dead foaming at the map you know [ __ ] up drugs are ruined in this [ __ ] time I tell you it’s like you know oh oh my roll up right now it is I’m not totally innocent I could I like a bit of ganjalite but everyone’s got advice in there you know yeah there’s there’s limits and rules and regulations you know even for the homeless Kevin’s got no morals or nothing they’re still your shoes damping this in US

[Laughter] yeah yeah good to see you Joseph I’m glad to see you well uh is there anything else you would like to say well

um I’d just find someone in the master the other night yeah homeless business again I police this place you know if people I’m well known they’ve been there a long time and I I’m the I’m not I’m the like you know the mafia I’m I’m the mafia of the uh homeless and you get all the wheat people come to me and they say can I sit with you for a while and I say who’s picking on you or something like that and they tell me I said don’t lie to me and they say do you know everyone up here I said I am everyone up here you know and so quite a few times people like people just the only the bullies up here they just take people’s things they take give me that ear tape give me take your shoes off literally take your shoes off I want them you know because one guy come and sat next to me a few days ago with no shoes on he looked about 16. I said how old are you 21 I said don’t lie so he said I’m 16. I thought he looked about 16. he said but his mum’s phone him up so he had his little bit of pieces and that’s it I said you have to I said wear his shoes he said someone just took him off me down there I said you were joking so but he’s come up this way and he has had tears in his eyes and he doesn’t know what he’s doing he’s got his bag and he’s like it’s just like he’s picked everything up I figured this time I said you’re right probably said and he stopped Jesus can I sit in the view for a while like I’m I’m distressed and I said no you’re upset and he said yeah that’s it I said come sit down so I’ve got the story from someone nicked all this stuff so I just took my money cop because I ain’t got much in there man I took my money cup because no one um

on the back and I said that I said wait here and stay here I went I had to go to McDonald’s and they was laughing and and he was he was prancing the bat with his mates look at me new shoes so I just went up to him slapped slapped him across the map it’s too mace moved away and I said I said I said you to one of his mates I said you and he said Joe’s not to do with me don’t know me not me nothing to do with me Joe he said am I wearing them I said he said am I wearing them there’s nothing to [ __ ] do with me I said take them [ __ ] trainers off you little [ __ ] and I said if I see you around here again I’m gonna lick your training every time I see you I said I don’t like you and I don’t want you here no one I said you want him man they’re with him one minute there so I said two two one in there no no we don’t so I’ve slapped him and get us to get the [ __ ] out of here and I said where are you where are your shoes I made him open this bag I took his shoes now [ __ ] off and don’t ever come back I said I’ll take you up there to say sorry to put that young to that young probably but you don’t want to see your ugly face against it get [ __ ] them get the [ __ ] out of it I need he said all right I said am I going to see you here anywhere here tomorrow he said no I ain’t seen him since and the young people are still down there he’s down there because it’s all lit up in camera [Music] Joseph is so cold and you have no jacket so I’ve only got a numb finger the rest of me is all right yeah everyone’s walking longer I’m like What’s Happening yeah my coat got so dirty after it you know I don’t like dirty oh man but you better have a dirty coat and keep yourself warm then I’m nothing clean I know but you must be freezing man no no no I just eat it you just see that okay I’ve got a little sandwiches and stuff

I get a lot of sandwiches I eat them out cool I’m interested are you cold your face is still cold yeah even though I wear a jacket man everyone everyone’s everyone’s got hack a scarf yeah because you used to wear their heart in a jacket man yeah that was months ago yeah that was in the winter a nice summer right the last one well it’s not February isn’t it

yeah well man yeah the other night yeah some trunk fell in the River Thames had to be fished out the other night yeah yeah One More Story there was a 15 year old girl a 15 year old young girl innocent young girls come up here for mates and they have a drink and this that and the other and some can’t get them to some [ __ ] sold them spice and with a bit of weed saying it’s weed instead of smoking just to come up here rolling The Joint smoking they’re only 15. she got around the corner and for whatever reason one of them got over the bridge and is standing on you know a bam fell in the water dead I found her they found her about a day and a half later or something you know or a couple days later because because when when you [ __ ] if you get Thunder they’ve got such strong currency so when she dumped down she got sucked under and she didn’t appear she didn’t pop up for a day or two and that was a couple of days ago something like that that was about a year ago a year ago right that was about a year ago but that just shows you the dangerous of spices it’s absolutely the same yeah and what all these little bastards do they they feed the innocent people spice that don’t take it and once they go like that which they do like that then they take they rifle all their pockets yes dude thanks for warning us about that because you see what’s happening on the street so that’s the danger now don’t take a joint off anybody a roll up if it’s not a cigarette don’t touch it and uh I only only accept cigarettes or anything off of people that look alike you know be very wary and the main thing up here is your phone if you’ve got an iPhone don’t walk don’t walk along this road with your phone to you here because because you’re not concentrating you ain’t holding it tight and when it gets snatched your instincts won’t be quick enough to grab it and this happened they happened right here in front of me could you imagine the last time I’ve only seen you a little while ago the last time since the last time I see you right there the Chinese guy was walking along here bam there it was that’s over a thousand pound phone yeah and if he ain’t insured it’s insane this is the way it is

and it’s getting dangerous so what do you think yourself of the brexit oh the brexit yes

because we’re not gonna have no saying it you know we don’t really get no have you noticed any changes is it life is better or worse no you think the price is in the shops like everything’s going up and it’s not going to get better for at least another year I know that for sure and uh there’s about to be another price rise that’s a bad fight like if uh if you fall same for 20ps if I took up to 30p there’s that that’s coming again right now and the economy is going to start getting better after a year it’s going to take another year and then then the prices start going to come down and economy look it’s thriving it’s thriving it’s private again so you know it’s starting to thrive again but but the um the prices are going to go up for the rest of the year and then after this I know all these things next year the prices on food and nuts can start coming down my business must be suffering and uh and um the economy is going to start getting better at the same time after about yourself but it’s all just picking up now so that’s good okay okay oh one more thing Leicester Square Leicester Square the back streets are so unless the square and the back streets of Piccadilly in that you shouldn’t go up that that area at night because there are now gangs up there like just like gangs of six to eight guys just robbing people yeah so the back of Leicester Square and all them back streets up there and uh um if you go up if you go up uh oh God what’s that what’s that road world the theaters are

I know this is the Strand right Piccadilly there’s a there’s a roundabout Piccadilly and then it goes up this road where all the theaters are don’t grab them back streets at night because that’s where gangs are rubbing everyone okay so so up here at night stick to the main big roads the big lit up roads don’t go down to that dark streets not me I can’t go wrong that way cool man thanks for that well Joseph you’ve been very informative today thanks for for the Insight yeah yeah that’s the news from the streets from Joseph the freshest news yeah it’s always news it’s always something happening on the streets yeah all right well thanks for the interview and I will see you you still have your flowers on your hands yeah no problem the tattoo flowers yeah flowers in the same yeah I put us I’ll put you I’ll put some flowers on you guys by smacking a map and I’ll give it to you like a saint that’s what I say I’m I’m like I’ve got two flowers and a dagger like I’ll be nice to you and I’ll stab you if you don’t behave you know I don’t stab people I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m nearly 60 but I’ll just punch you straight off your feet you know what I mean and a couple days ago and I’m nearly 60. I’ve gone down there in this Freedom I’ve slap on the ground I slapped him people were more scared if you slap someone than if you punch them you know what I mean oh yeah it’s all it’s all like it’s all a man thing men notice you know what I mean I’ll slap you it’d be so hard you’ll know what the punch is going to be like you know what I mean take them [ __ ] shoes off you’re feeding little [ __ ] the little kid picking on little kids so then I made him sit here and then I made him wait for two newcomers that have just come and they they need you know they need a couple more people because that’s the way it is so I said take this young fella with you there’s three of you and they said yeah we don’t mind he said do you want to go with them and they’ll look after you because they was homeless as you are and he said yeah that’d be like so and now now I’ve seen them again today and no three of them went past like that and they all went like that so so there’s Luke and after him safety in numbers you know so that all worked out well yeah seems like it’s going to be a busy night tonight because Newcastle playing Man United at Wembley that’s why that’s why a lot of Jordans

what are all the Manchester boys they want grandiers they know I see they’re in a different place right yeah but it’s been it’s been like before when when Newcastle whenever they come down to London if they have a drink they’d have it down to Margaret Smith I know this because I mean all the time I see I see yeah so the Newcastle guys gathered around here and there Manchester go to work I don’t know where they’re going okay yeah these are all Newcastle with the fans yeah man I better get moving foreign

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