Meet Mark, he used to work for the IT industry, now is homeless and lives in a tent. He is an educated person but due to lack of an address, he lives on the streets. He likes to read books especially Dostoevsky. Check this out!

.Vlog in text:

Hello hello and one more time hello today’s vlogger super is on the streets with Mark who’s been on the Streets of London for how long uh about four months now four months what happened um well I just I lost I lost my contract I was a contractor and uh I lost my address and when she leaves your dress it’s kind of like a downward spiral um so unable to find anywhere to live at the moment or apply for a job so yeah it’s kind of I’m stuck in the system the only reason why you’re home is because you don’t have an address well yeah pretty much yeah that can be sorted somehow well eventually eventually it can be sorted yeah um the problem is as many people will probably know that you know once you get into the system and there’s a there’s a great big emphasis on people um wanting to be in the process of helping you look for an address and provide you with an address but you know dealt with them you know hey I’m a street breakfast I’m rough I’m ready for it you know yeah he’s actually at the bedroom at the moment because he’s had a form of a breakdown but yeah I’ve ended up in in London alcoholism my parents were drinkers themselves

West Africa

the system’s broken I’ll pay tax all my life in the UK yeah all in the UK I ran an events company big company [Music]

but that is that but also you’re a commodity to them so you know without without homeless people you know a lot of people would lose their jobs too

so you say homelessness creates jobs well it does yeah unfortunately it does for a lot of people yeah all right so there’s more people you reckon in the UK involved in looking after the homeless people than the homeless people themselves oh I don’t know about that I wouldn’t say I wouldn’t go that far but um yeah I wouldn’t go that far but um yeah I mean there’s there’s a definite sense of um

prolonging the kind of prolonging the situation that you’re in in the sense of looking for people trying to help you look for an address and a place to live Etc yeah thank you all right Mark so what was your job before you became homeless before you lost your address I’m a senior JavaScript software engineer yeah that was a good money right yeah yeah how much money did you make um six figures yeah these figures and now you’re on the streets I’m on the streets yeah yeah how do you cope easily really um basically living in a tent at the moment so I had your tent there no no no okay you’ve got that 10 seconds yeah I’ve got I’ve got a tent I I actually I put it up every day and take it down because people are the Destroyer or the council kind of moves it so um yeah always sleep in doorways sometimes it depends yeah so that that’s just a situation and I beg for money all right Mark and so what the future is like for you what do you think um once I get an address um and somewhere to kind of stay I could look for a job and I’ll look for a job again yeah so that’s what that’s what in many many ways I’m quite fortunate I think that I’ve got a career and uh you’re keeping up with the new newest I.T basically kills because I know that industry changes a lot yeah yeah well it will yeah it does but um yeah I’m keeping up with the latest skills libraries Frameworks Etc yes

right so you you’re still able to get back to the industry yeah one thing like the one thing I do have like being on the streets is plenty of time to kind of read and um keep my skills up to date a laptop or something like that I have yeah you have a laptop I still got lots of things in here here no in the tent no no no it’s somewhere safe yeah yeah I mean I kept that from I was seeing my job before so all right Mark listen if there is an advice you could give to people what that would be don’t give up your address because once you give up your address it’s kind of like it’s very hard to get out of that situation I mean I I kind of like pay tax most of my life and you know and like the only time I needed some help there was none for me and obviously if you give up your address you make yourself voluntary homeless you know you um and I always believe that you know if you can’t pay the rent then then you move out right it seems like a very British problem an address it’s like you can’t do anything without an address well you know in this in this country owning a house and and buying a house has been kind of something the government has promoted for a very long time and so they like to keep Supply just slightly under demand okay so you reckon because of that people are buying houses no no I mean I mean but obviously if there was a good supply of houses um they wouldn’t increase obviously in such a good way so it wouldn’t be such a good investment for people take Germany France Holland place for example steady growth right a steady house is kind of work much less than the UK um but but then there’s there’s a there’s a decent Supply in this country I think it’s kept deliberately of houses yeah yeah accommodation yeah yeah but there’s plenty houses being built in London when you go around yeah there’s plenty of like million pound Apartments yeah and Tents on the street yeah yeah well I see yeah

they’re empty you’re right um yeah they’re not affordable but that’s that’s the thing isn’t it I mean they’re not affordable and um but if they were affordable the investment wouldn’t be so interesting either so yeah

child who did you kind of family was that was yours um it’s very good yeah I had a very good family very loving parents yeah yeah where are you from originally um I was born in Somerset but I’m I’m from London uh I’ve been for a very long time well right since like how how old you were when you moved to London um probably about six about six years old yeah okay all right and then you said you had a pretty good childhood yeah very very uh kind of yeah good churches loving parents unfortunately most of my family’s dead well nearly all my family’s dead um yeah my parents and brothers and sisters so so yeah yeah so you’re ready to live with a young person well yeah I mean um you must have died in there like they did well they did yeah yeah yeah my sister died when she was like 30 of cancer um my brother about 50. okay so yeah so yeah it’s just unfortunate so I don’t really have much family um to count on so yeah that would be a help um but do you think that affects you directly with coping and why you’re on the streets the the lack of family um yes Yeah well yeah it does yeah it does you reckon if there would be somebody around that would you would try to stick together stay in the house yeah of course if there was somebody like that yeah but without without any family left them it’s kind of difficult so yeah in the morning cubes all right I’m sorry to hear that so how many years you work as a I.T man about 20 25 all my life actually can you describe your job please um so yeah I was a I’ve been a senior JavaScript um developer Tech lead um this is technical architect as well um so technicality yeah so what I want to do is I I build a I work in agile team environments which build web applications and various web applications web applications yeah sometime internal tooling for companies sometimes public sites yeah um I thought that you’re on the streets and you have this kind of knowledge well I mean a bit without actually it’s illegal for companies to employ me um because I don’t have an address

to employ they will give you an address ask anyone from HR and without an address how will I um how can they employ someone yeah

all right Mark boy let’s go ahead so that’s your childhood and now you walk what about your family like about your your have you have you got children um yeah do you have do you have a couple of children but I don’t see them anymore I haven’t seen them for a long time okay what happened um oh that’s a long story but uh

after after I had some kids my my partner at the time got postnatal depression quite bad um and she well she just took off with the kids and then yeah it was basically it so that was quick abroad yeah pretty much yeah she went abroad yeah I think so where about um no idea where was she from uh Spain she was from Spain so you reckon she might be in Spain now maybe maybe I have no way of knowing it’s kind of it’s kind of difficult how many years is it like like 13 years ago 13 years ago and you still don’t have a contact with your nieces no and you have not heard about your children never saw them and never saw them again no well maybe they are watching this video is there anything you would like to say to them um yeah well yeah get in touch have you got a phone number I don’t have a phone number but I have an email address it’s uh Mark Marc dot Lally l-a-l-y gmail.com all right so that’s the email for Mark if anybody wants to get hold of Mark who is living on the Streets of London at the moment yeah yeah what are you reading by the way I see a book though can you just leave that book for me please yes it’s kind of relevant it’s Dostoevsky you know it’s from the underground boom Dostoyevsky notes yeah it’s kind of like an autobio a biography of his kind of like life yeah yeah he had a kind of interesting life so yeah how many pages have you read um about halfway through that halfway through that and in here I’ve got I’ve got a holy Orthodox Bible because I’m an Orthodox Christian how come because um I spent quite a bit of time in Greece and um yeah so yeah there you go and also got dostoevsky’s idiot

books I never got around to reading which now I have the time to can you show the first one there yeah

the holy Orthodox Bible it’s just from the Greek that’s all the Greek translation okay can you Enlighten us about Dostoyevsky yeah he was uh he was basically a um he was he was a gambler and got into debt um I had quite a few relationships um he was also a bit of an anti-government um Anarchist but he was an ambulance yeah kind of like so in Saint Petersburg at the time in in Russia which is like it’s sort of like 1860ish um it was part of the petrovesque um Circle which was like an anarchist group they got punished quite severely he was sent to Siberia um for quite some time where um where he was taken out some days and like they pretended they said they were going to shoot him and provide firing squad and they never did this caused epilepsy in the end um and then then then he kind of like delved into religion a bit so it’s so and this is about like the underground is his underground like you know it’s basically like alienation from society um and and you know a sense of his own insignificance and that’s what it’s about but he’s all insignificant everyone’s own insignificance yeah yeah so since of the life yes something like that seems kind of relevant right now so yeah but books I I kind of like wanted to read and now I’ve got the time to yeah yeah I see a lot of homeless are reading books because that’s probably not no no probably not but I I like Russian writers


um I like dystopian novels not just not just Russian Eastern European but but oh well 1984. so anything any kind of like dystopian novel I I like Kafka George Orwell 1994 that kind of how you call those books thank you very much dystopian

dystopian in the sense kind of like um they’ve all got a similar kind of theme um because usually there’s usually a kind of like Anonymous power bearing down on you all right it’s like 1984. yeah where he gets rested doesn’t know why he’s been arrested can’t find out who’s arrested they say theme and that’s right you call a dystopian dystopian yeah yeah never heard of that but uh yeah so so yeah and um so this is really like actually actually you could call this the first modern novel even though of the 20th century it follows a very similar theme but it’s 50 years ahead of its time so yeah the first novel the first modern novel modern novel yeah but it was written in 1860 whereas like it’s the first modern 20th century novel what do you describe as a modern novel um a modern novel in in the sense where it deals with like alienation looks it looks in inward looking rather than kind of like before that which was very you know Pleasant kind of stuff yeah a bit more provocative okay yeah and where are we now can you describe the place Tower Hill Tower Hill yeah near the Tower of London can you tell us more about this place please um

it’s it’s pretty much a junction you uh Tower of London’s over there um and that’s basically it not much else to say what is what is Tower of London Tower of London is um where they used to it’s a very old uh fortified prison um from a long time ago where they put you before execution and then put your head on the bridge over there because I’m asking you because I know you quite educated person yeah well I mean I I guess so yeah I mean I do have a degree yeah so I suppose but not in history um but but yeah it’s a kind of the Tower of London’s over there so it’s kind of interesting so it’s a it’s a busy tourist area are the theories coming from those days a nice these days at these days um pretty much lower mostly France Germany Spain maybe Holland um America all over um it’s kind of I suppose the Tower of London is on everyone’s list yeah if they come to visit London at some point and there’s a hotel just here there’s a few hotels around here so it’s a good place to stay but it’s quite a busy Place yeah is that the usual place where you beg me um no I usually I also go into the city the city is the place are you allowed to back in the city yeah well they don’t bother me yeah I mean I used to I used to go I used to go to places I knew where I worked before um so Canon Street and stuff so yeah and stuff I I move around a bit but this is a place I did come back to uh kind of regularly yeah it’s kind of Peace how much you can make a day a day um I don’t know maybe 60 70 pounds yeah it’s not bad not much in London

no yeah it’s too expensive here I mean basically I look for food and once I’ve got food if I’ve got enough and for accommodation great if not and then that’s usually the case yeah that I don’t have um yeah that’s it all right Marky boy well nice to chat to you Angie I wish you all the best thank you and I hope I won’t see you on the streets but we’ve got your email and you know where to look for a super Vlog yes read the comments answer the comments under the Vlog super Vlog is the the one on YouTube that that video will be on all right thanks a lot
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