I went to a beautiful town in the midlands in England called Cheltenham where i met Fiona and Ian. Check their story.

Vlog in text:

folks we are here with Fiona and she’s been on the streets are you currently on the streets at present yeah right are you from Cheltenham yourself we are in Shelton well tell us your story how how what what went wrong because you said you are an alcoholic when I was seeing that’s when I went wrong when I was born it was already on now it was already like did you have bad childhood

what about your family have you got any siblings did you grow up in a like with mother and father

um in Care Homes okay so yeah all right so you didn’t all right so that was already bad right and what about your alcohol addictions when that starts basically I had um

how do you say it in English

I went through trauma as a kids what kind of traumas so unexplainable what made you homeless not right what was your job before you became homeless before you lost your address I’m a senior JavaScript software engineer now I’ve got mental health he’s got mental health so why are we out here so you had an accident yeah a bike accident you went on a bike right yeah from from cocaine from heroin from

as a kid what kind of traumas so unexplainable on unexplainable and that’s I’m seven I’d like to tap my five-year-old sister from a bad stepdad it’s not my menstrual because she went out and he he would do some trauma when she was out so she didn’t know so before she put the key back for the when the key’s going through the door you say stop crying that’s right I don’t if I go into great detail

my kids ever hear it probably twist their brain oh see I see all right

and what is uh you’ve got that tattoo yeah so I got three teardrops empty ones that’s three losses yeah that means three people have died that I love my dad my auntie I’m my first baby father yeah my dad home South hung himself

I didn’t find out until I was 24 so I waited all that time for the youngest in my dad again one day when I was waiting for that moment because well you look at everyone tears don’t come down

I remember inviting me a buggy in a dollar right but this story is amazing so he took me to the veggie shop then they were just closing the doors he goes can you open the door and let us sense of the buyer brother they said no anyway me beside them in it I don’t know what he said for them Dawns but they opened the doors that’s

he got adopted by a Scottish government right because your name is Scottish princess you know like Shrek the cartoon it’s quite soon Princess Fiona yeah and I’m quite a shack

but yeah and it’s funny because then I ended up getting married Scotland you know got my grill I’m out in Scotland all right how long you’ve been married for nine and a half years man was a good marriage all right so there’s so much to say and not so much time um basically when I had my first daughter

I split over a dad while I was pregnant okay somebody else when I give breath two weeks later I met the Royal Marine Online


then you got a problem fasting there’s a sex in it I’m trying to talk about it yeah yeah it’s all right so it’s moving okay if you’re not right I can’t go into it’s much great detail because obviously I could I don’t I don’t want to make my kids cry okay how old are your kids I also about 13 year olds and nine year olds and my background is soft most of them if I didn’t find out if I was 24 but before I found out my dad and who fell me

all right Jenna oh wait take it easy darling Oh no because

bye my first tour was done he hangs out and he’s 29 my mum rang me one day and spent I don’t know what he was sitting down because um

it was 29 in prison two he was in the prison yeah when he did that he was looking at you and saying how he did okay then two years later my memory is me again still fella I find your brother on Facebook so I was like I’ve got another brother and that means you found my dad and she said I’m sorry sweetheart he doesn’t what your daughter’s dad did you know yourself too and they were both age 29 when they did it and both in Corazon you know both adopted as kids and now both their bodies are in Usher’s night oh but you’ve gone you’ve been going through a lot from what I hear how are you feeling now about your situation are you are you you know did you hit the bottom or right so basically when I ride the small ring Commando we had a baby together and obviously he’s come back from Afghanistan we’ve got married Scotland got a house Community too he used to get so drunk and come back and we had a domestic I was pregnant he got arrested went to prison that’s chose to stay with a violent person at the time because he was running a time on a drink and that’s putting me in the baby at rest so I gave birth I spent 10 days impossible though 24 hours a day then the time came for the boss cows come pick her up so they know what they’re going to do I see her either way you made me feel like I couldn’t be like oh yes that’s cute look at that I felt like I couldn’t do anything yeah half turn there’s two squirrels there showing off anyway let’s get back yes

I lost how the dog then he took my baby off me 10 days after getting there but they’re doing it again quick ly

okay if you’re gonna take a baby or someone do it straight around don’t let him spend 10 days with the baby and get a bond with the baby because the way they made me feel I thought at the time because if I call her then my son would always be together was that was that oil was that in your mind that was in my mind unfortunately put it in my handbags to take her to the hospital right I’m still breathing for my kids just about so do they know I’m suffering for you too huh bro that’s how it turns well I’ll call it because I left the hospital we got on the bus no baby crying on the bus crying on the bus a part of me was missing I said to the social workers what about me I want two kids and that’s enough because I’m not one of these members I have loads of different kids and I’ve been saving off for me I love them in the same place that’s why I’m a good parent because in my trauma and I don’t know and my addiction my mental health was they say it’s best stay away from me it’s best that I stay away because it’s gonna affect them well so I left Minecraft story with my grandmother my second daughter always check for me so I chose to stay with the final person at a time these are what we have now I mean now you’re real you’ve got a real tears coming down your face looks heart broke [Music]


and I was thinking a big part of a vodka every day straight for seven years because the last time I sent out it was when she was six months old she’s 99. so I was drinking a big bottle of like every day

I was six years and then um doctor told me my liver is two percent away from Finland

and that was a two-year process on the phone every day hey Amy Jones as to tell her I used to back and say look if I’m gonna die here I’ll go quickly I’m not keep drowning myself and get a cigarette I’m trying to look at a drink it’s not fun anymore no it’s closed it’s controlling drink is man-made so whenever you’re with a man or not you drink it still controlling them that controls me and I don’t like to be concerns at all so yeah then I I got to meet her my nine-year-old and she was seven seven how was that oh no I felt like I meant something to somebody

yeah I met her two weeks stayed in bed with uh two weeks and then because the real place rang me and said oh we’ve got a bed for you I said no this is this is my only chance with my daughter can you delay her back because I want to see her for us and I stayed at home many times as well she’s like morning memories every day thank you

we’ll just you don’t know why it’s funny you felt like somebody are you feeling like you failed a little bit of you know being my mom I lifestyle people uh the system told me I didn’t fail I fell for the truck you what fell for the Trap the system divided there the system see so you’re blaming the system because

I’ll call like I said it’s not nice and it’s the biggest killer on this planet do you know that I’m telling that alcohol is the biggest killer on this planet who else in town have you got any problems with any substances other substances yeah okay [Music] um I mean it’s nature and it goes like around the weed dog kill anyone the tobacco does you ever heard of anyone dying while we’re dealing with

Fiona and what I’m saying is that I think alcohol should be banned Channel 5 News coming after this graveyard runs I walked straight to the camera because they wanted to interview the alcoholics when I said what I had to say they were the police they’re trying to cover

why are you turning the camera you’re getting taxes if you’re selling alcohol if you’re getting paid for selling it then you’re getting paid when I need cheating because I’m Ill because of that yeah constantly many many many more as well what about lives I’ve got [ __ ] kids I know this to be honest I’ve got kids and I could die because of this and then their kids don’t have a mum no I don’t care Persona ask anybody I think it’s clear on this planet and every time I ask a professional why is it allowed to be sold my question being answered I never get franchise they’re actually deaf simple and I have gone nowhere that’s why I take my back saying if I die and I get told I’m gonna die I want alcohol band alcohol Bond is that the biggest problem in your life being addicted yeah to alcohol yeah how much do you drink

that means I ever all day all night all day all night how much that would be like what you said you used to drink a bottle of vodka yeah I know I don’t drink no no no I’ve never gotten shop buy a bottle of vodka I’d be like

um cans then I’ll go in the shop and get a sneaky little shots check off shots check shots about

12 cans of Life any any alcohols there bam if it’s left outside

constant constant you know what it’s hard work to stay in water but easy to Tiny [ __ ] what’s the problem

right Fiona and uh I was just gonna get banged on them well that’s the question here because you I think it should be banned now when you have the problem not after you your death you know this should be banned for you now so you’re thinking about detox or anything like that yeah I’m going to go AA meetings and try to get back into rehab again but soon in about yes you said you were going to a hospital today yeah and you said you’ve got some pain yeah it’s like it’s right so when you drink your belly swell up and it can smell that much it can hit the pancreas and the pancreatitis starts her and it’s like I feel like it’s so intensity in your stomach It’s Gonna Hurt that’s how my belly drills because it’s someone’s punching in my stomach okay and can they help you in a hospital they can we pancreat at us like sometimes we really die four times over it but you can die the first time over it the fourth time the fifth time this is my first time involving it well on it a couple of months ago and they said there’s a shadow over it so I need a scan and I don’t understand papers due to being not having no fixed address

to come the Pain’s getting worse so that means I have to go to the hospital

do you take painkillers when you get the pain or yeah oh no not working they know the world and the jokes I could drink a bottle of wine now some people do theirselves sober there’s a sandwich drink blind down blender means where you go blinds it’s pure alcohol delusional which is where you start hallucinating seeing stuff is not that wet brain it’s called wet brain there you go many insane is that is that symptoms of of drinking yeah of like heavy drinking yeah

you know quite a lot about the the why are you doing it then if you know okay you’re trying to cut diamonds homes what do we have to happen and we don’t fail we’re not trying yeah that’s true we don’t bow we’re not trying though hmm all right Fiona well it’s a sad story your story really there’s people who are so wrong for me and I don’t feel sorry for myself I don’t want no sympathy I just want to be heard and listen to for lunch because I’m a man and I only had kids to type saying someone to love and always love me and the fact that like me

I love mushrooms do you see your kids not at all not in this state all right you don’t want myself better I look at how when they see me and then the only people I need to ask myself to in line to my kids when they grow up that

when I was crying or doing this and that what why do you come to my sports day or why don’t you do this why don’t you do that

um who’s accountability that much I’d stay away songs maybe five I’ve got addiction without realizing I didn’t know that I was Alcoholics never arrested and went through a drawer I see and I did go we are but then I come out I got back to my husband’s after two years of losing him he said he’s got drinking tonight yeah and they went back there he’s thinking again every day in front of me it took me two weeks to snap not he made me do it my choice to forget the car done but that means maybe I’m not like making me stronger

what about if somebody’s watching this and is willing to help is there any way that for to contact and eventually even the poor die the ride when they are getting it I’m getting a reaction I don’t know because I don’t have no money oh wait I’m on a waiting list many rules that’s the problem we’re almost down to many in the end what about lives if there’s no people there’s no minute

is there many to spend

if you’re nice so there is no contact for you if somebody wants to help you contact you somehow and help you is there a phone number or email I just don’t know what my appointments might help and so how they can find you how people can find you because what ideas you see when my next appointment is and I just go there so you don’t have any phone number you don’t have a phone no not because I sold it for Jungle Jam so I put it down a drone because I don’t want no technology no it’s controlling films technology constantly on the phone people need to start socializing again and speaking to one another yeah it’s that’s right I’ll go to a restaurant and see like married couples

it’s hard to do it but we had an interview with Ian is that your your boyfriend yeah he’s my friend it’s your friend now all right all right Fiona and if there is an advice that you can you could give to people about you know before like ending up on streets with alcohol is there any advice

alcoholic I can’t advise them it’s like it’s saying cut down like people say to me before you start to people that ain’t I don’t call it before you start drinking every day yeah don’t drink every day don’t drink every day I like don’t don’t get yourself let’s go if you work go work and then maybe have one glass of wine at night don’t pick out a big bottle of rug every day so right away a week I’m getting it too because otherwise you’re fat all right well well said thanks a lot for the Internet thanks a lot for that is there anything else would you like to add



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