This time i am going to Osada Bura Polana where i will have film workshops in November. I also tell you how i use a sauna there. I hope to see in Osada!


.Vlog in text:
all right folks so we are on the way to the cabins in the in basket mountains and we are here with Igor who’s spent most of his life in the UK and recently moved back well moved to Poland Igor what’s your first impressions of Poland well

there’s a lot more and thunderstorms tonight would you like to spend a weekend in Carpathian Mountain and expand your knowledge about filmmaking you are in a right place vlogger super is organizing film workshops I’ll teach you how to use a drone the Gimbal and how to edit films in the post-production place of the workshop is located in South Poland in Carpathian Mountain all you have to do is to book a plane to either cut off it’s a crack of airport from where you will be picked up straight to the southern you will be accommodated and fed I promise you go home with a beautiful video the dates of Workshop prices etc etc everything in the description see you there super

[Music] man

what’s the differences in school well in England we had to wear uniforms and here we don’t we get less time in school in England we had workshops after school every Monday here we don’t but we in Poland we have after school club way longer

because after school club in England it was around two hours but here we can have it up to five hours I think so you have more after school activities it is Poland than in the UK yeah and there’s a lot more bikers here and did you have any problems in like mathematics or what was your well actually in England because when we was in Scotland we we weren’t like up high yeah and then in England I just had a heated huge like differences like hard work but here I have a huge advantage huge Advantage yeah even more work in England yeah Scotland and harder work the whole world exactly well two digits times two digits yeah it was like and there’s harder equations but here we get like easy ones [Music] all the differences between school and Poland than in the UK it’s probably that I’m in third grade in Poland but in England I was in fifth because in England you start school when you’re five years old but in Poland you start when you’re seven years old and another difference is that Breakfast Club is you can come at half past six and then start your lessons and start your lessons yeah and you can stay in after school club every day from from to from 12 o’clock to five o’clock in England you could stay after school club for one day

and I think it was Tuesday and in Poland we go swimming every Tuesday every Tuesday in the year but in England we only went swimming for one week and then that was it is


[Music] foreign


thank you

but if this brings you just a little closer

to those men who are going into the hottest spots

folks yes I’ve arrived at the place where I told you I would become the osada bura polana it’s a cabins for rent in basket mountains I’m going to jump to the Soma in a few moments and I’m I can’t wait for tomorrow I will show you the osada from the above yes I brought a drone with me that’s the only thing I really brought is my video equipment I hardly brought any clothes but they have a family here so I can rely on that



[Music] folks I’ve had the first round 15 minutes the sauna has temperature of 80 degrees Celsius and we’re supposed to stay three times two times 15 minutes to three times no more than 15 minutes in these conditions I usually do three times sometimes two times see how it goes if I’m feeling good and I’m taking long breaks I should be able to do three rounds today so let me jump for another round and I will see you after all right and folks I just want to tell you how to use the sauna because some of us don’t know how to use it so the temperatures shouldn’t be more than 80 degrees Celsius and we shouldn’t spend more than 15 minutes in the sauna and we can do like three maximum three rounds 15 minute rounds so that’s it and remember don’t drink alcohol before you use a sauna and you can also eat something quite quite spicy I was in a sauna where they were serving like radish with with some kind of cottage cheese and that was supposed to get even more toxin toxins out of you so yeah remember about this and I’m jumping for another round all right stay with me foreign


thank you

[Music] pull up on me [Music]

okay let me touch it

[Music] folks when we’re here I tell you one more thing you’ve got to relax when you are using a sauna it’s it’s a must I remember we will make it into a sauna wearing a towel around your waist that’s how it should be done yes

well I’ve had a two rounds and I’m going to have a third one soon is you currently produce the oil and the small oil here called cochina you know what it is but I’m going to use it see what it does to me here you go folks and fire blanket very essential I know people who put a some oil on top of that stove and the stuff went on fire the oil had some alcohol don’t put anything with alcohol on a sauna stove and have a blanket nearby vlogger zupa

folks I call it a day I’ve had third round I’m going to bed now thanks for watching this one till the end and I hope to see you on the next Vlog and I will be recording from very beginning tomorrow so stay with me and I will see you on the next Vlog till then take care vloggers



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